Below are a few cut scenes from ep 34-36, mostly around GYJW  that might help bridge the flow of the overall story and his interactions with Li Su Su better.

I was so confused in the last arc about GYJW: What kind if person he is and why did he change so quickly? Why did he sleep with YBC so easily? Why did he look so angry and grounded LSS, forbid her to go after TTJ?

So I read into several screenplay posts. I think his scenes were cut about 80%, which I understand because of the last minute cut down of episodes. While I am onboard with the unfortunate decision of cutting his scenes, I think some background about what happened was super useful for me to understand his actions and the flow of the story.

GYJW was created using the heart blood of TTJ and the tears of YBC (one mortal life of a demon), using an unorthodox spell that could be considered dark magic. This potentially caused him to love Li Su Su due to the effect of TTJ heart’s blood and more easily affected by demon power (YBC’s tears). These are my own interpretation outside of the screenplay. Now, onto the cut scenes:

1. Why did GYJW said he loved Susu and then slept with MN?

As you might know, ep 33 was cut a lot and some sequences changed in order. In the screenplay of the demon fight in Jin Guo, GYJW distracted by the view of TTJ and YXW “bed scenes” and attacked by the demon. Mo Nu saved him. While he was in her bed and she applied the medicine on him, she also applied a demon power in his wound so he passed out. The kissing sequence after is then shown to be ambivalent, we don’t know if it’s a dream MN put in GYJW’s head or if that did happen. GYJW didn’t know this either.

2. Why did GYJW looked so angry when looking for books about his origin?

In the screenplay, GYJW learnt that YXW and TTJ pretty much killed his past self Xiao Lin. He then learnt that he was not born from a mom and a dad but out of dark magic. Not only that, everyone seemed to know the truth but himself. After connecting all the dots, he suspected that all the care Su Su gave him in the years together was because she was guilty, toward someone that was not him. He loathed his existence and became angry and depressed.

He went to mortal realm and saw Mo nu, after some times together, he was convinced that she was the only one who loved him for himself, and not for Xiao Lin. He shared with her how much pain he had for being treated as someone he is not. How he hated being a creation out of dark magic, like a puppet who looked like XL but not XL. Mo Nu then had a thought: “XL, is it really not you?”

3. Why did GYJW forbid Su Su to go after TTJ after her father was killed by Di Mian?

GYJW was cultivating in the mortal realm when images popped in his head of SuSu and TTJ kisses, bed scenes, Xiao Lin getting killed by YXW and his own dream bed scene with MN, he spitted blood and thought “I can’t advance, I almost turned devil”. This was when an image of SuSu’s adoptive father appeared, next thing he knew a power source helped him advance to the next level and he was appointed by SuSu father to be the sect lead and protect everyone. Then SuSu’s father said goodbye and disappeared.

GYJW rushed back to the sect to see Di Mian heavily injured. DM said that TTJ rushed in when they were trying to get the devil bone out of Susu, then used God Slaying sword to kill SuSu’s father and injured him. DM was crying with regret that he couldn’t “save” SuSu’s father and keep TTJ from stealing the devil bone. DM then told GYJW: “Your mentor last words before he died were that you must continue his mission, kill TTJ and protect the sect.”

GYJW then came to see Su Su and learnt that many sects were trying to capture and punish her because she lied about having destroyed the evil bone. Wanting to keep SuSu safe and wrongly trusting Di Mian, he grounded SuSu.

Oh no the cutting of scenes made me confused. I feel that these scenes are important. Anyway, wish he said something rather than simply grounded SS and blamed CJM with no  evidence.

Yeah, in the script he at least has a witness and a fair reason to not let SS out in case other sect capture and hurt her.

I wish they didn’t need to cut off scene to fit into 40 episodes.

I blame the law maker, the minimum 3 months rules between episodes should have been communicated long ago and have at least 12 month consultation/grace period before coming into effect.

So helpful! Thank you