Favorite Dramas

My all-time favorite dramas in alphabetical order <3

It's a bit outdated so I'll probably be making some changes/adding more notes.

renmilktoast Mai 25, 2023
18 Titles Loves
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  • A Lenda do Mar Azul

    1. A Lenda do Mar Azul

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    My guilty pleasure. The rating I've given it is an act of love. A plethora of classic K-drama tropes that remind you what was so good about Korean romcoms to begin with, with just enough gender role reversal that it's saved from being a reincarnation of Boys Over Flowers type ideology.

  • Círculo

    2. Círculo

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    Sci-fi, A+ story and A+ acting, what more do you need to know? I'd give it more than 10 stars if I could.

  • Consertar Você

    3. Consertar Você

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    A healing drama that's actually healing. A sensitive, touching narrative with a subtle, sweet romance. It's about time I rewatched this one.

  • Extraordinária Você

    4. Extraordinária Você

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    Stellar OST, cute romance, gorgeous cinematography, and FL and SML with divorced couple vibes. Another feisty, strong female lead that got sidelined into doe-eyed sweetness during the latter portion, but that doesn't stop me from rewatching it and enjoying her original character all over again. Kim Hye Yoon's Eun Dan Oh stole my heart and has yet to give it back.

  • Hotel Del Luna

    5. Hotel Del Luna

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    It's Hotel Del Luna. I don't know what more I can say.

  • Marcador

    6. Marcador

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    I've only watched part 1. Procrastinating watching part 2 simply because I got out of my crime drama mood and find this one rather complicated to follow.

  • Meu Ahjussi

    7. Meu Ahjussi

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    It went from something I watched to help me drift off at night, to something that kept me awake because I couldn't stop watching. A masterpiece.

  • Miau, o Garoto Secreto

    8. Miau, o Garoto Secreto

    Korean Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    From someone who utterly despises love triangles, this drama has my favorite love triangle of all time. Look past the odd premise and you'll find a thoughtful, sensitive, and frankly beautiful narrative about abandonment, loneliness, love, and second chances. Plus there's bromance, womance, and a lovely OST. A comfort drama of all time.

  • O Homem que Vive em Nossa Casa

    9. O Homem que Vive em Nossa Casa

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Don't know how to explain this one, humor often misses the mark and the premise is wacky but it's a comfort drama. Lovable characters and some nice character arcs too. One of the silliest OSTs I've heard (if you know, you know).



    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    My first ever crime K-drama, and I'm glad it was my first. It knows how to make you invested in the unlikely trio that makes up the main cast, and doesn't shy away from delving into their psyches and traumas. Three vastly different characters who are all equally intriguing and brilliantly acted. It's a drama you never forget.

  • Olá, Monstro

    11. Olá, Monstro

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    Addicting. A guilty pleasure. Leads' chemistry is A+, story is compelling, and even if the psychopath theme creeps you out, you absolutely cannot stop watching.

  • Quando as flores desabrocham, eu penso na lua

    12. Quando as flores desabrocham, eu penso na lua

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    It's wacky, you either embrace it or you don't. Lovely gender role reversal, killer cinematography, and OST that's at times heart-wrenching, at times eccentric. Not for everyone, but still underrated.

  • Stranger

    13. Stranger

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    One of those dramas you never forget, even if your tastes have drifted a bit. I generally find political dramas difficult to get through but this one is worth it even for my love of the leads alone. Bae Doona's Han Yeo Jin will stay in my mind as one of the strongest, most down to earth and relatable female leads of all time. And Cho Seung Woo... let's just say Stranger wouldn't be Stranger without him.

  • Tempo

    14. Tempo

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    A drama that's very special to me. Not easy to watch, but well worth it. You'll probably cry. Cinematography is an utter work of art, the OST is capable of breaking and healing your heart simultaneously, the pace is fabulous. Lastly, the writing, acting, and directing work together seamlessly to draw you in, make you relate to the struggles of each character and understand them, even when all of their motivations and paths seem at odds. It's equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking.

  • Tree With Deep Roots

    15. Tree With Deep Roots

    Korean Drama - 2011, 24 episodes


    It's got its cringe-worthy moments, to be sure, but still an utter masterpiece.

  • Vá em  Frente

    16. Vá em Frente

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 46 episodes


    The main romance was an epic failure in my mind, but there's still no other drama like it. Stunning cinematography, found family, gorgeous OST, slice of life feel, beautiful emotional moments that will probably make you cry. The only C-drama I ever managed to finish :D

  • Vida

    17. Vida

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    This writer knows how to tell a compelling and educational political story with just the perfect splash of humanity. A lot of what I loved about it are the same things I loved about Stranger. A+ from top to bottom.

  • Você é Humano Também?

    18. Você é Humano Também?

    Korean Drama - 2018, 36 episodes


    Didn't stick the landing imho, and totally shelved a colorful, feisty female lead that deserved so much better. Aside from that, there's still so much to love. The OST will go down in history as one of the most impressive displays of talent I've ever seen in a single drama, the narrative took an unrealistic scenario out of science fiction and used it to share some important lessons about humanity and individuality, and the romance is both emotional and sweet (A+ for Seo Kang Joon and Gong Seung Yeon's chemistry). A very imperfect drama that still deserves the hype.
