They both have people struggling to survive from being eaten alive by zombies. The show takes place during Korea’s medieval Joseon period, and the outbreak is reaching the capital of Hanyang (present-day Seoul).
They both take place in a very tall building during a zombie outbreak in Seoul. In this one the male leaded named Joon-woo wakes up to find out that a zombie outbreak happened after a late night of video gaming. He struggles to survive and is worried about his parents who left him home alone before all this chaos plays out.
They are both Thai BL's that have one or two mls working at the convince store. They both have their ups and downs.
They don't start off working together but they do eventually so they start off as a working relationship and it turns into something else afterwards. They are both bls too.
Both are office romances and they have a love triangle.
Tension between characters
Cute moments
Spicy moments
Tension between characters
Cute moments
Spicy moments
They are both office romances and they are both bls. They both have a CEO and employee relationship, along with misunderstandings. They both have love triangles, one is rich and the other isn't.
They both deal with haunted houses & touches on the topic of mental health. It shows ghosts both good and evil, not being in control of your life. It's suspenseful and jump scares. They both have a plot twist as well.
Like the others I recommend it's in the supernatural, fantasy, suspense, action-packed, the living dead, it can be sad as well.
It is in the realm of the supernatural, it's action-packed, it has zombies, and the characters will drive you crazy like in Mon Mon Mon Monsters.
If you like the supernatural like Mon Mon Mon Monsters you will like kingdom they have zombies. It is action-packed and has a good story.
It's set in a high school, it has a bullies similar to all of us our dead, it has the living dead but it's a vampire instead of a zombie.
Reminders has the characters that are related to love by chance and it’s the prequel to love by chance.