Yes, I love to see that everyone knows about his sacrifice. He deserves that at least….

This would have been a more complete ending compared to what we were shown. 

sadly this ending has gotta be intentional... they could have kept the shadow part in and people would feel completely differently. sigh

Are they making this up to make it believable and more sense? Why not show in the drama?

WTF why didn't they do it like that 

That scene of a glimpse of a man in white appearing behind them and the daughter turning around asking uncle who are you would’ve taken only ONE MINUTE tops can’t they just squeeze that in?????

I hope the only reason they cut it out is bc Youku wanna milk the money out of us by selling the HE epilogue separately, like seriously at this point I even wish for Youku to be the biggest capitalist and milk us to the max if that’s what can make them give us a HE.

Someone shared the audio recording of the lead’s conversation. I hope it isn’t just a dream and a real scene. Don’t see any news about it except Youku released a trailer which stated special project yesterday. Today I checked it was just TVOD, sadly don’t think it is any epilogue…. 

The cut scenes would have given us all closure. 

If the focus is on TTJ and LSS due to time crush, at the very least give us that scene where TTJ's kid asks, "Uncle, who are you?" We will all still ugly cry after that but would definitely be less traumatised. That scene will implicitly mean TTJ can be together with his family again, of course sans the happy scenes we cannot get to see due to time constraints, but that would have definitely given many of us closure.

Anyone else headed off to Love Is Sweet to imagine their reincarnation? I am there now. First episode, BL's character calls LYX's character a DEMON.  Coming from TTEOTM, I was thinking to myself, if only she knew. He is indeed your DEMON husband. 😂😂😂 

@chuntian LIS is great. I have watched it 3/4 times 🫣


That scene of a glimpse of a man in white appearing behind them and the daughter turning around asking uncle who are you would’ve taken only ONE MINUTE tops can’t they just squeeze that in?????

I hope the only reason they cut it out is bc Youku wanna milk the money out of us by selling the HE epilogue separately, like seriously at this point I even wish for Youku to be the biggest capitalist and milk us to the max if that’s what can make them give us a HE.

I know right, just 1 minute or maybe even less for that scene.Already the rest of the supporting characters' story arc have lost meaning as so much was slashed.  At least close the story for the main characters. *sighs*


@chuntian LIS is great. I have watched it 3/4 times 🫣

Yes, it would be the perfect therapy for us traumatised fans. 🩹

I tried watching BFTB, but the opening scene reminded me of TTEOTM. 😨 I am still recovering from TTEOTM trauma and may not continue watching.  I think LIS will be the perfect therapy. And to hear BL call LYX DEMON in the first episode was comforting. LOL 🤪😂


Someone shared the audio recording of the lead’s conversation. I hope it isn’t just a dream and a real scene. Don’t see any news about it except Youku released a trailer which stated special project yesterday. Today I checked it was just TVOD, sadly don’t think it is any epilogue…. 

Some shared in the main chat that LYX has already written his post show thoughts to fans as a goodbye. So I think no more after this. I will be happy to be wrong about this, but it does look like the end. Unless the fans can kick up a big enough fuss to get an epilogue from Youku. 😅


Some shared in the main chat that LYX has already written his post show thoughts to fans as a goodbye. So I think no more after this. I will be happy to be wrong about this, but it does look like the end. Unless the fans can kick up a big enough fuss to get an epilogue from Youku. 😅

Yes, saw his note. It is ok. I am fine with their decision. Just that if possible a happier ending will allows us to move on about the ending. This ending is fair and it is best for TTJ as he no longer needs to suffer anymore.


I know right, just 1 minute or maybe even less for that scene.Already the rest of the supporting characters' story arc have lost meaning as so much was slashed.  At least close the story for the main characters. *sighs*

Yeah kinda like the ending of The Untamed, where Wei Wuxian was standing alone on the mountain, suddenly there’s a voice calling his name, he turned around and smiled. THE END. Took less than 15 seconds but it was enough to make people understand they reunited and HE.


Yeah kinda like the ending of The Untamed, where Wei Wuxian was standing alone on the mountain, suddenly there’s a voice calling his name, he turned around and smiled. THE END. Took less than 15 seconds but it was enough to make people understand they reunited and HE.

Oh yes! Though we did not see the face of the person who called him, but Wei Wuxian looked so happy, who else could it be right? So in the viewer's minds, that is already closure. 

The Untamed is another solid story. All the characters had the opportunity to be developed that in the end, one also felt so much for the villians. I ugly cried when the villian Jin Guan Yao died cause the show had time to develop his character and we understood why he was like that. They cut out stuff that the book shared too but what was shown is enough for viewers to understand him.