Favorites Dramas and Movies Watched in 2024

kura2ninja Jan 18, 2024
12 Titles Loves
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  • Light on Series: Moses on the Plain

    1. Light on Series: Moses on the Plain

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 6 episodes


    Basically a slice of life but with murder. Sometimes you even forget that there is a plot. Its languid pace invites you to pay attention to minute details (or drives you to boredom).

  • Kaso Girei

    2. Kaso Girei

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    Often very funny, I got attached to the characters even as they make questionable decisions that eventually hurt themselves and others. I loved the two crooked leads and their earliest "followers" and how they genuinely care about each other and help each other. And for a drama about fake religious sect, it's surprisingly nuanced in its portrayal of religion/belief and its adherents.

  • Sexy Tanaka-san

    3. Sexy Tanaka-san

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    This is the kind of story that I love, about relationship(s) that transforms you into a better version of yourself. The titular character, with her courage and big heart, inspires her younger friends to become better people, and they in turn offer her genuine friendship based on love and respect.

  • Tora ni Tsubasa

    4. Tora ni Tsubasa

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 130 episodes


    In a way, this is a typical asadora that gives paean to hopeful optimism, community, and hard work. But in its celebration of individuality and diversity, it is also very much steeped in 21st century values.

    Ito Sairi shines as the titular Tora-chan (real name: Tomoko), and even though she is an exceptional woman, it is her curiosity and openness and her willingness to bridge gaps that at first seem insurmountable that the drama emphasizes, not how great she is all the time.

  • Danchi no Futari

    5. Danchi no Futari

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    Very chill drama about life in a post-war apartment complex. The friendship between the two main characters--and their interaction with their fellow residents--is the heart and soul of the drama. It's generally lighthearted and funny, but it does broach difficult facts of life too--mostly to do with aging--with a light touch. Highly recommended.

  • Vestido Com Mangas Vermelhas

    6. Vestido Com Mangas Vermelhas

    Korean Drama - 2021, 17 episodes


    Never had I felt so conflicted between wanting the leads to bang and wanting the female lead to run away as fast as far away as she can (virtually impossible in this case, though). I don't think I've ever seen something this brutally honest in examining what it's like to be in a relationship with such a massive power imbalance it practically strips away the weaker party of her selfhood.

  • Platform

    7. Platform

    Chinese Movie - 2000


    Reading the reviews, I thought it's going to be a super dour, depressing movie, but it's actually wickedly funny. Sure, it becomes more quietly sad as it goes on, because the characters are getting older and life is often hard, but the humor is always there. And all around them, China is rapidly changing.

  • Shinjuku Yasen Byoin

    8. Shinjuku Yasen Byoin

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 11 episodes


    Funny, irreverent, and with a big heart underneath it all. Classic Kudo Kankuro.

  • Momento dos Dezoito

    9. Momento dos Dezoito

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    Lovely, well-written coming of age drama.

  • A Woman After a Killer Butterfly

    10. A Woman After a Killer Butterfly

    Korean Movie - 1978


    "The will to live is sacred!"

    "It sucks but I think I'll keep on living."

  • Classmate no Joshi, Zenin Sukideshita

    11. Classmate no Joshi, Zenin Sukideshita

    Japanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes


    Perfectly captures that mix of idiocy and maturity that young teens have. Young Suneo is the true star (and heart) of the drama--imaginative, a bit dumb, and genuinely kind. His adult counterpart has such good rapport with his supportive but exasperated editor, and their interaction very much resembles that of a comedy duo.

  • Let's Go Karaoke!

    12. Let's Go Karaoke!

    Japanese Movie - 2024


    Unusual friendship is one of my favorite tropes so of course I liked this. The yakuza might've learned how to sing from the kid, but the kid learns so much about himself thanks to their friendship (by "friendship" I mean hanging out in the karaoke together, with the yakuza singing and the kid criticizing him and eating fried rice--it's great).
