What Should I Watch Next?
I'm suffering from option paralysis. Also I'm limited to Netflix for the moment, so I'm only adding stuff on there (my Netflix list is maxed out too!). I've added these in no particular order, they're just some of the many many many shows on my list. Also if you could add a reason for your pick that'd be super :) I made it so you can vote two times, and it's open until this time on Wednesday.
In the spirit of fairness, and to help clear out my list faster, I will watch ALL of these in order of the final results. Seriously, I have ADHD, making decisions with more than three options is extremely difficult and frustrating for me. Picking a new drama is at times a literal headache as I'm very quick to give up. Then I just go days or weeks or even a month without watching anything at all. I will probably make lists like this a lot!
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