1. 100% Era
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 01-07-22
° [☼] Block 39 - 4 : Watch a title tagged covid-19
2. 180 Graus de Longitude Entre Nós
Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-16-22
3. 20th Century Girl
Korean Movie - 2022
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
4. 3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu
Japanese Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
5. A Criada
Korean Movie - 2016
[COMPLETED] 05-01-22
6. A Fúria Divina
Korean Movie - 2019
[COMPLETED] 01-15-22
° [☼] Block 41 - 5 : Watch a title tagged murder
7. A Gata Imaginária
Korean Drama - 2015, 8 episodes
8. A Lenda de Xiao Chuo
Chinese Drama - 2020, 48 episodes
[ON HOLD] 07-16-22
9. A lista de compras do assassino
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[DROPPED] 04-30-22
10. A Lua que Abraça o Sol
Korean Drama - 2012, 20 episodes
[DROPPED] 06-29-22
11. A New Awakening
Chinese Movie - 2021
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
12. A Superior Day
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-01-22
13. A Vilã
Korean Movie - 2017
[COMPLETED] 03-12-22
° [☼] Block 2-2 : Watch a movie that lasts 90 mins or longer
14. Adamas: O Diamante
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] ??-??-22
15. Aftermath
Korean Drama - 2014, 5 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
16. Aftermath Season 2
Korean Drama - 2014, 6 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
17. Again My Life
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-28-22
18. Alegria de Inspetor Real Secreto
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 02-07-22
° [☼] Block 15-3 : Watch a title where the genres are historical + romance
19. Além do Sonho
Hong Kong Movie - 2019
[COMPLETED] 03-27-22
° [☼] Block 9-2 : Watch a title from Hong Kong
20. Alien + Pessoa
Korean Movie - 2022
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
21. Alquimia das Almas
Korean Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
[COMPLETED] 08-29-22
22. Amanhã
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-22-22
23. Amantes da Lua
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
24. Amor a Prazo
Taiwanese Movie - 2021
[COMPLETED] 07-24-22
25. Amor com Fetiche
Korean Movie - 2022
[COMPLETED] 02-11-22
26. Amor Como Galáxia: Parte 2
Chinese Drama - 2022, 29 episodes
[COMPLETED] 08-20-22
27. Amor e Outros Dramas
Korean Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
[DROPPED] 04-30-22
28. Amor Entre Uma Fada e um Demónio
Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-29-22
29. Amor Louco
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-26-22
° Block 30-1 : Watch a title that focuses on a pretend/contract relationship bringing the leads to fall in love
30. Amor O2O
Chinese Drama - 2016, 30 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-11-22
° (❀)
31. Anna
Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
[COMPLETED] 07-08-22
32. Anna: Extended Version
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-16-22
33. As células de Yumi
Korean Drama - 2021, 14 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-04-22
° Block 4-2 : watch a title from an award-winning director
34. As Três Irmãs
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
[DROPPED] ??-??-22
35. Assistant of Superstar
Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes
[DROPPED] 04-10-22
° (✿)
36. Através da Escuridão
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-12-22
° [☼] Block 1-5 : Watch a drama with at least one episode over 60mins
♫ Can't Run Away -- Hong Isaac
37. Bad Buddy
Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-10-22
° [☼] Block 10-8 : Watch a title tagged adapted from a novel
° [❀] [✿]
38. Balada de Outono
Chinese Drama - 2022, 34 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-26-22
° [☼] Block 9-8 : Watch a title whose genre is drama
° [✿]
39. Beyond the Memory
Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
40. Big Mouth: De Vigarista a Vingador
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-11-22
41. Blind
Korean Movie - 2011
[COMPLETED] 05-12-22
° Block 36-1 : watch a title featuring the Truck of Doom (or other vehicle used to cause harm)
42. Bom Trabalho
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
43. Caçadores de Amor
Korean TV Show - 2018, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 01-12-22
° [☼] Block 29 - 2 : Watch a title tagged with a love shape tag (i.e love triangle)
44. Caçadores de Amor
Korean TV Show - 2021, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 01-20-22
° [☼] Block 16 - 5 : Watch a title that features someone using a smartphone
45. Café Minamdang
Korean Drama - 2022, 18 episodes
[DROPPED] 07-12-22
46. Casamenteiro do Rei Demônio
Chinese Drama - 2022, 30 episodes
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
47. Casamento às Cegas: Japão
Japanese TV Show - 2022, 11 episodes
[DROPPED] 03-14-22
48. Change Days Season 2
Korean TV Show - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-20-22
49. Cherry Magic: Dia dos Namorados / Rokkaku
Japanese Special - 2020, 1 episode
[COMPLETED] 03-31-22
50. Cherry Magic: Tsuge & Minato
Japanese Special - 2020, 1 episode
[COMPLETED] 04-01-22
51. Chocolate
Thai Movie - 2008
[COMPLETED] 04-13-22
° Block 9-7 : Watch a title from Thailand
52. Clima do Amor
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-03-22
° Block 4-5 : Watch a title from an award winning actress (Park Min-Young)
53. Como Nos Filmes
Filipino Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-14-22
° Block 29-5 : Watch a title from the romance genre
54. Confissões
Japanese Movie - 2010
[COMPLETED] 01-22-22
° [☼] Block 3 - 4 : Watch a title listed as a movie
° [✩ ‧]
55. Corredores da Meia-noite
Korean Movie - 2017
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
56. De Mim para Você
Japanese Movie - 2010
57. Demônio Vermelho e Heroína Su
Chinese Movie - 2020
[COMPLETED] 01-31-22
° [☼] Block 31-2 : Watch a title featuring a piggyback ride
58. Destinada a Conhecer Você
Chinese Drama - 2022, 20 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-22-22
59. Deve ser amor
Filipino Movie - 2013
[COMPLETED] 04-14-22
° Block 9-4 : Watch a title from Philippines
60. Devil Sister
Thai Drama - 2022, 18 episodes
[DROPPED] 06-02-22
61. Dias Melhores
Chinese Movie - 2019
62. Diga-me o Teu Desejo
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] ??-??-22
63. Doutor Advogado
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[ON HOLD] 06-20-22
64. Eden, Descendants of Instinct
Korean TV Show - 2022, 8 episodes
65. Ele Está Vindo Para Mim
Thai Drama - 2019, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-20-22
° Block 16-2 : Watch a title that features a typewriter
66. Enchanté
Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-05-22
° (✿) Block 12-2 : Watch the newest title on your PTW list
67. Enfermeira Exorcista
Korean Drama - 2020, 6 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-24-22
° (ෆ)
68. Entre o Desejo e a Morte
Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 7 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-21-22
° [☼] Block 9-6 : Watch a title from Taiwan
69. Erro Semântico
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-10-22
° (✿) Block 9-9 : Watch a title whose genre is comedy
70. Estranhos do Inferno
Korean Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
[COMPLETED] 02-12-22
71. Estrela Cadente
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] 05-08-22
72. F4 Tailândia: Meninos Antes de Flores
Thai Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-09-22
° Block 43-3 : Watch a title with any kind of bullying
73. Fan Girl
Filipino Movie - 2020
74. Flores de Cerejeira Depois do Inverno
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-14-22
° (✿)
75. Flower of Evil
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
[COMPLETED] 07-02-22
76. Fuga da Meia-Noite
Korean Movie - 2021
[COMPLETED] 08-13-22
77. Funeral Family
Chinese Movie - 2022
[COMPLETED] ??-??-22
78. Grid
Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-20-22
° Block 5-1 : Watch a title that has one of your fav actors (Seo Kang Joon)
79. Há Quanto Tempo
Korean Drama - 2017, 5 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-10-22
° Block12-3 : Watch the drama with the smallest number of episodes on your PTW list
80. Hae Ryung, a Historiadora
Korean Drama - 2019, 40 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-18-22
° [☼] Block 2-5 : Watch a drama with 30 eps or more
81. He She It
Thai Drama - 2019, 3 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-05-22
° ♫ : Comedy -- Jeff Satur
82. Hip Up Hit Up
Korean Special - 2021, 1 episode
[DROPPED] 05-12-22
83. Hiru
Japanese Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-30-22
° Block 2-4: Watch a DRAMA with 8 episodes or less
84. House of Flying Daggers
Chinese Movie - 2004
[COMPLETED] 06-25-22
° [☼] Block 36 - 5 : watch a title featuring a fight using Martial Arts
° [★] watch a film from the early 2000s
85. Immortal Samsara: Part 2
Chinese Drama - 2022, 21 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-29-22
86. Immortal Samsara: Parte 1
Chinese Drama - 2022, 38 episodes
[COMPLETED] 08-17-22
87. Informante
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] 08-16-22
88. Kamisama no Ekohiiki
Japanese Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 05-15-22
° (✿) Block 9 - 3 : watch a title from Japan
89. Kill Heel
Korean Drama - 2022, 14 episodes
[COMPLETED] 04-21-22
90. Killer's Romance
Hong Kong Movie - 1990
91. Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai
Japanese Drama - 2022, 4 episodes
[COMPLETED] 07-01-22
92. KinnPorsche The Series
Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes
[DROPPED] 07-07-22
93. KinnPorsche: Special Episode
Thai Special - 2022, 1 episode
[COMPLETED] 04-23-22
94. Kiss Six Sense
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
[COMPLETED] 06-29-22
° [☼] Block 39 - 2 : watch a title featuring someone staying in a hospital
95. Lábios Adoráveis
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 03-09-22
96. Late Night Cafe
Korean Special - 2020, 1 episode
[COMPLETED] 01-29-22
° [☼] Block 3 - 1 : Watch a title with the tag web series
97. Link: Comer, Amar, Morrer
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
[DROPPED] 07-12-22
98. Little Big Women
Taiwanese Movie - 2020
[COMPLETED] 02-05-22
° [☼] Block 27-1 : Watch a title featuring a single parent
99. Lost Story
Thai Movie - 2020
[COMPLETED] 06-25-22
100. Love Catcher 2
Korean TV Show - 2019, 8 episodes
[COMPLETED] 01-16-22
° [☼] Block 31 - 1 : Watch a title featuring two people holding hands
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