Completed in 2019

This will be a list of every drama, movie and special I finish in the year 2019. Everything is listed in chronological order. I`m not including stuff that I have rewatched. The movies/series that don't have a rating are undecided, I haven't figured out the rating to give them yet.

Korean: Movies - 9, Dramas - 4

Japan: Movies - 7

China: Movies - 8, Dramas - 1, Specials - 1

Hong Kong: Movies - 6

Taiwan: Dramas - 2

Philippines: Movies - 1

Thailand: Movies - 1, Dramas - 1

Dramas: 8

Movies: 32

Specials: 1

Everything: 41

I`m participating in this challenge this year:

2019 Watch Challenge - - COMPLETED Hard

Natty Jan 1, 2019
41 Titles Loves
0% Watched
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