Hey, I'm Nyx, and I have a kdrama/movie addiction. I'd make lists of my favourite actors, but it'd take a lot of time, as I have quite a few in mind. My ideal day includes a good amount of drama bingeing.
▲FAVOURITE GENRES: |Thriller|Mystery|Action|Psychological|Fantasy| and 'meaningful' |Romance|. (I like |Comedy| too, but often times comedic content has an overall lighthearted tone, and I'm not the biggest fan of that. I'm a high-stakes person, you see.)
▲WHEN I STARTED: I began watching dramas by the end of 2021 and made a MDL account in the months that followed. However, I got clinically insane about them in 2022.
My first drama was Squid Game (sometime in Nov or Dec of 2021). I know... I know... not unlike a lot of people, but I've seen so much more since then. Initially, I saw a lot of romance-focused dramas, like SWDBS, CLOY, etc. (I loved them back then; I do enjoy a romance drama with good substance from time to time.). It took me some time, but I found my taste, i.e., a thriller, mystery, action-packed drama with a bit of fantasy or romance 'if done right'.
▲RANDOM : I'm also clinically insane about books.