de Shaza, Mar�o 18, 2014

I Just Finished a Drama!

Hey all, I hope you’ll enjoy my new article :)
Actually, I’m the kind of person who only watches dramas in marathons, and I watch only one drama at a time.
After some monitoring, I had noticed that after finishing each drama, it leaves me with a certain mood and certain feelings, these “moods” or “feelings” vary, but I tried to sum it into 4 main categories, and here it goes:

1 - I love EVERYBODY! Article Pics/Finished1_zps92524468.jpg

Love is in the air, I mainly feel this way after a super happy ending that satisfies my every inconvenience, the bad guy gets exactly what he\she deserves and the main leads turn surprisingly smart and finally do what they should’ve done episodes ago!! I just LOVE this kind of dramas.

I remember feeling this way after watching Cinderella Man (The two main leads had some never ending misunderstandings that were all solved by Mr. Ahn <3 ), Article Pics/Finished2_zps2885e060.jpg

The Moon That Embraces the Sun (Thank you my smart king ^^), Article Pics/Finished3_zps2a1494dd.jpg

and Playful Kiss (EVERYONE ended with a significant other!)

An apology letter:

Dear Mom,

I’m truly sorry that I sometimes make you feel like you’d given birth to a retarded girl, but I swear to God I’m not!! (I hope :S).

But every time I get out of my room, after locking myself in for hours, with a sudden, very wide smile, spreading love around and hugging everyone, please know that I just encountered a drama with a satisfying ending.

                                                                                                                      Your loving daughter

2 - I HATE Everybody -_- Article Pics/Finished4_zpsd158d877.jpg

I personally feel this way after finishing one of those dramas that displays how the world is unfair, the bad guy gets the ending he\she deserves, but it was not entirely his fault, the world was at fault too, and the world never gets punished,

After watching this kind of drama, it just leaves me hating everyone, and wondering “how far can a person change according to hard circumstances? Who’s to blame? Are there people out there suffering similar circumstances?" Article Pics/finished_zps5b245a9c.jpg

I had felt this way after watching Cruel City (how can it be so complicated), City Hunter (Lee Jin Pyo <\3 ) Article Pics/Finished6_zpsa52b04c2.jpg

 and School 2013.

An apology letter:

Dear Family members\ Co-workers:

It’s not something you did, really! It’s not your fault, I just can’t trust you for a while!... This world we live in, I think I still need to know it better, that’s all.

Please wait for me patiently till I know this world better ooor till I go watch some cheerful drama (whichever comes first :P )

                                                                                                         Your spouse, sister, manager… etc..

3 - I’m ready for an adventure! Article Pics/Finished7_zps3b1de64b.jpg

How could I have lived such a boring life so far?! There is soooo much more in this life and the human beings have unlimited powers!! I’d felt this way after watching some inspiring dramas, and even though this comes as a sudden mood change but some of these inspirations stays there (a rational amount) and, in my opinion, this is one of the positive side effects of drama addiction.

I remember feeling this way after watching Can You Hear My Heart (the story shows many characters with disabilities that they could overcome and not let it affect their lives nor their personalities), Article Pics/Finished8_zps8202e71e.jpg

A Gentleman's Dignity (40? So what? I’m still attractive and life still has much to offer to me!), Article Pics/Finished9_zps7216d08b.jpg

Rich Man, Poor Woman (it was “I” who was succeeded, it was not by chance or mere luck, I did it once and I can do it again!)

An apology letter:

Dear Friends:

I’m sorry for the sudden energy that hits me every once and a while and makes me push you into facing whatever it is that faces you in this life, I do believe that you can overcome whatever you want once you set your minds to, but I realize later on that you don’t have to face every.single.thing….. Sorry :$

                                                                                                                              Forever yours,
                                                                                                                           Your addict Friend 

4 - What… was it… that I… was feeling? Article Pics/Finished10_zps4d23f4f0.jpg

Emotionally lost, I think this is the way to describe it! I feel this way after watching dramas with loose endings, and I HATE this feeling, this is the most annoying of them all, I find myself absent-minded wondering: “what?” “Then… why?” “I mean… did this just happen?” “Is it over???!!”

If you can’t wrap up your drama in a good way, then DON’T START WRITING IT, and if you mistakenly did (not sure how!) then please, for the love of God, DON’T MAKE IT INTO A DRAMA. Article Pics/Finished11_zpsb19e3c8a.jpg

These kinds of dramas should be used if anyone ever tried to open a rehab center for drama addiction; it almost makes me want to give up watching dramas!!

I remember feeling this pain after watching Iljimae (a masterpiece that was turned to ash because of the poor so-called ending), Article Pics/Finished12_zps9174cae3.jpg

K-POP - The Ultimate Audition (more like the ultimate disappointment! ), and I’d heard that the ending of Big is also painful, I hadn’t watched it and I don’t intend to.

An apology letter:

Dear me,

I’m sorry I made you feel this way and wasted your time for absolutely nothing, I’d learnt my lesson, and I’m trying to read reviews and make sure it’s worth it before watching new dramas, I can’t promise it’ll never happen again though!


This guide may be helpful for our friends and family members to understand the sudden mood change that occurs to us, drama addicts.

I think I missed lots of other moods since I don’t watch tragedies, so if you think there’s another mood change that I had missed kindly let me know of it ^^.

Love you all,
