de JustJackieB, Agosto 16, 2013

Good Doctor Episode 3

The residents surrounds Professor Kim Do Han. They just received their morning schedule. Suddenly Dr. Kim Jae Joon rushes into the room. He’s furious because his patient said that Dr. Kim Do Han could save his baby. Do Han is confused he never said anything to Kim Jae Joon’s patient. Then Park Shi On told them that he told the parents that Dr. Kim Do Han could save their child. Dr. Kim Ja Joon insults Kim Do Han and his students. Cha Yoon Suh speaks up and tells him he can’t say that about them because one person is soft-hearted toward the parents. Still unsatisfied, Kim Ja Joon leaves the room.  Before Kim Do Han could say anything Cha Yoon Suh ask the Park Shi On what was he thinking? He simply cowards back and said nothing.

Kim Do Han meets with the patient’s parents. He tells him he could not perform the surgery. The parents plead with him to do the work. He tells them it is no use. Dr. Kim Ja Joon and he will give the same answer. Park Shi On waits outside. The parents stare at Park Shi On. They wished he never said anything to them.

The parents watch their premature baby in its incubator.  Several IVs are used to keep her alive. The mom and dad discuss whether they should go to another hospital. But that hospital is the best in the nation so they take another look at their premature baby and weep in each other arms.

More than an hour later, Park Shi On is in the room with the preemie. He sees his fingers move. Cha Yoon Suh watches Park Shi On from outside the room. She remembers what Kim Do Han said about him. His action are robotic.

A few minutes later, two residents tell Park Shi On to follow them to the bathroom. They start scolding him for visiting the premature baby. Cha Yoon Suh interrupts them. She tells them he has the right to visit any patient.
Cha Yoon Suh asks him what he thought doctors and patients are. He recites book information like a robot. She listens to him carefully and tells him he needs to have a soul to work with patients.

Earlier that day, Kim Do Han visit Kim Ja Joon to tell his colleague that he cleared up the confusion and that confusion will not happen again. Kim Ja Joon offer him a position as an assistant professor in his department, a much larger and better funded department. Kim Do Han declines his offer.

Dr. Kim Ja Joon and Dr. Go Choong Man discuss what happen earlier today. Dr. Go is furious. But Dr. Kim tells him perhaps he should go to another hospital because his days are number there.

 Later that day, Dr. KimDo Han is being yell at again by another doctor, Dr.Go Choong Man.  He is upset with Dr. Kim Do Han because he operated on his patient. He tells Professor Kim Do Han he embarrassed him and the hospital. Professor Kim spoke in a steady tone and tells Dr. Go he has no ethics and why he doesn’t have any. Dr. Go calm down. He apologizes to Professor Kim. He tells Professor Kim he knows he doesn’t respect him, but can he just pretend he does. Professor Kim bowed and said, “Like this” and left the office.

Dr. Go meets with one of Professor Kim’s residents in the stairwell. He threatens the young resident and tells him to report anything Dr. Kim Do Han and Park Shi On are doing to him. The resident hesitates to but the Dr. Go blackmails the young resident by reminding him how he got in medical school.

Kim Do Han and the chief director, Lee Yeo Won have dinner.They are waiting for his girlfriend, Chae Kyung. His girlfriend walks in the dining hall. She tells her mother. If the dinner is about marriage, she will leave. She says no. She wants Kim Do Han to be an exchange doctor for Boston University and her daughter to work on a division there. She tells her mother she will not go to the US and walks out. Professor Kim catches up with his girlfriend. He tells her they should get married. She refuses to marry him.

The male nurse, Jo Jeong Mi, overhears the two nurses at the counter gossiping about Park Shi On. He yells at them and tells them trouble is everywhere. He sees Park Shi On with two residents. He doesn’t like how they are dragging him around.

Everyone hears a male child’s voice whining. The two residents recognize the voice. They don’t want to be bother by the young patient again. They tell Park Shi On to help out.  He agrees to help out.

The young patient throws a book or something at the door. His mother, Park Shi On, and Jo Jeong Mi are in there. The mother tells her son he can’t eat pizza. But he starts whining even more. Park Shi On starts telling the patient why he can’t eat pizza. Then the good doctor becomes distracted by the toys on the wall. He tells the boy what type of toy he has. The boy is impressed. He never met anyone (adult) who knows the names of the action figures.

Dr. Go, Deputy Director Kang Hyeon Tae, and Managing Director Lee Hyuk Pil come up with a plan to get rid of Dr. Kim Do Han and Park Shi On.

A few patients’ mothers don’t want Park Shi Oh to be their children’s doctor.  The male nurse tries to convince them that Dr. Park is a good doctor. But they don’t believe him because they know Dr. Park is autistic. Dr. Park overhears the mothers. Dr. Park walks away when one of the mother’s refuses to look his way.

Han Jin Wook catches up with Park Shi On. He knows about the mistakes Park Shi On has made. He tells him it’s okay to make mistakes as a resident. A young boy (five to eight years old) runs up to the two doctors. The pediatric hospital beauty, Na In Hye, suffers from eye pain. But it was all a joke to cheer up Park Shi On, but it didn’t work. He thought they were making fun of him. He ran out the room.

Later that night, Chief Director Choi Woo Suk and Dr. Kim Do Han have drinks outside. Choi Woo Suk is a mellow and quiet man, but Dr. Kim Do Han remembers him as a strict and harsh man. He prefers his old professor returns to his old ways. He asks why he protects Dr. Park so much. He used to scold his students for the slightest mistakes, but now he has changed.
The next day, Cha Yoon Suh meets with Professor Kim. He gives her a bottle of perfume as a thank you gift. The night before Cha Yoon Suh carried the drunk professor to his sleeping quarters at the hospital. But he tells her the perfume is to protect the patients from the smell of alcohol on her.

Dr. Kim Do Han’s student tell him what he overheard at dinner.  The HPB department said that he didn’t have the skills to work on the preemie and that’s why he return the preemie to the HPB department.

A few minutes later Professor Kim was in the NICU area. He demands to see the preemie’s chart record. He realizes the surgery can be done, but it will be tough.  He meets with his residents and tells them they have twenty four hours to get ready to perform surgery on the preemie, but it will be less than 20% chance this operation will work. Park Shi On notices something growing behind the preemie’s liver. Cha Yoon Suh and Professor Kim told him he must be confused. There’s nothing growing behind the baby’s liver.
Dr. Go, Deputy Director Kang Hyeon Tae, and Managing Director Lee Hyuk Pil drink in a bar. Professor Kim fell for their trap. The thought or idea of saving that preemie is impossible. If Professor Kim botch this job, they can get rid of him and Park Shi On.

The next day, Dr. Kim Do Han and medical student Park Shi On meet with the hospital board. They are discussing whether to terminate both men’s positions. Dr. Go asked who idea was it to operate on the preemie. Park Shi On said it was his idea. Dr. Kim interrupts him and said a first year resident doesn’t have the authority to operate on a patient or make such an order. The head of the HPB, Dr. Kim Ja Jeom  is furious. He wants Professor Kim fired. Professor Kim said he took the preemie because Dr. Kim Ja Joem was neglecting the preemie and was waiting around for the baby to die. Dr.  Kim Ja Jeon becomes more enraged. Then Dr. Kim Do Han corrected himself and said Dr. Kim Ja Joon was trying to save the hospital time and money by neglecting the preemie.

Suddenly, Cha Yoon Suh rushes in the room. She interrupts the meeting. The preemie’s organs are failing and they need to operate immediately. Park Shi On runs out the meeting to help. Dr. Kim and Cha Yoon Suh follow right behind him.

The preemie’s vitals are failing. They need to work on the preemie in the same room. The resident are confused, then Park Shi On recites a few passage from a book why they can’t move the baby. Then Cha Yoon Suh and Dr. Kim OH paraphrase what Dr. Park said to the resident.
Dr. Kim tells his resident to get the needed tools and supplies to operate on the baby. The nurses from those departments makes excuses from the tools might get lost to the nurses don’t have enough experience. Choi Woo Suk  said he would take responsibility if something goes wrong. The nurses get the needed tools and supplies.

The doctor operates on the preemie. The surgery goes well until Park Shi On sees that abnormal growth behind the liver. Cha Yoon Suh tells him nothing is there. But Dr. Kim checks behind the liver and they see the abnormality behind the liver.

Good Doctor OST