hey guys I've been thinking of making a discord for only our chinese drama/novels needs, about the airing shows, the finished shows, whatever comes from china bc i really wanna talk in detail ffff anyway give me a sign if u r interested and I will make it work or if somebody has already done that throw me a link pls 

There are a few Disqus channels that have Asian drama themes that I am a member of and we have threads about Chinese dramas plus they have discord channels too ....I usually just go to the Disqus channels to comment, add gifs and discuss dramas or music 

I can ask if anyone is interested in a discord just for Chinese novels/dramas if you want o

wow i didn't know disqus worked like that, maybe i should look into that tbh 

thanks for the tip tho if people have their own places to talk about it then a discord isnt needed, i just haven't met with the right people or seen the right places 


wow i didn't know disqus worked like that, maybe i should look into that tbh 

thanks for the tip tho if people have their own places to talk about it then a discord isnt needed, i just haven't met with the right people or seen the right places 

If you send me a friend request I will give you more info