One thing that I have been wondering since all the discourse over this show is: what actually happens in the original source material. From what I understand, the original source is a webnovel. That can be different from how it's been adapted in the webtoon and then adapted to the drama.
If anyone actually read the webnovel in its entirety, what happens in it? Was there more time devoted to Yi Yeon and Se Kyung's relationship (be it as strangers, aquaintances, friends, whatever) before Deuk Pal took over. Was it unrequited crushes? Did they ever confess? Was there rejection? How much of the novel was focused on the romantic aspect? Was it more of a coming of age story? Was Deuk Pal also gay?
After that, I'm curious if Deuk Pal was as much of a focus as he is in the drama. In the drama, he is the heart of the show. Is that different in the webnovel? Do Yi Yeon & Deuk Pal engage more in the mindscape (or whatever that is were they talked).