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A soulful & powerful drama. Just beautiful.
Let's talk about the casts with their characters first.- Namtarn successfully played Ginney, a compilation of annoying yet adorable character lol. Lazy, hotheaded, talkative, complains, loud, aggressive. But her sincerity & pure heart wins my heart. One of the most memorable moment is when she has another chance for job, & a huge one, & when Fiat tells her it'll be on the night of the blood moon, she's that excited! Excited to help Tet to switch back, instead of accepting the job!! This short scene is just WOW, shows us how selfless she is. Anyway, i won't forget her style of sleeping, eating, & going upstairs. It's faaaar away from being an elegant lady, but it's really Ginney's style! So natural, lol.
- Alek successfully played Wat & Tet. Seeing Alek as Wat is really disgusting, but when he becomes Tet, it's like the beast turns into a charming prince, a prince that lives a helly life. Yes, his frustrated expressions are just wow. I also like his way of crying. One of the best moment of him is when Ginney is at hospital after shot. How he's upset that much to Wat, and worried that much to the point he cried silently, his emotions stand out! Alek did an excellent job for this.
- Also great job for Krating. A handsome, charming, calm Tet turns into wild Wat, the only bastard among all. But.. Surprisingly there are some things i like about him. His way to confront K'Thanapob & Dr Sunai with harsh words (but right to the point) & gestures is so effective that it's able to 'wake them up' from their wrongdoings. Also his gradual changes to be a better guy. When he's growling, deep down inside he doesn't like something but he realizes he HAS TO DO that for the sake of others. Here he learns a lot about thinking of other people. Another thing, all this time Kul (who used to think him as Tet) take a really good care of him. And when Ginney's at hospital, he finally realizes about what Ginney & Tet do to each other. That's love. He learns about love and sincerity from Kul, Ginney, Tet.
- Bua is perfect to play Kul, a woman with strong will, principal, smart, calm. I agree that her way in rejecting Tet's proposal is too straightforward in front of many people, but i also agree with her saying 'love isn't enough'. Yes, in reality, to make a relationship lasts long, it doesn't need love alone, it also needs trust, commitment, communication, etc. I also love her way in treating Wat, firm, fierce in elegant way, lol. But this effectively makes Wat obey her in EVERYTHING.
Now let's talk about love stories among them, i like it all, except for Ginney-Wat of course, he's just ungrateful for everything she did. Seeing them is stressful, hopeless, like no bright future for them.
- Ginney-Tet. I already loved them since the beginning when Tet's still cold. It's just funny seeing her being aggressive towards him & he looks shocked, awkward. Also when she's lazy to do everything and he's strict to her to do everything instead, lol. The development of their feelings are that natural, flowy. The chemistry of them whether in lovey dovey scenes, funny, or bickering ones works very very well!!! I also love how they fulfill the needs of each other naturally. I'm melted watching the last eps when Tet smiles that brightly to Ginney. He's that happy with her. OMG, every scene of them gives me goosebumps. Hats off for Alek-Namtarn. Oh, also, my most fav kissing scene of them: when they're rehearsing the drama & when she gives cake to him. It's that emotional & deep.
- Tet-Kul. Although they're separated in the end, i love how they end it realistically. It's not simply bcoz of Ginney. But started from Ginney, Kul gradually rethinks about her relationship with Tet, rethinks about how other people see Tet-Kul as couple. Tet learns about it either. I also like how Wat sees Tet-Kul relationship, that they're too similar, so no one will give in.
- Kul-Wat. They started it bad, Wat has deceived Kul at first, but after some of agreement between them, Kul can see & feel that Wat can do certain things that Tet can't do: listen to her for everything, not to force her or manage her life. Combined with her knowing him living a pity past & seeing him gradually change to be better, Kul finally feels sure that Wat is the right one for him. She hasn't loved him deeply yet, but she's sure she will. From this, we can see that when she meets someone that's right for her, although just for months, although not deeply in love yet, she'll be ready to live the rest of her life with him.
Overall, love the whole storyline, great! The body swap doesn't stand alone, but it leads us to other conflicts: family, birth secret, love life, drugs, etc. Yet this body swap is also destined to solve all those problems. All are connected, well written.
Also love the ending. Some people might think it's a bit draggy. But i'm glad they make everyone comes to an understanding. Everything is clear between Ginney-Kul, Kul-Tet, Thanapob-Wat-Tet, Sunai-Wat-Tet, Thitiya-Sunai, Thitiya-Wat-Tet. It's a happy ending for everyone.
Thanks for the production team for making such great lakorn. The cast itself is already great! Plus they explore the emotion of every character, combined with good lighting, atmosphere, backsound, deep dialogues. They make emotional scenes more energetic, but in elegant way, not too much as i've seen in a melodrama.
About switching body back or not, it can be realistic for both decision. And i agree with their mom. Intendedly crashing towards each other doesn't guarantee they'll back to their bodies. It can lead them to death instead. Just accept the fate. However, i'm wondering if they switch back, curious to see Krating with Namtarn. But actually their chemistry is also good as Ginney&Wat when fighting each other, lol.
However there are some questions for me, but other reviews & comments have already told it. And i don't really mind.
Oh, special credit for the wedding video&photo. I didn't think they'd put it after the last scene. Seriously, it looks REAL, like seeing Alek-Namtarn & Krating-Bua's marriage. Watching them talking in that video is just like they're talking in real life.
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Romantic in Its Own Way
So far it's the only movie/drama that i dare to give 10.The teacher's diary. It tells us how A DIARY can be soooo powerful that change 2 persons' life at least (if we don't count the students). Simple idea but creative & excellent in execution.
1st, the love story. I appreciate the production team for making a romantic love story without any skinship, even any meetings. They build the romance & intimacy through words written in a diary. It's cute, sweet, unique, & elegant. Do you know a song "I Knew I Loved You" by Savage Garden? It fits with the movie. The storyline from the past to the present is also well executed & beyond expectation.
2nd, the school story. Really inspiring. When feeling lazy, bad mood, not productive, watching this makes me regain my spirit & optimism. I love how the teachers (Ann & Song) try to survive in such conditions. They're lonely. But loneliness isn't always bad. We can contemplate, think deeply & be grateful of anything through loneliness. Ann is actually smarter than Song, but Song has the way of thinking that she doesn't have. They complete each other as teacher. As adult, they also have to be leaders, elder bro/sis, even parents, whom children can rely on.
Overall, it's a warm & loving movie. Ploy & Bie did excellent job.
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Still a fun watch despite the minuses
Here's my highlights:-draggy, the middle part is boring, thank God i tried to keep watching
-at least they shouldn't have released Dujupsorn trailer if they want NP's mom's issue to be intriguing til the end
-i didn't care about the crime scenes at first, but later didn't skip even a scene bcoz it's all connected to the main issues, which is good
-main lead's chemistry & story isn't that engaging at first, but way better in second half part, especially with the soft backsound in their private moments, strengthen the intimacy
-I like Jack-Annie's slow burn romance, not based on instant affection/love at 1st sight
-the school scenes is really fun
-with flaws here & there, overall it's a fun watch, nothing made me stressful, irritated.
-waiting for Tate-Oom's next drama!
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The Most Satisfying Lakorn I’ve Ever Watched, So Far..
I didn’t expect much but surprisingly this is really good! The whole story is that engaging, I didn’t skip any scenes. It’s about politic but they give sufficient dose for the romance. Not just romance between the 1st pair, but the 2nd pair also satisfied me. Both have amazing chemistry. & 1 thing I need to tell you: they can give this wonderful romance without adding any ‘mature’ scenes :) Only with deep stares, simple touches, simple kisses, micro-but-deep expression, they succeeded to deliver their emotion to me.Actually in certain situation I thought the villain was too much, crazy. But surprisingly I could keep enjoying every moment. It’s that thrilling but not to the level of making me stressful (yeah in some lakorns with crazy villain & weak main role, I can’t stand watching it, it’s too stressful). The character that caught me is Queen. She's actually not a mean mother in law, not a villain. She's just a realistic/pessimistic leader. She loves Mantra & she thinks relying on Pasutha family is already enough & safe. Different from King & his sons who are optimistic & brave enough to offend Pasutha in order to be free from them.
The ending is well written & executed. I know that it will end happily, but I’m that curious to know how it will end, whether it’s realistic or forced to be happy, especially about Kirij & Nuan that can’t get along together although they’ve fallen for each other. Surprisingly, the royal family made a best-ever decision (& best gift as well) for Kirij. He does deserve that :)
I also didn’t think I would cry for this. In fact, I cried in certain scenes, especially the last ep with Kirij-Nuan scenes. Thumbs up for the writer, also Baifern & Sean :)
Almost all the actors gave their best in portraying each role, even the supporting roles like Wiram & Nalinee (I just know them here, both are handsome & pretty. Wiram is that charming. Nalinee, I just like her acting). Special credit to Kong Wittaya as Chaiyathat. I just know him here & wow, he’s surprisingly wonderful. His acting is that believable. As a prince, when he’s sad, he’s always able to pull himself together. But when Pat & Kirij’s condition were that bad, finally he cried a lot with the queen :( Also as a man who loves his woman, his deep stares… His words are powerful & convincing, not that kinda of sweet talker only. Kong deserves more main roles. Lily as Sawitree, she’s skillful as villain, but I’m curious how if she get protagonist role. But for Pat, she has strong determination, but i don't know why her expression always looks the opposite: inferior, not confident, not thrilled when she's with Sawitree & Queen. I wish she could express her excitement, her readiness to fight, her strong determination. I don't know whether her character was written to be like that or Richy couldn't portray her emotion well enough. Her fighting scene in last ep was good though.
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Not that satisfying but totally entertaining!
Confused with my headline above? Lol, but that's what i feel about this drama. With 15eps n 90mins each long, i didn't skip any scene. Everything's just interesting to watch. I can say it's a drama with:-light romance
It's kinda cute&sweet romance & the romance isn't that intense through the drama, so if you love passionate, mature, n intense romance, then it's not for you.
-light comedy
The portion of the comedy is perfect, not too much nor too less, n very well executed. The "punchlines" are great!
-light action & investigation (but it's getting much more intense in last eps)
I thought this drama isn't for those action&investigation lovers bcoz the case seems simple, not that complicated. They also add some comedies in the middle of the battle, which made me think "oh, don't take it too seriously then, it's a comedy at all". I also thought Prakarn is already that evil. In fact, the problem is more than just that, much much more, which made me out of breath especially in last eps. So, for action&investigation lovers, you can try this.
The storyline is well carried, well developed. The last eps are indeed the climax of the drama. I want to give applause to them for making a realistic story. In fact, not every police officer has an integrity. What surprises me, one of those bad officers used to be a good one :(
The acting?
Punjan stands out among other ML. His acting as a gay & his whole expression, i like it.
While Namtarn, Prang, Mild, they did great job in almost every scene.
Things i'm not satisfied with:
-romance is my no. 1 fav genre, so yeah, it doesn't really fulfill my expectation. I don't really need a "mature&passionate" one, i need a deeper emotion involved in each character, but they don't give it. They even add comedy in the middle of scenes where it should've been romantic (i still laughed n enjoyed it tho). It's not about the actors (they did a good job already); it's about the team that doesn't give enough soul to the romance. Huftttt, even Tee still make jokes to Lee when other ML already talk seriously to FL :( *however, i did enjoy Tee&Lee's sweet moments in early eps :)
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Beautiful Story about Past & Present Life
The main theme is past & present life/reincarnation and with the tag "minimal romance" I can understand why there aren't much romantic scenes here. But overall I can say it's 1 of the dramas with the best storylines in 2020.Like:
- The whole story is beautiful. It can explain the past life very clearly & well-connected to the present life.
- Chemistry. NOT a lovey dovey drama, but the chemistry is actually satisfying, at least to me. In the beginning, Anik seems hate & is annoyed by Wiwan, the way he looks at Wiwan is just cold. He's mesmerized by the charm of Sodaya instead. Wiwan has no choice but trying so hard to restrain her feeling towards him. I feel hurt as her. But later when Anik is 'unconsciously' worried & jealous of Wiwan, OMG it's really cute!! & when the past life is gradually revealed along with moments in present life, his stares become warm & softened to her, just like when he fell in love with her in the past life.
- I'm glad there's explanation about the relationship between both leads which actually have different status of human.
- Namwhan & Namfon portray the characters very well. Both are charming, elegant, & mysterious, but in a different way. Somehow Sodaya has a stronger charm compared to Wiwan, sometimes Wiwan shows her inferiority. I wonder it maybe related to their past life as Sodaya used to be a queen, while Wiwan was just a slave wife. Another thing, with brown-colored lips (say NO to bright-red lips for antagonist LOL) & simple-yet-sexy outfits, Sodaya looks stunning.
- Watching this is refreshing since most of the casts are new for me.
- Like other said, the effect/CGI/whatever isn’t that good. Sometimes just looks fake.
- I can’t get it why Tri chases Wiwan since he loves Da from the start.
Could’ve been better if…
- About Tri & Da’s love story, I wish in the end Tri confessed to Da that all this time he used the jewel to make him confident, brave, etc., but now he’s willing to change himself with his own effort.
- When Anik asks Wiwan about how she saved him from Sodaya's spell in past life, Wiwan doesn’t answer clearly bcoz she’s shy. It’s a cute scene. I wish in the end Anik would repay what she ever did to him in past life. Unfortunately it just happened in my imagination LOL.
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Try this if you want something light, sweet, warm, funny drama
Like:-I appreciate the team for producing this down to earth drama: casual outfit & natural make up for almost all casts (esp Mew&James, just with their T-shirts&jeans, are already charming!), simple yet beautiful houses, modest lifestyle, etc. The way Pum&Tree’s parents when knowing they’re getting married yet aren’t financially steady so they ask both to live together with them, is so relatable with our daily life.
-story: the story isn’t stressful at all. The ghosts aren’t scary & the horror story are entertaining. The antagonists aren’t that annoying. Even Top, Top’s mom, & Wonchana can’t be that harmful bcoz Pum is smart to counterattack them LOL. The story is mostly focused on Hideko’s “family” which is always entertaining. I cried in certain scenes tho, especially in the last ep, cried so hard that I stopped in the middle ep, & continue it the next day to prevent my eyes swollen.
-character of the leads: Tree isn’t kinda superhero who always saves the FL etc, he’s just an ordinary kindhearted guy, even in certain scenes it’s the FL who saves him. But I love this ordinary character. Pum, I love her strong, brave, funny, yet shy character. I never worry someone will bully/exploit/abuse her since she can defend herself. As their chemistry, they aren’t kinda lovey dovey&intimate couple, but I love their sweetness. Mew&James successfully build the chemistry since in Pum&Tree’s childhood. Pum is straightforward but in certain scenes she’s shy towards Tree & it’s cute :)
-whole cast: love the chemistry in Hideko’s “family”, they’re all warm&cheerful, helpful to everyone, hilarious. I wish I could be their member LOL. Also Pum&Tree’s parents, they’re warm, especially Tree’s when welcoming Pum as daughter-in-law, so lovely!
-to me almost the whole scenes are safe&comfie to watch: no erotic scenes, extreme abuses, too-revealing outfits for female cast.
Dislike (?):
I dunno whether it’s like/dislike. Since the story is light, I wasn’t really attached to the story that much, so fortunately I didn’t need to bingewatch it.
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Modern-look-yet-old-content drama
-it's romcom, the opening looks bright n fun, n the story is started quite interesting. But who will think the story will be this heavy? To me the comedy is a bit cringy also, i just couldnt enjoy it, n the moment is just not right.-Supposed to be 3 cute couples, but who will expect that 1 person will be antagonist, that evil, n deserve nothing but hatred?
-With those conflicts, i didnt expect it would be just 14 eps. Surprisingly, they made the final ep quite okay, unexpected (in a good way, but later it disappointed me again). How come the ending for Arthit is like that? They just make it happy ending for everyone, literally everyone, without thinking how to make it more logical, realistic. In the end, i can say it's a drama with modern cover, but old content.
-Nune, Joss, Iang, Jan did impressive job tho. It's my 1st time seeing Jan, n i was impressed, love her micro expression. Cathy's character is also interesting, not kind of ordinary yet boring kind FL or evil-irritating-annoying villain. She's just cool. I pity her for being alone in the end. If only Arthit were a good man.
-They should've titled it "The Secret" instead of "Loneliness Society".
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Proud of Myself for Finishing This Lakorn
After all my complaints in the comment section, finally i'm able to finish this lakorn. I have 2 tips for you:1. I stopped watching dramas for 1 full month.
2. Set aside your principle of righteousness.
After 6eps, I was on Cherd's side bcoz after her mistakes, at least she wants to repent & tries to avoid any problems. Unfortunately, her effort seems nothing to anyone. After she's trapped (again), no one believes her. Even Chan & Buret. At this moment, i support Cherd even more. No use being kind if no one believes you. So i enjoy Cherd's way of getting revenge to Yod, although it makes Cherd's own reputation get worse & sometimes it's just embarassing, lol. It's suitable with what Cherd said to Yod "if i wasn't this strong, would i be able to see you go crazy?"
-the ending isn't rushed, which is good! Everyone has their own karma
-the couples are as i wish
-cast (thisa, nune, euro, kao, boom)
-the story is too much spice, waaay too dramatic. If i weren't off drama for 1 month, i wouldn't be able to endure the craziness.
-the romance is less & isn't always enjoyable. I mean, they do romantic scenes but actually my mood is in vengeance-mode, so it doesn't help, lol
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Fun, Warm, Fresh
Cast & synopsis brought me here. Fresh casts: they're not actors that international fans usually talk about, they also do a great job!! I love how they act as a warm family, lovely couple, bickering friends, etc. Applause for Diana for successfully playing a cheerful, strong, aggressive girl instead of calm, proper, elegant as she used to be in her previous lakorns!Story: the 'ghost lead' plays a significant role to make a difference & freshness in this lakorn. That's why, with those crazy mom & 3rd wheels, i could still enjoy the whole story.
So, this lakorn isn't that romantic, isn't that dramatic, quite fun & light, but when it comes to the end, i feel like... empty, sad seeing Non goodbye-ing Mu, sad knowing that it's finally ended :( will miss their warmth :)
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My Most Fav Romcom Drama, so far..
Watching this reminds me of Khun Chai Pawornruj. Pope as ML, ambassador, left by his gf (also the same actress) to marry another man, then the elders force him to marry another woman.Overall, it's really entertaining, both romance&comedy. It can build funny&hilarious moments thru cast, character, music, dialogue, situation. Even the villains&the olders can make funny moments! I enjoyed almost every scene!
Alek&Namtarn are outstanding! They successfully played a silly/playful person naturally. Also great chemistry as friends.
Pope, it's my 1st time watching him with another actress besides Mew Nittha (yes i was protective, Pope's just for Mew alone, lol). But he made a great chemistry with Namtarn. Also just realized that Pope, his eyes always tell everything in his heart. The way he looks at Sa is...beyond words.
Nychaa, she's 5 years younger than Namtarn, but she successfully played a clam, prim, proper character that suits her to be the elder sis of Sa. I also love the way she tells fairy tales to Lek, so deep.
The most irritating moment to me is when Rong back with Koy & willing to be kicked out from palace. How could it turn like this?! But when i know his plan, it turns out to be much more interesting. Knowing Rong becomes poor, Sa is that worried & gives her best to take care of Rong, which shows how she loves him :)
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For Those Who Like Drama that FL Secretly Admires ML
- I realize I wanna watch this just for the both couples, May, & a bit about Matee & Pat LOL. I skipped most of the scenes about Piram’s affair, Matee’s affair, the family business, Prang’s family, & kindergarten’s activities. As long as I get the point of the story, it’s enough.- The girl’s acting is superb! Her happy, sad, jealous, angry expression is just great..
- Chemistry of both couples is good, the 2nd couple has more fun though.
- Wee is husband material, no wonder many women fall for him (include me? LOL), but Navin is also charming in his own way, being smart & serious in certain moments, also silly & funny in other moments.
- Neung is pitiful. As Navin said, Neung has a good profile: good listener, kind, mature, pretty, smart, calm, elegant. Logically she has the right to be loved by Wee but yeah we know that love sometimes isn’t logical. Wee can fall in love at the first sight with Yong without knowing her character before, while Neung, with all of her goodness, she can’t win his heart at all.
- The switching scenes between May & Yong is smooth, great.
- Seeing Yong is just like seeing myself. Mesmerized by Wee’s goodness, happy when Wee takes care of her, got heart attack when Wee kissing & hugging her, jealous to the moon & back when Neung got to be close with Wee, sad when Wee just looks at her as his niece.
- I didn’t think May would end up like that, so sorry. And unfortunately, the parents didn’t get a chance to know that actually all this time, the real May has gone :(
- In my eyes, Wee & May’s relationship is more like father-daughter or even a lover, rather than uncle-niece XD
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Not Perfect but Enjoyable
Honestly i like a lakorn with ordinary characters & casual looks in it rather than kinda royal/noble/prince-princess/hi-so lakorn with luxurious looks. So i watched it just to see Mew's performance. Surprisingly it becomes 1 of my fav lakorns.Like:
- Actually the "rank of nobility" is a typical problem in royal/hi-so lakorn, but they wrap it into a great whole story.
- Chemistry. Pope-Mew can build a perfect chemistry thru intense, intimate dialogues & deep staring eyes toward each other, with less skinship.
- Delightful friendship. I enjoy the Switz trip so much. Lots of funny things & adventures. Khun Im is annoying, but she & Nu Ai made my day!
- 5 brothers of Jutathep. They're sooo lovable. Everyone wishes to have such supportive siblings.
- Ruj & Waddao's story is tragic, pitiful. Loving each other but end up separated bcoz of misunderstanding. It teaches me that a relationship isn't just about the feeling between 2 persons. In the end, it's about destiny.
- Pope is a great actor. His eyes tell everything in his heart.
- Soundtrack. Khun Chai Pawornruj has the best version of OST among the Jutathep series.
- I must admit that Mew's acting here isn't satisfying. Sometimes her stares look plain, not deep like a woman loving her man, sometimes she looks awkward. Yes i understand it's her 1st experience.
- The demonstration scene is just too dramatic, somehow illogical, but the way Pope&Mew hugging each other is too lovable to skip LOL.
- The mindset of Rasa's dad is unacceptable. How could he think that a man dating many women is normal?
- Some people may hate the tight-lipped & childish Rasa (when she's jealous/angry but all she can say is just "nothing"), but she represents me, just like other women i think, LOL.
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Stressful but Sweet Ending
Honestly, what i feel the most when watching this is frustrated. Frustrated of the conflicts, also of Dao & Toy's character. I do appreciate Mew's acting here (especially when she restrained her feeling & secretly crying), but i couldn't bear with Dao's character to the level that i couldn't sympathize with her anymore (that's when she decided to marry the 3rd ML, what a stupid decision!). At this point, i started to conclude that this lakorn was not entertaining, lol.Surprisingly, i didn't think that the ending would be this satisfying & relieving! 😇 What made me hesitant along the episodes, was answered in the end. Ok, i change my mind. It's entertaining & makes me happy. I love to see a couple supporting each other & Dao did her best to support her husband. Pope-Mew, so lovely 😍
I also love the OST so much, especially the female version. It fits perfectly with sad scenes.
Edit: after rewatching, i understand Dao more & give this higher rating. The most irritating moment here is just when Toy manipulates Gamo. The rest is great, lovely.
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I read 1 good review & abundant of bad ones of this show, yet end up loving it.
Despite the flaws, I could enjoy it, & what I like the most from this show (so I’m willing to rate it high) are:1. I can feel & sympathize with most of the characters.
-Tan: I hope he can get his freedom with his mom & Eun Sang, also be kind with Won.
-Eun Sang: as the only poor/normal person in this show, I just wish her a normal & happy life with her mom & Tan, but I know the wall between her & Tan is too high to climb.
-Young Do: he has chemistry with Eun Sang, but I ship them to be friends instead of couple. Besides his ‘habit’ of bullying, he has that side of sad boy, that’s why I want to see him happy & heal his wound. I love Young Do & Tan’s friendship & its dynamics, like love & hate rlship, but deep in their hearts, they understand each other very well.
-Chan Yeong & Bo Na: they’re cute couple. At first I thought she’s annoying, antagonist, but turned out she’s kindhearted, that’s why she’s perfect with Chan Yeong. They’re the ones who Eun Sang can rely on.
-Hyun Joo: she’s pretty & kind. I ship her with Won, she’s such a supportive & selfless GF. But I also ship her with Hyo Shin, LOL.
-Won: his being jealous, cold, harsh on Tan is reasonable for me. I’m glad this siblings finally comes to an understanding.
-Hyo Shin: another boy from rich family that I sympathize with. He’s kind, calm, logical, & deserves love. He’s best friend with Tan & I like it.
-Myung Soo: the brightest & the silliest character, the most fun to be with. I can say he’s the only one that I don’t need to worry.
-Tan’s mom: surprised that I can sympathize her. I just wish her freedom from that family & I’m glad Tan can make a move to stand for her mom.
With me being this attached to most of the characters, I can see why this drama be that popular, why LMH & PSH be fav couple, why the other casts also grew their popularities. (I saw a clip of “The Judge from Hell” interview with PSH & KJY, I was surprised that “Kim Tan” was mentioned there, like, is Kim Tan & Cha Eun Sang that popular?? The most popular of PSH’s co star?? Now I get it).
2. Also love the dynamics/storyline, ups & downs of each character. I even enjoy & accept the ending for each character. Some are happy, some are realistic. It’s ok. They all deserve it.
3. Last but not least, I enjoy the love story between the leads, their ups & downs is really something. It’s my 1st time seeing Lee Min Ho, also Park Shin Hye. I think I started to like PSH, will try her other dramas.
Overall, to me it’s a heavy drama, melodrama. I need to stop twice to finally finish it. First, in ep5. Like I wasn’t ready to watch the bullying in a hi-so school, what kind of life Eun Sang will face when she gets there. Second, in ep17. Like why the problems are getting more complicated like there’s no way out. I needed to watch anything light to refresh my drained energy, LOL.
Overall this drama tells about rich families with their typical problems. Yes it matches the title “The Heirs”. Tan & Won’s family, Young Do’s, Rachel’s, Hyo Shin’s. Wealth, position, heirs, greed, unsincerity. With all of those negativities, it’s good that they show us the side of human from the “antagonists”, like Chairman Kim, Young Do, Rachel, Rachel’s mom, etc.
I keep thinking “ooh, how childish” when Tan, Young Do, Rachel, etc deal with their problems. But in the end, they’re just 18, rich, & spoiled. It’s just normal for them to act that way. Another thing, I’m okay with Eun Sang’s character. She’s just a normal girl who wish a normal life. It’s normal for her to avoid any kind of dramas around her. Also normal for her to be hesitant in dating Tan. But I’m glad she finally can show her feeling, support, sincerity to Tan, & fight together.
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