de Old_Anime_Lady, Maio 2, 2019

I must confess that with most of his dramas I have watched he was a recognizable second character. You know the ones that you always see but they usually aren't the lead. Algernon Ni Hanataba O was where I really started paying attention (yeah didn't even register he was Smokey until I did this article.. Duh me). As I was writing this I found I watched a TON of his stuff without even realizing it. Currently watching Radiation House and it has not disappointed yet. Let's see what else I have seen him in and then on to satisfy our "Ultra Fan" hunger. : )

13 Assassins 

 I love Samurai films and this one did not disappoint. The political maneuvering to ensure the right thing was done for the Japanese people felt like something that really could have happened.

Rurouni Kenshin 

He played a secondary but pivotal character in the plot of this movie.

The Liar and His Lover 

He plays the extremely talented but dissatisfied musician in the band "Crude Play". Pretty decent soundtrack.


A net cafe employee playing a pivotal role in the plot of this title.

HiGH&LOW Series

Smokey is the leader of the Rude Boys who is very sick but protects his gang members and civvies alike.

Taira no Kiyomori 

His role is Taira no Shigemori son of Kiyomori.

Summer Nude 

Kirihata Hikaru is part of the main leads (Yamapi's) circle of acquaintances. He's a book worm with a crush and sardonic attitude.


 Algernon Ni Hanataba O 

Yanagawa Ryuuichi best friend to the main character Shiratori Sakuto (Yamapi). The character growth occurs even though he is a secondary character.

 Death Note 

The best Live Action rendition of Yagami Light I have seen so far. The nuances and his fall from grace just done perfectly.


New intern to the UDI Lab, Kube Rokurou.

Radiation House

Igarashi Iori who has the credentials to be a doctor but decides to be an X-ray tech instead.

Name: Kubota Masataka
Japanese: 窪田正孝 (くぼた まさたか)

  • Birthdate: August 6, 1988
  • Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
  • Height: 175 cm.
  • Blood Type: B
  • Zodiac: Leo
  • Agency: Stardust

The youngest of three boys, he wasn't interested in the entertainment industry, but instead, he worked at a gas station with the goal of becoming a mechanic. He attended Kanagawa Prefectural Kanagawa Technical High School for that aim. His mother saw the application in De ☆ View magazine and had him apply and he passed the audition for Stardust promotions.

Fun fact: he played baseball in elementary school but had to leave due to an injury. His favourite band is Exile.


  • Triflie ~ reorder ~ (January 27-31, 2010) Role: Takahiro Tsuji
  • Hakuouki Shinsengumi flame (October 1, 2010 - 17 days) Role: Soji Okita Officer
  • Study of Scarlet (October 12, 2012) Role: John H. Watson
  • Taki no Shiraito (Oct. 8-29, 2013, Bunkamura Theater Cocoon / Nov. 12-16, Theater BRAVA! Role: Alida
  • Kaze no mata saburō  (February 8, 2019 - March 3, Bunkamura Theater Cocoon / 2019 March 8 - 13 days, Morinomiya Piloti Hall) Role: Oribe Officer 


  • The 86th The Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Actor for Death Note
  • 19th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Jul-Sept 2015): Best Actor for Death Note
  • 19th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Apr-Jun 2015): Best Supporting Actor for Algernon ni Hanataba wo
  • Yahoo! Search Award 2015 · Actor Category Award

Voice Acting  (seiyū )

Monster Strike THE MOVIE Soranokanata (October 5, 2018)   role of Kanata

 Radio drama

Hitomi is because of you (August 13-16, 2007, Nippon Broadcasting )


Music videos

DISH // - 僕たちがやりました(DISH//と凡下高がやりましたver.) (2017)

Kimaguren (キマグレン) - Kimi no Inai Sekai / 君のいない世界 (2009)

Every Little Thing - Koi wo Shiteiru / 恋をしている (2007)

FUNKY MONKEY BABYS - Lovin' Life (2007)

Shibasaki Kou (柴咲コウ) - Invitation (2006)

Plus 2 more in the compilation video linked above.

I hope you check out this awesome actor who has come so far.  

Which of his dramas have you seen?

algernon ni hanataba o taira no kiyomori death note unnatural 13 assassins rurouni kenshin liar and his lover prophecy high&low summer nude radiation house