
I just need more Chinese dramas which one of the leads is interested in art or design (grahpic, web, ...etc.) 

If not, please give me your recommended list for modern dramas (but I don't need any action or crime dramas please:)

Thank  you!

i literally just finished the movie Suddenly 17 (cdrama) and that was what it was all about.   check it out! 

And older drama i recommend is Taiwanese drama MARS that has what u are looking for as well.

The lead in My Mr. Mermaid works for a news station and stuff- if that counts. All the episodes are on YouTube (:

@ JaoanneSmith

I add them to my list, Thank you!


I add My Mr. Mermaid to my list, hopefully I'l find more.. Thank you!!

You can try https://mydramalist.com/15031-love-o2o     it is about the gaming industry and other things :)

You can check Where The Lost Ones Go out!!! Both leads are into art, specifically painting. :)

Other Modern Chinese Dramas where one of the leads are into art/design:

+1 Love O2O - the ML is into game design
A Love So Beautiful - the FL is into art (as far as I can remember) while the ML is into medicine

I have a list you may be interested in here.  ->  https://mydramalist.com/list/d4vjG0Z4

Art In Love - George Hu, Adi Kan :)