I noticed that most J-Series would feature actors in pair. This is a general observation.

Oguri Shun and Matsumoto Jun
-Gokusen, Hana Yori Dango, Smile

Oguri Shun and Mizushima Hiro
-Hana Kimi, Tokyo Dogs

Oguri Shun and Narimiya Hiroki
-Gokusen, Juui Dolittle, Stand Up!!

Ok. Am a Shun Oguri fan. Haha. Literally.

Share your fave pairs.
And who would you like to see together in a dorama some time?

disclaimer: photos are google image search results. credits to owners.

Shun Oguri and Miura Haruma
-Crow Zero 2; Binbo Danshi

Kanata Hongo and Narimiya Hiroki
-Yankee-kun to Megane-chan; Nana Movie 2; Saigo no Bansan

Mizushima Hiro and Sato Takeru
-Mei-chan's Butler, Beck, Mr. Brain

Seto Koji and Yamamoto Yusuke
-Tumbling, Atashi No Danshi; Rinne no Ame

Yamamoto Yusuke and Daito Shunsuke
-Tumbling; Ouran; Hana Kimi

katharinetat wrote: Add Hana Kimi! Daito was Sano's brother and Yamamoto was Sano's classmate who could sense auras!
Shun Oguri and Daito Shunsuke
-Hana Kimi (brothers); Crow Zero

SayItAintSoJoe wrote: cool thread

Thanx. Am glad you liked this. Please feel free to post your favorite j-a pairs. Yoroshiku! ^__^
i see much love to shun oguri fanatic...... i thought mizushima hiro will NEVER act again i heard :/
Though I personally am a slave to ANYTHING with Oguri Shun and Narimiya Hiroki in it... anyone paired with them is pretty much instant gold to me but I have to admit that I love seeing dramas with Ueno Juri and Eita toegther (especially Last Friends). I think they play well off each other.
Horikita Maki and Yamapi. ^^