Hi everyone,
I've edited most of the OST to include Chinese lyrics, pinyin and English translation lyrics embedded within the mp3. This works best if you have an Apple device since you can see the lyrics while listening to the songs: https://dl.orangedox.com/3wH7RMBwRiSCaE0bqV
If you're looking for the COMPLETE OST (All 28 songs): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SVRkbPPmk7v-Vu9YgPL6_rh_UGzNNFJl
I’ve also made an OST FMV of Bai Jue & Shanggu if anyone is interested in watching:
Here is the link for YouTube (R&B Piano):
Here is the link for YouTube for Fighting Scenes:
Any idea where I can find the instrumental music score for the show? It’s not on the OST. Example: the music playing at the beginning of episode 48 after Muguang spoke with Shangu and he’s sacrificing himself to become a stone dragon? I absolutely love the score and can’t find it anywhere. Thanks for any help!!
cjbwink:Any idea where I can find the instrumental music score for the show? It’s not on the OST. Example: the music playing at the beginning of episode 48 after Muguang spoke with Shangu and he’s sacrificing himself to become a stone dragon? I absolutely love the score and can’t find it anywhere. Thanks for any help!!
Have you looked through the Google Drive link above? I believe it has instrumental songs starting from track 10, all the way through 28.
Yes and the music is beautiful and greatly appreciated! I can’t seem to find that particular song and now I feel like I’m crazy and somehow missing it. I know it also played during different episodes (episode 10 during a training sequence) but it just hit me so much during that particular scene. I’m going to go through the playlist again. Lol. Thank you!
cjbwink:Any idea where I can find the instrumental music score for the show? It’s not on the OST. Example: the music playing at the beginning of episode 48 after Muguang spoke with Shangu and he’s sacrificing himself to become a stone dragon? I absolutely love the score and can’t find it anywhere. Thanks for any help!!
Please let me know if you find it, I've been looking everywhere for the instrumental score as well!
Helloplease please please can you tell me the title of this ost or give me its link on youtube ?
It's from ancient love poetry. This part I have take it from ep 49 between 18:01 min and 19:20 if you want to check but I didn't find it in the album nor anywhere else T_T and its my favorite
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone please tell me where I can find the instrumental/flute music score? It’s not on the OST.
Example: the flute music playing in the background of Episode 45 just after Yuanqi hugs Shanggu from 04:38 timestamp? Can’t find it anywhere.
I really love it and it makes me emotional as well making me think about Qingmu/Baijue & Houchi/Shanggu.
Thanks for any help!!