
I just joined up and in Chrome my dropdown menus not working to add my watchlist etc

I see a Javascript:sorttable (1,1,'ASC') message when i hover over the watchlist button

any help or ideas?


I researched in forums

and i needed to add the show from the show site to watchlist apparently

Glad I found a older explanation to others having same issues


Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue? To add a show, you will need to add it from its page. The script is for sorting your watchlist.


Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue? To add a show, you will need to add it from its page. The script is for sorting your watchlist.

I don't think there was any issue. I was checking her account when she posted the ticket. She thought she could add titles to her watchlist from the list page. Her list was empty, and she was hovering over the Title Header of the Currently Watching section. So she saw this

I think you can close the thread.


I read a old post and saw how to add everything

Thanks for quick reply

Aoi closed this Jan 23, 2024 05:23