Small review board
list wont be sorted by best to worst just time wise. Its made to keep tabs on watch history and how I felt shortly after watching drama.
1. Volte, Meu Amor
Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
Quite average. I liked actors[focusing just on female ones]. Quite fan of
Xu Ruo Han. But this drama was too long story looked interesting at start, but scripts was bad and felt draggy. Actors was nice, but chemistry wasnt there. All three couples had quite average chemistry -
2. Sonho
Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
Messy. Story about rich girl working in showbusiness having dreams about her future girlfriend. Story truly messy. Cat fights between actresses, romance under average chemistry and actors performance practically nonexistent.
3. Só Você
Taiwanese Drama - 2013, 21 episodes
Pretty obvious its old drama. Its cringe romcom with big logic problems just it as was popular at these times. Still though cringe it manages deliver few funny moments. Nothing to see more than once though.
4. As Equações do Amor
Chinese Drama - 2020, 27 episodes
lil spoilers here
|Weak 8,5. Its above average romcom. Cute and sweet from college environment. With quite amiable actors. And they went up for classic romcom problems like triangle. People wanting destroy relationship or breakeup in hard situation :for good of other lover. Thanks all it sadly story fells draggy by the end. Since its all just plots usually used to make drama longer. -
5. Her Fantastic Adventures
Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes
At start lookied at least little good. Classic transmigration into ancient times. Using food from modern time for quick success etc. At least she didnt introduced hamburger and fries as ultimate food as they do in other dramas of this type.
Overall its too long feels too draggy, editing makes story jump forward. Actors though got some cute interactions its not enough to catch watchers focus for 36episodes. -
6. Unlock of Love
Thai Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Cute lesbian show two lower pairs. Acting average and story though nice idea execution wasn't very good. Still from lesbian shows better one at least for me.
7. The Judge from Hell
Korean Drama - 2024, 14 episodes
Strong 8,5. Its fun entertaining story, but romance part for me lacked little.
Though of giving it 9, but if I compare to for example Death's Game which got alike theme it feels short.
Story about demon coming to human word to punish criminals is entertaining for sure and one of best Park Shin Hye drama she ever did. -
8. To My Harry
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
Interesting theme about DID -multiple personality disorder. Which Shin Hye Sun managed to play very well[like always she is quite skillful actor] Other actors was good too.
But its where it ends. Story theme, actors is only thing good at this drama. Edit, endless jumps in time and perspective, script etc. ,makes this show quite average.
Wasted potential. -
9. Affair
Thai Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
little bellow average GL, story is shitty and angsty. Acting... right from start you could feel something wrong. They played :sibling or best friend like relationship:, but right from start they was too close. Right from start it was rather lowers than best friends even though they still had undefined relationship.
Anyway chemistry was there but its it. -
10. Entrando Nas Suas Memórias
Chinese Drama - 2019, 24 episodes
Liked this one. Story is quite average type a lot romcoms got alike. Cold CEO with unusual problems meets unusual female which will brighten his world.
Still seems I got thing for female actress here. Her dramas got no very high ratings still I liked her in all three I seen till now.
Overall its weak 8,5 was enjoyable romcom -
11. The Farwell of Snow
Chinese Drama - 2024, 32 episodes
after long time was in mood for historical one.
Its good, but too long sometimes can get boring. Overall average drama.
Got nice chemistry, but sad ending -
12. Diz Que Você Me Ama
Japanese Drama - 1995, 12 episodes
seen its new korean remake before about half year ago. So it was hard to not compare.
Luckily both dramas even they got alike theme and story are quite different. For example japanese version got quite few bed scenes and they tackle Old x young romance too. Meanwhile korean version was more artistic. Japanese version thank being as old as it is gives quite big throwback for old me. Who still can remember 90th.
Still average drama 8/10 -
13. Aliança
Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
Just completed it, initially planning to give it an above-average rating of 8.5. This was mainly because it deals with what I found to be unrealistic, exaggerated situations (although perhaps not—who really knows what goes on in high society?). Plus, it’s quite long, and the theme didn’t resonate with me. I didn’t enjoy The World of the Married either.
However, in the end, I rated it 9/10. I absolutely loved the role played by Jenny Zhang. Her character was complex and nuanced: starting as a “villain,” turning into an “enemy of my enemy,” then evolving into a “comrade in arms,” and finally becoming a “lifelong friend.” She went through significant hardships and changes but remained true to herself and sincere—not just with herself but also with the people around her.
14. Um Conto de Amor e Lealdade
Chinese Drama - 2024, 20 episodes
Type of plot I really hate. Very angsty one with sad end. But acting was very nice. Possessive MLs was good and FL though playing lady in mistress she still had inner strength to fight
15. O Amor Dura
Chinese Drama - 2024, 32 episodes
Quality story, but for some reason I didnt really liked characters and jumps past X present
16. Linda Mentira
Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes
Loved all three main female actors. But male actors wasnt really worth it and story was too long with ending being kinda - :lets mess thing up to make watchers confused and fear what happens next:.
17. Meu Marido Heroico
Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
Great drama. Its entertaining. In fist half got a lot nice romantic scenes I just loved it. Well sadly second half of drama went into country wars, secret agents etc etc. Not like it wasnt good just not type of drama I prefer.
ending was okay but its more or less cliffhanger for second season which may never come. -
18. Apple
Thai Drama - 2024, 6 episodes
Cute and dumb GL at same time. A lot intimate scenes. Story could be better start was cringey later on it was okay, but things ideas they had at start of drama was totally unused in latter parts
19. Jon Kwa Ja Dai Ruk Gun
Thai Drama - 2024, 20 episodes
interesting premise, but cringe as hell. Main pair likeability fluctuates. Secondary pairs aint any good too.
Still premise of story really interesting. ML short summer romance with FL and falls in love. FL disappears just to show up as his future mother to be. -
20. Black Lotus Tactics Manual
Chinese Drama - 2024, 32 episodes
weak 8,5 for example Tiger and Rose was better. This drama got slow start. Middle of drama was nice but ending got weak again
only plus for this drama are actors
Esther is back in her pipsqueak voice roles. Not like I dont like her like that.
Zhu Xu Dan got finally some better drama to do too[I loved her in cute programmer. Though only drama I like with her.]. Sadly her role here wasnt exceptional more to average. -
21. Minha princesinha
Chinese Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
dumb cringey, but okay for quick fun.
2016 romcom but by story style it seems more like 2010 romcom -
22. Di Jiu Jie Ke
Taiwanese Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
seems like quality drama I liked acting and few scenes but wasnt okay with strory.
By story I dont mean teacher X student relationship which didnt fear go for sexuality nor for mental problems and love relationship where both sides heals each other.
what I didnt like on this story was more about surrounding of main pair from school, parents, other students etc.
Worth trying watch -
23. A Ascensão de Ning
Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes
strong 8. I really liked actors and their playing. But story felt very draggy and uninteresting for watching. Romance though nice and got some chemistry. There wasnt spark which would keep me wanting see more of it.
24. Perder e Procurar
Chinese Drama - 2024, 23 episodes
average .. classic story I would expect more from chinese vertical drama. But minidramas like these tend to have it too.
25. Máquina de Escrever Chicago
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
was kinda like Goblin just with average romance and worse bromance -
26. Fragile
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
average maybe bellow average.
School drama about kids overthinking and their relationship problems. Quite weird edit and abrupt ending, which I partly expected, but still just ended with :what the hell: in my head. -
27. Sr. Plâncton
Korean Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
damn good roadtrip drama. With nice actors and quite sad story
28. Caçadores de Demônios
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
good shounen drama. Have all it should have. Maybe just lack romance storyline. But in shounen its quite often that way. They did hinted on it in first episode too while his talking with friend about their manga
29. Caçadores de Demônios 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
big fall in quality. Still no romance storyline and if there wasnt sucesfull season 1 this drama would have much worse rating. Average.
30. A Noiva de Habaek
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
few nice scenes. Chemistry was nice too. But story not so much/ Secondary couples was worthless and no show.
31. Dong Lan Xue
Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes
quite nicemini story of :two villains: working together againts another villain and loving each other
32. Sunbae, Não Passe Este Batom
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
Upper 8,5 it was quite enjoyable. I liked most characters, actors and pairings. At other hand it felt too long.
They could exempt some plots. -
33. The Story of Mystics
Chinese Drama - 2024, 34 episodes
loved cast of this drama. It was full of mine fav actors young or old. But found story boring mainly second half.
Got quite few nice and emotional scenes. + there was big chemistry and bro/sismance between actors. -
34. Kekkon Yoteibi
Japanese Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
cute and dumb, cringe average japanese romcom
35. Eu Quero Ouvir Sua Música
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
strong 8 almost gived it 8,5.
story and vibe is alike to :While you were sleeping:. I liked romance part. Crime investigation part was tedious and predicable. -
36. Zhu Lian Yu Mu
Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes
not sure how for others but for me pearl girl was boring. Kinda average drama. Aint big problem with actors nor story. But it got nothing to catch mine interest.
37. As Gentle as You
Chinese Drama - 2022, 18 episodes
bad editing very often jumps from episode to episode. Like they wanted make story but got no enough time so their edit was end oepisode ... use imagination what happened next few minutes.... start of episode[clearly skips forward in time but wont show you exactly what happened]
ending was quite bad too though brave.
But as romance plotline it was nice sadly not enough screentime to build better chemistry -
38. Namnam
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
better 8. Romance plot is almost nonexistent, but got family relationship story. Not really great story worth book more like :real life example story: Fun to watch sometimes.
39. Shan Hun Gao Leng Ji Zhang Da Ren
Chinese Drama - 2024, 92 episodes
lately watching mostly chinese vertical minidramas.
this one is just too cute and story quite original[at least first time I seen this story. these minidramas usually tells same story in many versions with diff acctors.]
may be little too ling and going in circle but couple chemistry is great. May be cause they just got married recently. -
40. A Prefabricated Family
Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes
was comparing to original Go Ahead. Most of drama I though its about grade worse ... like 8.5/10 meanwhile Go ahead is 9/10.
But this version did much better at romance side in second part of drama for every character. Which was weakness of Go ahead.
Go ahead did much better at building family relationship and wholesome moments in first half of drama.
Forgot to add Family by Choice got more eyecandy and likeable young actors.
As for fathers and mothers I liked more Go Ahead. -
41. Osama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi
Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
funny little romcom. Practically kinda fairytale still its fun to watch. I love contract marriage theme.
42. A Princesa e o Lobisomem
Chinese Drama - 2023, 30 episodes
funny romcom fantasy. Story is nice though could be shorter for better pacing. Still its mostly funny and cute
43. Minha Noiva Secreta
Thai Drama - 2019, 18 episodes
binged that one. Well I love contract marriage theme. This one was connected to secret investigation, drugs crime etc too. Romance was quite nice and actors overall too.
44. In the Name of Alcohol
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
cute and healing drama Kim Se Jeong played kinda cool woman. Sadly her character was quite mellowed down. Coolness was more like shell for broken self.
45. Love in the Big City
Korean Movie - 2024
very impressive movie. Story of two unusual friend and their friendship across years. Made me remember french movie The Intouchables[which of course had much more depth to it but still both are good.]
46. Alerta Feio
Korean Drama - 2013, 133 episodes
Quite soap opera. Too long for my taste and villain was totally unlikeable and unreasonable. Story full of plotholes and dumb decisions and of course totally weird coincidences. Maybe cause its old drama and they tended was that way.
But it got quite likeable characters and good actors. Story can catch you too. -
47. Shop of the Lamp
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
damn hell interesing story. Great acting. little horror like with no romance but quick and great watch
48. Hitsuji to Okami no Koi to Satsujin
Japanese Movie - 2019
quite fun dumb jmovie. Classic example of manga adaptation.
49. Kim Ji Young: Nascida em 1982
Korean Movie - 2019
wholesome story but filmed in narrative realism which makes it little boring. Nice acting
50. Professor Qi Borrowed a Marriage
Chinese Drama - 2024, 100 episodes
lately watching tons of these vertical mini cdramas.
But this is one of few which I can find on MDL. Usually hard to find official name for them.
This drama is quite average. I seen same story remade by vertical cdramas at least ten times just with different actors. Anyway liked this story and actors. -
51. Restart Life
Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
quite ok harem type drama.
giving it 8,5 as above average mainly cause I compare it to minidramas+ not many harem type ones which are good -
52. Difficult To Win His Heart
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
too angsty, but liked actors.
53. Flor
Chinese Drama - 2024, 34 episodes
captivating story. Even though these historical dramas got all same story this one got quite likeable characters and nice romance. Little long but pace was nice somewhere between weak 9 or 9
54. Webtoon de Hoje
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
interesting theme about :how much work is behind product such as webtoon:. Some likeable characters, but romance storyline lacked and time from time felt little anoying and boring.
55. Seja Seu Cavaleiro
Chinese Drama - 2024, 29 episodes
visually appealing with some hot scenes. But story, pacing and editing is mess. Luckily you dont need invest much time into it. Still quite average.
56. Alarme do Amor
Korean Drama - 2019, 8 episodes
full of interesting ideas and :what if: situations , but none was really made through. Just sketches of ideas some more and some less developed. They give some answers in S2 still romance story kinda sucks. Actors are good.
57. Alarme do Amor 2
Korean Drama - 2021, 6 episodes
full of interesting ideas and :what if: situations , but none was really made through. Just sketches of ideas some more and some less developed. They give some answers in S2 still romance story kinda sucks. Actors are good.
58. Boku no Itoshii Youkai Girlfriend
Japanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
classic stupid manga made into live action. Visually nice sometimes funny but story wasnt worth time. Guess they didnt had enough screentime to make me interesed.
59. O Avanço da Fênix
Chinese Drama - 2018, 70 episodes
very long, heavy on classic political shit like fight for throne. Good actors but romance storyline is too much in background moreover its sad end one. To take on this piece you need to like dark theme and alot of political talking. I wasnt in mood for it sapped strength of me.
60. Chasing in the Wild
Filipino Drama - 2024, 19 episodes
rich girl and poor guy drama. relationship starting at college and going through troubles with family. Work and living together troubles etc.
Quite beautiful model like actors and acting skill was quite ok too.
I had problem about Filipino drama being bilingual, but at end it somehow worked out.
Still overall quite average drama brought nothing new. -
61. Grande Envelope Vermelho
Chinese Movie - 2021
dumb story. Some nice acting time from time but most of time quite boring. Can be fun time from time though
62. He Writes His Love in the Wind
Chinese Drama - 2024, 77 episodes
angsty story. But nice chemistry lthough little worse than Embrace in the Dark Night ,but got more compact story thanks it being minidrama.
63. Ano Ko no Kodomo
Japanese Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
worth watch. Teens gonna have baby and now they have to deal with consequences.
64. Let's Talk About Chu
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Weak 9 was solid watch. Little of softporn. A lot of nudity and even LGBT.
Overall story is about relationship, family and life problems. And even though its not as funny as Hit The Spot it left somehow heartfelt impression. -
65. Canção de Amor no Inverno
Chinese Drama - 2024, 36 episodes
weak. Very small chemistry between practically all couples. Since I know actors quite well I am sure its not cause of them, but more like they got no place or time to build anything meaningful. Most of drama was focused on solving :secret behind crime case:
66. Se o Telefone Tocar
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
thrilling story with nice chemistry and quite few plot twists though not all went by logic and some was predicable it was quite amusing story.
67. Pluto
Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
kinda hatefully knotted story. With too many girl couples which all kinda looked same. Without normal couple too. Does writer realize that LGBT are minority. I get that same type of people tends gather together but here it felt like :welcome to lesbian planet:.
overall quite average drama. It got nice chemistry but story wasnt very good -
68. Calor em Uma Noite
Chinese Drama - 2023, 36 episodes
cute and nice romance. But story wasnt very interesting for me. I am not fan of investigation dramas. Maybe if it was shorter it would get better ratings from me. Like this it felt dragged out.
69. Bêbado para Te Amar
Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
Cute minidrama with straightforward story[for most of time] and eye candy actors which can act. This drama is binge worthy and drama style is quite alike to The Best Day of My Life or See you tomorrow.
70. Doutor John
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
doctor drama with nice premise and okayish romance. But most of patient cases and things behind it treatment etc was quite boring.
Acting was good and main story was interesing -
71. 0th Period Is Inssa Time
Korean Drama - 2024, 8 episodes
Not very good story. Message it carries is quite infantile for mine taste. I mean I seen alike messages in teen dramas but there it at least had some meaning. Acting is okay for young actors. But I knew its pass right from start when practically :most beautiful girl around: is playing unnoticeable outsider. Like why the hell she radiates like god damn lightbulb. Personally if you want alike story but better try Shadow Beauty or some other story taking on social media and teens theme.
72. Little Doctor
Chinese Drama - 2020, 40 episodes
Watched mainly for female lead which I loved in Alliance.
Quite nice drama. Full of imperfect people almost could be called dumb and dubious ones. At other hand in reality people are dumb most of time. But pacing and story is too long it goes in circle. If it had 24eps it would be worth 8,5 maybe 9 but with 40eps it gets boring. -
73. Hear Me
Korean Movie - 2024
I liked it but I seen original movie and liked both around same. This remake didnt do really better. But not worse either.
74. Cidade do Tempo
Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes
weak 8, Story quite boring and even though I like Park Min Young dramas. Here she didnt do very good job. May not be exclusively her problem, but still boring.
75. Love on a Single Log Bridge
Korean Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
weirdly cute vibe romance with 40y old leads. Whole drama skips between :past: and :present: scenes + we obtain some nice side couple scenes. Overall quite fun second chance romcom.
76. The Nipple Talk
Taiwanese Drama - 2024, 10 episodes
Quite alike to r Talk about CHu or Hit the Spot and got vibe like Lovestruck in city.
Was fun to watch but was lacking some more deep story. Whole drama was about separate love problem stories of our weird group of friends. Ending dint helped either seems like they wanted give it second season -
77. A Lua de Neve
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
quite okay minidrama. Story is about practically racism and greed between humans and demons. And love story across multiple past lives. They got no enough screen time to make story more connected buut overall its nice watch.
78. Máscara
Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes
Upper 8. If story was more mine type I would give it 8,5 for sure. I liked actors and some scenes. I like even forced marriage or contract marriage theme, but here it just didnt work for me.
79. Jin Xi Qing Ying He Chu Xun
Chinese Drama - 2024, 63 episodes
nice looking actors and nice scenes. Sadly this minidrama got quite bad continuity. And its hard to keep tabs on story with all skips
80. We Are Adults
Japanese Movie - 2022
kinda realistic and thus boring movie about woman getting pregnant with her boyfriend which dont want kids yet. Both of them still didnt mature enough to take on this task and now they bicker about what to do all the time.
81. Show Me Love
Thai Drama - 2023, 9 episodes
kinda boring GL they focused too much on some :pagan beauty contest: which in reality is not some highlight most watched thing for most people. Means main theme aint interesting enough and they focus on it? Focus on GL is quite small too. If they went for singing contest rather than pagan beauty one. It would be better.
82. Furtividade
Chinese Drama - 2025, 24 episodes
Kinda average minidrama. Story is type I dont like much about man being oppressive towards his loved one. Got a lot naughty ambiguous scenes like in Embrace in the Dark Night but story was more like My Lethal Man. At least its quite short for quick watch its okay.
83. Fall In Love With You
Chinese Drama - 2012, 28 episodes
kinda oldschool drama after all its from 2012. But I liked it. Still pacing wasnt very good. Actors was okay. You can totally see they had different beauty standard in these times. Maybe got influenced by k-pop later on? Who knows
84. A Esposa Silenciosa
Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes
kinda angsty and average minidrama. Again I feel like chinese minidramas just steal from each other and got just about 10 stories which are remade again and again. For people who didnt see much of minidramas it may be worth they time. Otherwise it got nothing new to offer aside of angsty plotline suffering.
85. Zhu Yue
Chinese Drama - 2025, 40 episodes
Entertaining XianXia. I found it very alike to Till the End of the Moon. Ending was kinda meh. They didnt gived it happyend nor really sad end. Killed lot but didnt dared to go all way and gived bandages all over. Its strong 8,5 but lacked something for me to give it 9
86. Aqui para Amar
Chinese Drama - 2018, 48 episodes
not bad drama at least based on acting and story though kinda average not much of surprises its nice story. Problem is with length of series and unnecessary focus on other characters. Weak 8. Aint interesting enough to keep watching for most of people. I got through it with problems as well
87. Noite no Paraíso
Korean Movie - 2021
Liked this movie. Not really romantic piece and not drastically violent as for example Hell Dogs. but its was good piece of action with good actors
88. Compromisso
Korean Movie - 2013
Nice watch weak 8,5 korean spy movies was rage at these years.
89. Novoland: Pearl Eclipse
Chinese Drama - 2021, 48 episodes
Weak 9. Most of time It was around 8-8,5[average, above average]
,but by each passed episode I grew fond of some characters and I kinda liked ending. Though partially sad one this ending was kinda original. Most historical dramas end same way this one went by almost non-used path. -
90. Qin Ai De Bai Yue Guang
Chinese Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
for short drama its good, but aside of actors all other is average.
91. Lovesick Ellie
Japanese Movie - 2024
cute but too cringe to watch.
92. Meu Pequeno Monstro
Japanese Movie - 2018
normal jmovie. Dont even need to check to know it was based on manga. But wasnt very cringe.. Quite watchable though both main leads wasnt very enjoyable to watch.
93. Canto dos Bandidos
Korean Drama - 2023, 9 episodes
Liked this one I really did. sadly it got just slight romance without nice romance it got not as big spark for me. At other hand thanks absense of deeper romance storyline it managed to be swift and enjoyable ride. Even though I dont like stories from japan colonization era I enjoyed this one.
Made me kinda remember Shop for Killers. its got quite alike vibe. -
94. Dinheiro Chegando
Chinese Drama - 2025, 27 episodes
cute. adorable FL with pampering prince. A lot cute scenes.Story is kinda average, classic template I seen ton of times. But thanks short watchtime of each episode it wasnt boring at all.
95. Family Plan
Korean Drama - 2024, 6 episodes
Nah didnt liked this one. From shorts expected it to be better. But story was totally uninteresting for me. Characters and their decisions was overtop too though can ignore that since all of them played :broken psycho characters: Cant expect them follow normal train of thoughs.
96. Xi Huan, Zhe Jian Xiao Shi
Chinese Drama - 2025, 15 episodes
nice green flag short drama romance. quite adorable one and short. But got nothing to take it from average grade.
97. Dafeng Garotan
Chinese Drama - 2024, 40 episodes
I liked actors and some funny little cringe scenes. But it is it. Story was boring for me by big deal. Not fan of crime focused dramas unless there is good romance going I can focus on. But here even though there was little of romance + with mine fav actors. It didnt got mine interest
98. As células de Yumi
Korean Drama - 2021, 14 episodes
Making rating for both series. Its weak 8,5.
It is kinda fun thanks change between real world and word inside and interaction between cells. Sadly cause of same reason it wasnt very attractive to me. Real world romance didnt had spark I looked for. Every time I could focus on romance it changed back to comedy in world within.
Actors are good I loved to see most of main and support actors and liked their acting. One of reasons why I gived it weak 8,5 rather than strong 8 -
99. As Células de Yumi 2
Korean Drama - 2022, 14 episodes
Making rating for both series. Its weak 8,5.
It is kinda fun thanks change between real world and word inside and interaction between cells. Sadly cause of same reason it wasnt very attractive to me. Real world romance didnt had spark I looked for. Every time I could focus on romance it changed back to comedy in world within.
Actors are good I loved to see most of main and support actors and liked their acting. One of reasons why I gived it weak 8,5 rather than strong 8 -
100. An Li Zhao Mi
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
Chemistry was good, story average and little angsty, but entertaining. Short and nice. Better 8