Hi, I have a suggestion. Nowadays, many people are creating multiple fake accounts to spread hate through comments, fake reviews and fake upvoting of reviews. It's very easy to create a fake account on the website since it doesn’t even require email verification. If possible, can you implement stricter measures to prevent the creation of fake accounts? For example, requiring email or phone number verification could help. I believe this would discourage people from making fake accounts.

Honestly, the atmosphere on MDL has become very toxic due to the hate spread by these fake accounts. Many of my friends have left MDL for this reason, and I am also feeling uncomfortable. Please consider taking action to prevent the creation of fake accounts, or you risk losing your loyal fanbase.


When it comes to the suspension or deletion of Regarding fake accounts  or Troll accounts suspension  , both suggetions serve a similar purpose. These uncivil users, often driven by frustration or mere enjoyment, aim to disrupt and spoil the environment for others.


Hi, I have a suggestion. Nowadays, many people are creating multiple fake accounts to spread hate through comments, fake reviews and fake upvoting of reviews. It's very easy to create a fake account on the website since it doesn’t even require email verification. If possible, can you implement stricter measures to prevent the creation of fake accounts? For example, requiring email or phone number verification could help. I believe this would discourage people from making fake accounts.

Honestly, the atmosphere on MDL has become very toxic due to the hate spread by these fake accounts. Many of my friends have left MDL for this reason, and I am also feeling uncomfortable. Please consider taking action to prevent the creation of fake accounts, or you risk losing your loyal fanbase.

While I completely agree with your suggestion here (!) I think we should be able to report these accounts and not have to use up votes to do so. It’s a failure of MDL admin if we have to vote on this to make it happen