Second Lead Syndrome Dramas

These are dramas where I preferred the 2nd lead over the main lead or where I had trouble deciding which one I liked more ;)WAY2013 - I liked both leads equallyOvertheRainbow - My heart is divided in half - I want both guys to win Sangmi lol
DreamingKoreanBallad Fev 22, 2016
13 Titles Love
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  • Solteira Astuta

    1. Solteira Astuta

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Why would you go back to your ex when there is such a sweet handsome caring fellow right there next to you? Her ex-spouse wasn't worth it.

  • Quem é Você: Escola 2015

    2. Quem é Você: Escola 2015

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    This drama had the leads all messed up. Tae Gwang should have been the lead who got the girl in the end, the other guy was in love with her so called twin the whole time not her and yet he ended up with her in the end?! wth?! We all knew Tae Gwang was the one she was meant for.

  • Ela era Linda

    3. Ela era Linda

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    In every way he was better than the lead. Simple as that.

  • Geração Inspiradora

    4. Geração Inspiradora

    Korean Drama - 2014, 24 episodes


    Mo Il Hwa - the reason this drama exists lol

  • Goong S

    5. Goong S

    Korean Drama - 2007, 20 episodes


    The main lead guy and the 2nd lead girl belonged together, I don't know what the writer was thinking when she paired him with that maid girl... no chemistry between them at all.

  • Quem é Você?

    6. Quem é Você?

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    What can I say, I loved them both equally. Both the main lead and 2nd lead. How could I hate a man that's already dead anyways? When he's so nice? They both had equal parts of my heart.

  • Além do Arco-íris

    7. Além do Arco-íris

    Korean Drama - 2006, 16 episodes


    Ok, I liked the lead guy, but the 2nd lead played by Hwanee just really made me drawn to him at some point and I started to ship him with the lead girl. My heart was once again divided in a drama. I don't know where my heart would have taken me if I were in her shoes.... Especially after he sang that song 'Tomorrow' <3

  • Glória, Jane

    8. Glória, Jane

    Korean Drama - 2011, 24 episodes


    The lead guy was NOTHING compared to our second lead, who in all honesty, was quite pitiful. I wanted him to win the girl in the end just as he had won my heart.

  • Meu Hotel Secreto

    9. Meu Hotel Secreto

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Sorry to say, but I hated her ex. Such a whiner and so immature. I loved Nam Goong Min's character much more, so mature, so loveable - everything her ex wasn't.

  • Love is Drop by Drop

    10. Love is Drop by Drop

    Korean Drama - 2016, 120 episodes

    I couldn't even finish this b/c of my dislike for the lead guy and the main couple had zero chemistry. Wang Ji Hye looks like a brick in this drama. But I so LOVED our second lead guy, such a good pure heart and so so so handsome! Gosh, I wanted him to win!

  • Seoul 1945

    11. Seoul 1945

    Korean Drama - 2006, 71 episodes


    A steadfast unbending honest lover like him, why why why would she make such a poor choice and choose that wrong guy? just WHY?!!!!

  • Juiz contra Juiz

    12. Juiz contra Juiz

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    Dong Ha's character is just WAY more appealing and he has WAY more depth to his character, the lead is dreadfully boring! Dong Ha captured my heart in episode 1 and he will have my heart till the very end!

  • Children of a Lesser God

    13. Children of a Lesser God

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Joo Ha Min <3
