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Alchemy of Souls korean drama review
Alchemy of Souls
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by amateurcritic
Ago 28, 2022
20 of 20 episódios vistos
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

I was rather entertained throughout given that I don't watch a lot of action kdramas. Interesting plot with cool CGI. Straightforward love story without the boring clichés. Great acting from the main leads.

**I recommend this drama to those that like a fantasy kdrama with well-rounded genres of romance, comedy, action.


= Story =
*Premise - Interesting plot set in a fictional place in which mages, magic, and spells exist. Tells the story of how a group of young mages deal with the consequences of their ancestors' actions.
*Genre - There was romance, comedy, and action. All quite well done.
*Plot - Most weekends I found Saturday a bit less interesting but Sunday would usually make up for it. As the premise is quite unique already, the CGI and fight scenes are enough to make the kdrama interesting. The main leads' romantic comedy did add a lot to making this drama one of my favourite dramas this year so far. It seemed to have a push-and-pull feel with the audience - the romance scenes are so straightforward and satisfying, then when it almost reach the climax it pulls back making me want to see more, so when the climax was later reached it was extra satisfying. I felt the jealousy scenes were just enough as I do like to see at least a couple of those scenes. I really enjoyed the minimal clichés in the romance portion which enabled the audience to appreciate that this is not a typical romantic comedy as there are elements of family, friendship, and master-pupil relationship. Some parts were a bit random and sudden, though - I think the story could make do without some of the romances as it was a bit too much (Park Dang Gu and Jin Cho Yeon, Crown Prince and Mudeok, So-i and Seo Yul), and also the sudden appearance and outcome of Jang Gang, the sudden demise of certain villains that seemed to yield so much power but died so easily just to name a few.
*Characters - Each character was very well designed with something they excelled at and a funny fatal flaw. The mages are all quite cool when they are doing spells and such but they all have a goofy side whether it be losing sense of direction when startled, being slow-witted, or being very straightforward with their feelings. There were just enough supporting characters not to make it seem overwhelming, and they were all important to the story or had some underlying connection which made them all relevant to the progression of the plot.
*Ending - When the final events occurred (which happened a bit too quickly), I kept checking how many minutes were left of the episode, getting anxious how they could wrap it up with so little time. I was very eager to see Jang Uk and Naksu in Mudeok use the bird egg gems at least once and see Jang Uk fly to the top of the tree with Jung So Min's Naksu / Mudeok, but unfortunately it will have to just be in my imagination. The ending, watching Jang Uk Danaerys Targaryen out of the fire was not pleasing due to the lack of resolution as with all cliffhangers, but I guess that was the aim as it would make the audience look forward to part 2.

= Cast =
*Acting - Jung So Min stole the show, she played all the characters and personalities very well. The highlight had to be the multitude of emotions she portrayed when walking towards the soul-shifter in the secret chamber thinking that Jang Uk had died. No dialogue but her facial expressions had so many layers. I'm really going to miss her in part 2. Lee Jae Wook also did exceptional as the male lead, matching Jung So Min well as the carefree young mage who also has a serious side. The supporting characters were also good, especially Oh Na Ra, of all the supporting characters I loved her scenes the most.
*Chemistry - The main leads had good chemistry. Not to the point I wished they would get together in real life, but good chemistry while knowing they are both acting their characters very well.

= OST =
A good soundtrack that matched the drama well.


With everything one gains, sacrifices must be made. When someone is worth fighting for, all sacrifices will seem trivial.
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