de JustJackieB, Junho 9, 2013

Episode 2 Recap
The episode opens with Han Young Man (Yi Soo's dad) opening a locker. He puts a large envelope in the locker.

Hae Woo’s secret place
Yi Soo calls Hae Woo’s home to let them know that she is safe and sound. She takes a nap on the sofa.
Yi Soo sits on the floor while Hae Woo naps on the sofa. He falls asleep right next to her. The sound of a lock unlocking wakes Yi Soo and Hae Woo up. Two men in black suits walk in. These are the same two men who chased Hae Woo from the diner in episode 1. They drag Yi Soo out of the house.
Hae Woo Grandfather’s private study
A distinguished gentleman sits in the study. Jo Sang Deuk (Hae Woo’s grandfather) walks in to greet him with a hardy handshake. The gentleman’s name is Junichuro Yoshimura. He is the CEO of the largest hotel chain in Japan. Jo Sang Deuk always wondered who was the chairman. Junichuro Yoshimura says, “My hotel is nothing compared to Gaya Hotel.”

The men continue talking. Junichuro asked Jo Sang Deuk: Does he recognize him? He said no. Do you know? 
Grandfather finds out the man sitting in front of him is the son of a childhood friend, Kim Yoon Shik.

Outdoors in front of Jo’s Mansion
Jo Ui Sun (Hae Woo’s father) stumbles out the back seat of the car.
A black car drives up behind them. The brakes screech. Yi Soo and Hae Woo get out of the car. A man is holding Yi Soo by the elbow. Yi Soo tries to pull away.  The man holds on tighter. Jo Ui Sun looks at Yi Soo with disgust and hatred.
Grandfather’s Private Study
Junichuro Yoshimura says his parents died in a fire. The incident happened so fast he did not know what to do. So when he got the chance to go to Japan. He jumped at it. The grandfather is very impressed with Jumichuro. He was able to survive in a strange country and become a successful tycoon.

Living Room
Jo Ui Sun slaps Yi Soo in the face. He can barely stand straight. Yi Soo walks up to him. His hand almost in a fist form. The drunk Jo Ui Sun raised his hand again to hit Yi Soo. Hae Woo steps in front of her dad. He tells her to move. She refuses.

She asks him, “Why is he hitting Yi Soo? He doesn't deserve to be hit by you.”
Han Young Man (Yi Soo’s dad) runs in the room.
Jo Ui Sun admits he never liked Yi Soo. He doesn’t like the way he looks at him. The drunk father forbids the two teenagers from seeing each other. Yi Soo protests and tells him, “I don’t understand why you’re being so mean to me. Hae Woo and I have done nothing wrong. And I have no clue why you’re treating me like this.”  Yi Soo’s dad tries to get his son's attention, but Yi Soo continues talking. His dad has to raise his voice. Yi Soo looks at his father in shock. He rarely raises his voice.
Dad says he will explain everything to Yi Soo.

Yi Soo clenches his fist tighter.
The drunk father tells them to pack their bags. He wants them out of the house by tomorrow morning. Hae Woo’s father walks in. He offers them to pay for their moving costs. 
Yi Soo speaks up again. He says, “Hae Woo is my friend, and whether I see my friends or not is my decision.”
Jo Seung Deuk steps out of his study with a loud roar. He roars, “What is the meaning of this?” His guest, Junichuro, follows behind him.
The drunk Jo Ui Sun apologizes for his behavior. He wasn’t aware they had a guest. Grandfather looks at him with a disappointed look. Junichuro glance at him as well. He wonders how the son of an executive can be so disrespectful. He stumbles out of the living room.
The grandfather orders Hae Woo upstairs. He signals Yi Soo to leave the mansion. His dad is left behind.

Outside the Mansion

Junichuro walks up to Han Yi Soo. He says, “You’re Han Yi Soo. The chairman told me how he thinks of you as his own grandson. You can’t trust people. But you still need to understand your father. He isn’t a coward but has no power, so that was the only way he could protect you. I’m Junichuro Yoshimura. I’ll bet we see each other again. ” (The mysterious man’s last name is Yoshimura Junichuro).
Yi Soo replies, “What do you mean by that”

Outside the Mansion –Near Junichuro’s car
A man with a large shoulder briefcase walks up the path to the mansion. Junichuro notices the man. There is a slight smile on his face for a brief moment.

Han’s home
Yi Soo’s dad and sister are sitting on the floor. Yi Hyun tells her father she needs more pencils for school. Yi Soo says he will go get them for her, but dad says he needs some fresh air. He leaves to get her things from the store.

Jo Seung Deuk’s Trophy Room

Several plaques are lined up on the mantle. Grandfather is facing the professor of Korean rectification, Kang Hee Soo. The man is there to talk about correcting Korean past. Professor Kang Hee Soo shows Jo Seung Deuk the contents in the envelope from the Institute of Rectification of Korean History.
Jo Seung Deuk does not fully understand what Kang Hee Soo means by rectify. Professor Kang Hee Soo tells him, “People who commit serious wrongdoings and yet are living very well.”
He is on a mission to bring justice to those who did wrong and live comfortably now.

Han’s family home
Han Young Man apologizes to Yi Soo.
Jo Seung Deuk private room
Jo Seung Deuk sits in the almost dark room all alone. His eyes are closed while he slowly rocks in his chair. He hears an old Korean song. He quickly opens his eyes and looks at the antique phone.

Jo’s Family Car
Han drives Professor Kang Hee Soo home. Kang Hee Soo asks Han how long has he worked for Jo Family. Han worked for the Jo Family for a long time.
Suddenly, Kang Hee Soo questions Jo Seung Deuk's credibility. He says, “Do you believe he is the greatest man that all Korean college students think he is?”
Kang Hee Soo seems to change the subject and starts talking about swindlers and con men.
Kang Hee Soo’s apartment - Outside
Han Young Man notices the envelope that Kang Hee Soo left in the car.

Club – Outside
Jo Ui Sun is still drunk. Two women try to help him downstairs. But he pushes them away. He stumbles to the car. He insists that he is not too drunk and can drive himself home.

Kang Hee Soo’s apartment – Indoors
A man in a hooded jacket hides in the closet. Kang Hee Soo remembers he left his envelope in the car.

Kang Hee Soo’s apartment – Outdoor   
He runs outside. Han Young Man was outside waiting for him. He drops the envelope by mistake. Both men bend down to get it. Young Man turns to walk away. Hee Soo asks him to wait.
Hee Soo says, “You looked familiar. Shadow. I remember those eyes. How could I not recognize you” A look of shock runs across Kang Hee Soo’s face. “I have seen your face so many times in my dreams.”

Young Man walks backward. He is confused. He doesn’t recognize the man. Hee Soo keeps insisting they know each other. Young Man’s phone rings.

Han’s apartment
Yi Soo calls his father.

City Street
Jo Ui Sun speeds down a city residential area. He calls his wife and asks her to come home for Hae Woo’s sake. He demands that she come home.
Suddenly he hits a man crossing the street. The man was carrying a bag of groceries.
The accident scares Jo Ui Sun.

Kang Hee Soo’s apartment – Outdoors
Han Young Man runs out of Kang Hee Soo’s apartment. He is frightened. He runs down a flight of stairs. He has the rectify envelope in his hand. He is so frightened that he has a hard time unlocking the car door.

City Street
Jo Ui Sun gets out of the car to see what he hit. His gold watch falls off his wrist. He sees the man he ran over lying on the ground. He runs back in his car and drives off. A little boy sees everything.
Collage of scenes. Both men are driving. They are frightened and scared. 

Kang Hee Soo’s apartment – Indoors
Kang Hee Soo  lays dead on the floor. A man clenches a pen in his hand. He calls Jo Seung Deuk.

Jo’s Mansion – Outdoors
Yi Soo is walking home from the store when he sees Jo Ui Sun stumble in the house. He notices his father did not drive him.
Junichuro’s bodyguard or assistant watches from afar.

Jo Ui Sun’s bedroom
He sits on his bed. His hands in his face crying. He pulls his sleeve down to find his watch.

City Street – Crime Scene
A detective holds Jo Ui Sun's watch in his hand. He recognizes the monogram on the back of the watch. He looks around and stuffs the watch in his pocket.

The detective calls Prosecutor Oh Hyun Shik. He says, “I called you because I thought you should know about this. It is related to Chairman Jo Seung Gook”

Jo Seung Gook’s private study
The prosecutor is a guest in the study. Jo Seung Gook sets up a Go game. He uses the directions to make sure it is right. The prosecutor sits quietly in front of him. He told him about the accident and they found his son’s watch. Jo Seung Gook tells him to solve the hit and run accident legally. Then he gives him mixed signals. By telling him, he will meet with the Director Jung next week. "I think you deserve to be in the top position in the prosecutor’s office. So I’m currently considering which position will be most fitting for you.” He slams a game piece on the board.

Jo Family Car

Han Young Man stares at the rectify envelope. He opens the envelope and reads what’s inside. The information scares him. His phone rings. The sound startles him. The caller ID reads Chairman (Jo Seung Gook).

Locker Room
Han Young Man locks the envelope in locker 22. He holds the key in his hand, key number 22.

Jo Seung Gook’s private study

Han Young Man kneels before the Chairman. The chairman says, “As we live our lives, there are obstacles we must inevitably face. This is just one of them. It’s nothing.”
Han Young Man looks up at the Chairman. His face is full of doubt.
Chairman continues, “And I happen to think that you’ve already atoned enough for your past sins.”
The chairman said, “What’s important is how we are going to overcome this current obstacle.”
Han Young Man is full of guilt. He tells the Chairman he will turn himself in. Chairman offers Young Man a proposal. It was up to him whether he will accept or not, but accepting the proposal would be in the best interest of his kids, Yi Soo and Yi Hyun.

Jo Ui Sun’s bedroom
He is still in a daze. He slowly walks to his lonely bed.

Jo Seung Guk’s private study
Han Young Man accepts the Chairman’s deal. Young Man heads to the door. When the Chairman asks about the envelope. He asks him if he has the envelope. Young Man lied and said he got rid of it. Then the chairman asks him if he read it. Young Man did not answer. But the Chairman knew the answer, he read the contents. However, Young Man insisted he did not believe anything the document said. He made a promise to the Chairman. He will never reveal the contents until the day he dies.
Han’s Home
Yi Soo prepared dinner and a drink for his dad earlier. Yi Soo falls asleep waiting for his dad. His dad opens the door. It is almost daybreak.
Young Man sits down at the table. He asks his son, Yi Soo, to pour him a drink. Yi Soo asks his dad why was he drinking on a work day. His dad says he is taking the day off. He needs to meet with someone. Yi Soo asks who he is meeting, but his father says nothing and drinks one shot.
Jo’s Family Home
Jo Ui Son stands behind his father, Jo Seung Deuk. He looks scared and ashamed. Jo Ui Son apologizes for his behavior. When he says something about the Han family moving out, his father turns around.  Ui Son tells his father he doesn’t feel comfortable around the Han family. Suddenly, Seung Duk slaps him twice. The second hit lands him on the ground. Ui Son balls up like a baby on the floor.
Han’s Home - Outdoors
Yi Soo returns from school. Two detectives wait outside.

Han’s Home – Indoors

The detectives tell Yi Soo’s about the accident. One of the detectives was the same one who stuffed Jo Ui Son’s watch in his pocket.

Yi Soo refused to believe them, but they said his father already confessed. Yi Soo still did not believe them. When the detectives walked away, one of them said, “I guess he left his car at an auto repair shop, since it’s not here… At least it’s a foreign car. Should be easy to find.” 
Yi Soo turns around when he heard those words. His dad drove home that night. The car was fine.
Yi Hyun, Yi Soo’s sister, listens to the men talk. She is holding her Hello Kitty Music Box. 

Han’s home – Outdoors
Yi Soo calls out to the detectives to stop. Yi Soo tells the detective, “The chairman’s car is a domestic one. And my father is his driver.” The detective tells him his father is a driver he could have driven any car. But Yi Soo insists that his dad did not drive the foreign car.
Lead detective asks the junior detective to start the car. He wants to talk to Yi Soo.  Yi Soo told him Mr. Jo (Jo Ui Sun) drove his own car. The lead detective asked if he saw Mr. Jo driving his own car.
Yi Soo said he didn’t see him drive the car, but he was sure he did drive it that night. The lead detective accuses Yi Soo of lying. He should not blame others for what his dad did. “Besides your father already confessed.”

Professor Kang Hee Soo’s home
The corpse of Kang Hee Soo is still on the floor. A different set of detectives is on the scene.  The detective tells his lead partner that the professor was strangled and they did not find any fingerprints on the scene. The killer did not break into the place. The professor knew the killer. The lead tells him to find out the last place the professor was.

Professor Kang’s apartment – Outdoors
The older detective talks to one of Professor Kang’s friends. He tells the detective that Professor Kang was working on something that was very important. But he never tells him the details. But he remembers the professor telling him. It would turn the world upside down. The detective asks what was the professor working on. The neighbor says that the professor was working on rectifying the injustice of Korean history.
Suddenly, the younger detective runs down the steps. He is talking on the phone. He whispers in his partner’s ear and tells him the last person the professor talk to was a tycoon.
Jo Seung Deuk’s private study
Jo Seung Deuk’s, the patriarch of the Jo family, sits alone in his office. He is alone and he’s facing the wall. The background music is sharp and intense.

City Street
Han Young Man stands in front of a building. It is the same building he stopped at that night. At the top of the stairs is a tall gate. A woman about his age opens the gate. He recognizes her, but she does not acknowledge him. She turns around and walks back inside.

Public Phone Booth –
At night, Han Young Man calls the Chairman to let him know that he will confess everything. He cannot live with so much guilt.
Han’s home
The phone rings. Yi Hyun gets ready to answer it. But her brother, Yi Soo, runs to it first and picks it up. Yi Soo tells his father he did not do it. But both men are talking about two different crimes. Yi Soo thinks his dad is confessing about the hit and run accident, but his dad confessed about the Professor Kang murder case. Young Man tells Yi Soo he will turn himself in today. Yi Soo continues pleading with his father, not to turn himself in. But his pleas are useless. He still tells his son, he will turn himself in.

Jo’s Family Mansion – Outdoors
A detective stands outside. Another detective walks the path to Han’s home. He is the same one from the Professor Kang's murder scene. Yi Soo runs out of the house. Both detectives see him run by.
Jo Seung Deuk’s private study

Seung Deuk puts the game pieces back while the two detectives interview. The two detectives ask Jo Seung Deuk about the professor. He says,  "I was curious about that professor because he was so passionate about setting the record straight on Korea’s past independence movement."

The lead detective asks him if the professor talked about anything else besides Korea’s independence movement. The detective asks to meet with Han Young Man, the driver. Seung Deuk stopped moving the game pieces. He looks up at the lead detective. The lead detective tells him, “Because he might be the last person to have seen the victim."  Seung Deuk tells him Young Man took the day off for personal reasons. The detective asks if he knew what those personal reasons were. Seung Duk says he didn’t ask because they’re personal reasons.

City Street Near Police Station
Young Han Man is standing on the street corner. He looks up at the full moon. He waits for the light to turn green to cross the street.  The light turns green. A man in a fedora hat walking with a cane crosses from the other side. He is clicking a pen in his hand. The man stabs Young Man with the pen and keeps on walking. Young Man feels a sharp pain in his leg. He glances back to look at the man. Then he continues across the street. He falls to his knees when he reaches the other side. He looks up at the police sign. He collapses to the ground. His eyesight is blurry. He can hardly see the man in the hat staring at him from across the street. His son, Yi Soo, runs across the street to help his dad. A single tear rolls down his face.

River Bank or Lake

Yi Soo, his sister, his friends, and Hae Woo’s maid are at the lake. Yi Soo slowly pours his dad’s ashes from his hand across the lake. The wind blows the ashes forming a cloud of dust. He stares out at the lake. Hae Woo goes to comfort him. But Yi Soo drops the urn and starts walking to the middle of the lake. His friends, Hae Woo, Joon Yeong, and Dong Soo, run to stop him.
Joon Yeong yells, “Get a hold of yourself.” He demands, “Dong Soo, grab him and pull him ashore. Hurry!”


His friends have pulled him ashore. Everyone left except for Yi Soo and Hae Woo. Hae Woo watches Yi Soo from afar. Yi Soo still stares at the lake. His breathing is slow and shallow. Tears form in his eyes, but a tear tries to drop. He clenches his fist.

Han Family Home
Yi Hyun and Yi Soo sit at a table with a box. Yi Hyun says,“The detective brought it here.” He opens the box to look inside. He opens his father’s billfold and sees the picture of the three of them. Then he takes out a pack of cigarettes. Yi Hyun says, “Dad doesn’t smoke.”

Yi Soo slowly walks to his room with the pack of cigarettes.He sits on the floor. The tears roll down his cheeks. He cries so much he can't sit up any longer.
Hae Woo’s bedroom
Hae Woo cries while she carves something.
Jo Seung Deuk’s private study
Seung Deuk stares at his trophies. He touches one of them.

Police Station –Outdoors
The lead detectives from both cases are drinking a small cup of water. The lead detective from the hit-and-run case says, “I think the killer must’ve injected him with a poison or something. It probably didn’t take long for him to experience cardiac arrest.” The lead detective from the murder case of Professor Kang Hee says, “It’s the work of a professional.”
Then he asks the other lead detective, “Do you have solid proof that Han Young Man was responsible for the hit-and-run?”
The lead detective from the hit-and-run says Young Man confessed. He is the same detective who took Jo Ui Sun’s watch from the crime scene.
The lead detective from the murder case says, “Well I don’t want to pry into a case that’s already been closed… The facts don’t seem to match up.”

The lead detective from the hit-and-run case asks, “What facts?”
The lead detective from the murder case says, “The investigation suggests that Han Young Man got into the accident while driving Kang Hee Soo, but the scene of the accident isn’t on the way from Kang’s place to Chairman’s Jo’s place.”
The other lead detective counterattacks and says, “Hey, do you always go home straight from the police station?”
The lead detective from the murder case wants to see the autopsy results for the Young Han Man case. The lead detective refuses to let him see it. The murder case detective says Han Young Man was a witness for the Kang Hee Soo. He needs to know if Han Young Man was murdered. The hit-and-run case detective still tells him no.

Jo Family Home –Inside

Yi Soo, Jo Seung Deuk, and Jo Ui Sun are sitting around a coffee table. Seung Deuk wants Yi Soo and his sister to stay with them. Seung Deuk says, “I think of you and Hi Hyun as my own grandchildren.” Yi Soo appreciates the gesture and says, “I know how dearly you think of us. My dad was always grateful for that, too.”
Jo Seung Deuk tells Yi Soo to forget about everything and study hard. Yi Soo says he can’t forget everything. Yi Soo says his father was murdered. The police did not arrest anyone and there was no witnesses. Then he continues and tells him his father was blamed for a hit-and-run accident. Yi Soo says, “What’s more, he died as someone who was wrongfully framed for a hit-and-run.” Jo Ui Sun tries to hide his shock that Yi Soo’s dad was framed for his crime.  Jo Ui Sun says, “I heard that Mr. Han confessed though.. Why do you say that?”
Yi Soo replied, “I’m sure he had no choice but to confess.” He glares at Ui Sun. He knew Jo Ui Sun drove his own car that night.
Hae Woo walks the flight of stairs while Yi Soo mentions  was framed.
Yi Soo tells them he has a place to stay, but Jo Seung Deuk tells him if he ever needed anything to let him know.
Jo Seung Deuk leaves the room. Yi Soo is ready to leave when Jo Ui Sun calls him a “cocky bastard” behind his back. Yi Soo turned around. Jo Ui Sun tells him not to waste his time with nonsense and focus on his studies. Yi Soo refuses to take his advice and tells him he will find justice for his dad.

City Street –Location of the Hit-and-Run Accident
Yi Soo hangs a banner between two trees at night. The banner reads, [Driver of a black foreign car hit and killed pedestrian. Any witnesses please call...] His friend, Joon Young, helps him with the other side. Yi Soo did not expect anyone to help him hang the banner. The two friends tighten the ropes on the tree. Joon Young squeezes Yi Soo shoulder. Joon Young implies everything will be okay. The young eyewitness sees everything.
School – Art Room
Hae Woo stares at a painting when Yi Soo walks in.  He tells her it’s a Chagall. She didn’t know he knew about him. He tells her she always looks at books about him. They look straight at the painting. She tells him the name of the painting. “It’s Chagall’s ‘Orpheus.’ Orpheus was a man who risked his life and even went to hell in search of his wife.” She turns her head and says, “My ideal man.” Yi Soo smiles and says, “Oh”

Yi Soo tells her he wants to be a prosecutor. He will use the law to find the person who framed and killed his dad. She holds out her closed hand and turn it over. In her hand is the shark she carved for him. Hae Woo says, “You can’t see it (shark), but I made a swim bladder for it, too. So it can breathe comfortably whenever it wants to.” She puts it in his hands. Her hand has scratches on it.

City Street –Location of the Hit-and-Run Accident
Yi Soo checks on the banner. When the young eyewitness and his grandfather stop by, the grandfather says his grandson keeps saying weird things. The grandson says he saw what happen.

Police Station –Indoors

The murder case lead detective over hears Yi Soo telling the lead detective from the hit-and-run case his dad wasn’t the one who hit that man. Yi Soo tells the detective what the young boy said. The young boy tells him that the driver was not wearing a tie. Yi Soo tells him that his father always wore a tie when he drives. He tells him that the young boy saw a watch fall off the man’s wrist.
The lead detective asked his partner if they found a watch at the scene. He tells him no. But Yi Soo insists that the young boy is telling the truth. Yi Soo says someone could have picked up the watch.
The lead detective from the Kang Hee Soo’s murder case steps closer to hear them better.
Yi Soo keeps arguing with him. He tells him to interview the young boy. He refuses to interview such a young person.

Yi Soo asks the lead detective if he was really a detective because he wasn’t doing his job. The lead detective becomes offended and starts to charge at Yi Soo, but his partner holds him back. While his back is turned Yi Soo runs up and starts fighting the lead detective. His partner has to pull Yi Soo off him.
Jo Seung Deuk is the guest lecturer. The place is filled with people. He says, “Justice isn’t done with words nor with thoughts. It’s determined by  your present actions, and you have to actively carry it out. The justice I’m thinking of is carried out through self-reflection and starts with looking back at your past. If people only moved forward without looking back this society would be in very ill shape. There are still many people who are suffering because of the past….”He ends with the statement, “When we all are righteous and just, our society can become more just as well.”

The lecture and Yi Soo’s fighting with the detective are going on at the same time.

The lead detective from the Kang Hee Soo’s murder case grabs Yi Soo and slaps him in the face.

Yi Hyun works on her school work while listening to her Hello Kitty music box. The music box melody is “Wish Upon A Star.” The entire song will not play. So she takes her music box apart. She finds key 22. This key opens the locker with the document that will change the world.

Episodes 2 Notable Characters
Teenage “Han Yi Soo” played by Yun Jun Suk
Teenage “Jo Hae Woo” played by Kyung Soo Jin
Teenage “ Young Joon Young” played by No Young Hak
Teenager “Kim Dong-Soo” played by Oh Hee Joon
Young “Han Yi Hyun” played by Ahn Seo Hyun
Jo Ui Sun played by Kim Gyu Chul
Jo Seung Deuk played by Lee Jung Gil
Han Young Man played by Jung In Ki
Professor Kang Hee Soo played by Choi Deok Moon
Prosecutor Oh played by Jung Won Joong
Yoshimura Junichiro played by Lee Jae Goo
Lead Detective for hit-and-run played by Kim Min Sang
Lead Detective for Kang Hee Soo murder case played by  Park Won Sang
Nanny (Mrs Park) played by Jeong Kyeong Soo