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Khun Chai Pudhiphat thai drama review
Khun Chai Pudhiphat
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Sidhika Trisha
Set 2, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Mushy Romance

I immediately started watching Khun Chai Puttipat as my expectations had risen high after finishing off part 2 Khun Chai Pawonruj. and also because of its lead actors James and Bella. So excited to watch them together. it didn’t disappoint a bit.

Khun Chai Puttipat, the handsome and popular doctor of the country falls for the beauty pageant winner. Later he meets her as a patient, Khun Chai Pat finally learns her truth and helps her to get away from becoming a mistress.

This series could be summed up in one phrase knight in shining Armour saving damsel in distress. Initial episodes show the struggles of KrongKaew.But later followed how Khun chai pat who had never been in love, finds himself falling hard for her each time. Kaew, who is in need of cash for her father's treatment gets an opportunity to participate in a beauty pageant. Little did she knew that she is walking into a trap and being sold off. Before anything could happen she learns the truth and tries to run away but her needs bring her back to the stage and she becomes a winner. our handsome doctor Khun Chai Pat who falls for the girl. But his gentle heart gets shook when his eyes get interlocked with Kaew because he felt sadness in her eyes.
He goes beyond his capability to help her, eventually realizing his love. He pursues her but in a very tender fashion and all his brothers who teased him of being heartless, supported out each time. Khun Chai Ronapee and Khun Chai Rachanon help him a lot in his conquest for love but also remain witty and taunted him. His family is shocked but gives in to his passionate romance. Katesara Chinnakorn helped them big time and they both vibed happy couple since the first series, I was happy to see them as I wanted more of them.
KrongKaew is naive but becomes independent and smarter when the villain comes after. she acts rude bratty to shield herself and her values. she grows up as a character. I loved her.
Khun Marathee was a pain that any person knowing her true nature would run away from her. Tan Pinit was a womanizer, how this old man had savored his entire life as a casanova, I feel sympathy for his wife who endured so much.

KrongKaew (Bella) never disappoints. She melted in the character of Taew blossoming from a country girl to becoming royalty. The gowns she wore looked elegant otherwise in her simple clothes she was a normal girl doing house chores.
Khun Chai Pat (James Jirayu) was straight-faced and cold to ladies and doesn't give a damn to people with snobbish behavior. He looked hardworking in hospital, but those hospital gowns looked like sacks. The chemistry was sizzling between the leads.
Marathee (Noey) was a loud, clingy, and gold digger. She skipped work and follow Chai Pat, not a single trait of her being likable. She played her character well and made herself the best negative character.

The OST is the same with the voice of male and female together. The music used piano and trumpet but with all these, it miserably fails to give any passionate or sad emotion

I would rewatch the few scenes of leads rather than the whole series.

Besides having so much drama it had gentle charm.

Khun Chai Pat confession in the lake

If you liked damsel in distress kind of stories you could watch this.

In this series also the marital promise is not fulfilled. With only one sister remaining wanna see how things turn out for the two brothers left that is Rachanon and Ronapee.
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