The truth about LOVEO2O

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The truth about what happened with Yang Yang 
In 2015 in Divas hit the road, in the filming in London, Yang yang got lost for a whole night in a city he didn't know, without his mobile phone. He was saved in the morning of the following day by a friend, and Zheng Shuang didn't care about him, she was not worried. They had some quarrels before, and Yang yang shivered. She even badmouthed him at his back. She was always uncomfortable and scared every time she was with him. 
Divas is a tv show, with a script. They never made up for their quarrel. They acted while keeping distance, preparing BTS with a smile but arguing outside filming. 
In 2016, in a LoveO2O interview, Yang yang badmouthed her, saying she is NOT a good person. He never called her beautiful, while he praised Li Qin and Dilraba a lot. 
They were always pretending.
In 2019, Zheng Shuang filmed an interview about her roles and with a fan as a special guest she stated that she dislikes Yang yang, Wei Wei and LoveO2O. The interview was worldwide but not translated.  The same year, for her birthday, every costar sent a message, like Ma Tianyu and Yu Haoming. She had just met Yu Haoming at a celebration for "Let's go watch Meteor Shower" with a surprise. The message with Yang Yang was cold and emotionless and she was not happy to see him. 
Both fandoms dislike each other. You can't be a Zheng Shuang fan if you like Yang Yang. Don't trust  those who like both.
From Yang yang fans: 
"The reason why we Yangmaos hate that shipping from the start was not because of the scandal, but because of what happened at DHTR 2.
The way she behaved with  YY was unacceptable.
We love Yang Yang so much that anyone who hurt him"
" f someone claims themselves as a YY fan, they shouldn't ship YY with a person like ZS" 
"Real Yangmaos never ship YS"
"We had many bad experience with obsessed  YS shippers"
"Yangmaos hate that no chemistry ship."
"yangmaos stick to that no chemistry ship is not true. Even non fans know that"
"those are not yangmaos as far as im concern we dont want yy to be associated with her existence"
"Those are not yangmaos. We don’t claim them."
"YY fans had bad experience with all ZS fan"
"Yangmaos will avoid Zheng Shuang at all costs. Those who like her for YY are not real yangmaos. Who will want their idol to be with a problematic person?"
"casual viewers who just enjoyed the drama back then but avid yangmaos doesn’t like that ship" 
Don't trust those who ship them, we don't want them. 

xxmai locked this Out 29, 2021 05:28