Has anyone here visited and or lived in Mainland China before? If so where have you lived, and what was it like? I plan on Teaching English over in mainland China. Since I don't have a Bachelors degree to teach in South Korea I have decided to find a loop hole. I found out that Jilin province in north eastern China has a large autonomous zone for Yanbian Koreans. Apparently there's over 2 millions Koreans living there in the prefecture, and is a tourist spot for South Koreans as well :) Has anybody been there?
Raventhedark wrote: Has anyone here visited and or lived in Mainland China before? If so where have you lived, and what was it like?

I plan on Teaching English over in mainland China. Since I don't have a Bachelors degree to teach in South Korea I have decided to find a loop hole. I found out that Jilin province in north eastern China has a large autonomous zone for Yanbian Koreans. Apparently there's over 2 millions Koreans living there in the prefecture, and is a tourist spot for South Koreans as well :) Has anybody been there?

Heheh. sounds very odd.
So you really want to interact with Koreans but cant teach in Korea so decided to go to China to teach the Koreans there? :p
Indeed the loophole of 2012. =)

Never been there, good luck!
I'd just go pick up a bachelor degree and head to Korea.
Some of those bachelor degrees you can pick up from the internet or something nowadays =/
That area is not idea spot to even visit, if you ask me. And most SK people hate korean people in that area. B/C of what has been happening there with North Korean and Korean Chinese. When North Korean people gets there, Korean Chinese People turns them over, so they will be sent back to NK and most likely thrown in jail or be killed. But there are SK, Germen, and American people living there, just so they can help NK people.
KiddWolf wrote: That area is not idea spot to even visit, if you ask me. And most SK people hate korean people in that area. B/C of what has been happening there with North Korean and Korean Chinese. When North Korean people gets there, Korean Chinese People turns them over, so they will be sent back to NK and most likely thrown in jail or be killed.

But there are SK, Germen, and American people living there, just so they can help NK people.

Sounds exciting.
bannie wrote: Heheh. sounds very odd.
So you really want to interact with Koreans but cant teach in Korea so decided to go to China to teach the Koreans there? :p
Indeed the loophole of 2012. =)

Never been there, good luck!
I'd just go pick up a bachelor degree and head to Korea.
Some of those bachelor degrees you can pick up from the internet or something nowadays =/

Loop hole of the year lol

KiddWolf wrote: That area is not idea spot to even visit, if you ask me. And most SK people hate korean people in that area. B/C of what has been happening there with North Korean and Korean Chinese. When North Korean people gets there, Korean Chinese People turns them over, so they will be sent back to NK and most likely thrown in jail or be killed.

But there are SK, Germen, and American people living there, just so they can help NK people.

I have a good idea of where I'm going to go. So I don't care so much about going to that province anymore haha
chinagirltianqixiu wrote: i have ^_^

Why can you access this site while some of my Chinese friends can't? You living in Guangdong shouldn't change anything /sigh

I'll be in Zhejiang next year with my Chinese gf ^_^