
I haven’t seen that yet! Gotta check that out. Hope I don’t get flamed! ?

Have you found it? And no, you were not flamed. ?


Have you found it? And no, you were not flamed. ?

Saw it! It was quite nice actually ?

Bubbles please! ? 


Bubbles please! ? 

Here you go. Princess Pink Clam Loves Bubbles Champagne ?

Deliciousness cheers ??

MDL keeps glitching. Is it just me......


MDL keeps glitching. Is it just me......

The glitch is on and off. In the somewhat tolerable range. LOL But I guess it's "normal" in the TTEOTM MDL Page.  Too active for MDL's servers to handle. LOL

Meanwhile cheers! ??

I need a drink! A super strong one cos had a hectic week. Cheers ~~~

I need a drink and if possible a lap dance from TTJ lol


I need a drink and if possible a lap dance from TTJ lol

Ooohhhh spicy 


Welcome to the Moon Bar! Anyone can pop by here for drinks and chit chat. What drink will you have? How about Crow coffee with triple shot of Bailey's Irish Cream?  ?

Bummer that the emojis are not working well in here. They turn into question marks sometimes.

Hi! can I please have that Crow Coffee? hahaha just finished writing about episode 33 and my head aches... I meant to make my fanfic as simply a series of expansions about the episodes in the drama, but when I came to episode 33, I found myself typing in 3-4 chapters (with around 2000 words) about it..... that episode sucks.


Hi! can I please have that Crow Coffee? hahaha just finished writing about episode 33 and my head aches... I meant to make my fanfic as simply a series of expansions about the episodes in the drama, but when I came to episode 33, I found myself typing in 3-4 chapters (with around 2000 words) about it..... that episode sucks.

Wow, we have authors coming into our Moon Bar too! Nice! 

Here you go, a strong mug of Crow Coffee, but sans the Baileys, else your headache might get worse. LOL. ☕


I need a drink and if possible a lap dance from TTJ lol


Can't afford therapy for this drama, and Youku is not offering any sooooo???



Hi! can I please have that Crow Coffee? hahaha just finished writing about episode 33 and my head aches... I meant to make my fanfic as simply a series of expansions about the episodes in the drama, but when I came to episode 33, I found myself typing in 3-4 chapters (with around 2000 words) about it..... that episode sucks.

Hello! Welcome!