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Golden House Hidden Love chinese drama review
Abandonados 16/24
Golden House Hidden Love
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Joyce Chan
Jan 21, 2024
16 of 24 episódios vistos
No geral 5.5
História 5.5
Atuação/Elenco 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I have forgotten who i am waiting for... I am your energy charger

I had high hopes for this drama , such a big let down!.
First thing i noticed is the male lead is extremely tall and the female lead very short so they have a really big gap between their height. They have no chemistry whatsoever ! Its like watching a kid and an adult .

This drama has potential with the background of the story, that intrigued me but beside that they didnt further or explain more of the story. It was just really bland and boring, like nothing exciting really comes out. The male lead has been stuck for 1000 s of year in the same house and cant leave waiting for someone to return ( which he forgot) who. The female lead moves into the house and she somehow possess the energy to recharge the male lead. He is like a ghost but not a ghost, He can move freely through the walls and become invisible but cant leave too far from home. The male lead also would sometimes get cold if he used up too much of his energy, resulting in the need of the female lead's touch to recharge. He needs more physical contact with each charge> first just a hand hold, then a kiss on the head even to the point of a kiss, but like afterwards the effect of the kiss is slow... dont really understand....

I ve watch to ep 16 and still the background is a mystery as to why the female lead is the one , who the male lead is waiting for? who is trying to destroy the tree. (the tree is linked to the male lead)

Its like both ends the male and female persona isn't developed well... female lead is a designer but she realizes that she is actually plagiarizing someone else' work. This was due to the male lead having this pouch that can help recall the memory of what the female lead saw.... We know the male lead is waiting for someone.... but who ?

DROP. aint worth your time. really wanted to like it, but no! just no!
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