de finaldream21, Abril 22, 2013

Currently Watching: You're the Best Lee Soon Shin

As this is my first CW attempt, please let me know how you like the article!

Most of us know what it’s like to say “Just one more episode, then I’ll go to bed.”  Well, this semester I was hoping to avoid that by finding the perfect lighthearted ongoing drama to keep me grounded. When I heard of S. Korea’s Sweetheart IU’s new show, I was immediately intrigued. Her character in Dream High was so lovable and entertaining, I’ve come to expect nothing less from the bubbly songstress. Not to mention Jo Jung Suk’s break out role in What’s Up was nothing short of great. Having the ability to keep up with Im Ju Hwan’s acting ability and Daesung’s vocal talent, earns huge respect in my book. (I have yet to see King 2 Hearts, don’t worry it’s on my list) Needless to say, I was excited to see what the pair could do when working together:

Will they sing together? 
What direction will the drama go? 

I was anxious to find out and so began my entrance in Lee Soon Shin’s world.
The show’s promo poster is cute and inviting. However, the show itself doesn't initially feel that way. 

The Protagonists
The youngest of three daughters, Lee Soon Shin (IU) named for the famous Korean admiral, is the hopeless, “ugly” girl and black sheep of the family. She has just graduated college and has yet to find her calling in life. With a judgmental grandma, “perfect” sisters, and neighbors that seem to think Soon Shin is without hope, I’m having a hard time understanding why the poor girl hadn't given up yet. Perhaps, that’s what makes her “the best”; her resilience in the face of adversity and her “ever the optimist” attitude. 

Shin Joon Ho (Jo Jung Suk) is quite different. Jilted by life, his father, and a nasty ex-girlfriend (Kim Yun Seo), Joon Ho is what you may call a cynic. Or at the very least he is disguised as a cynic.  Whatever the case, he initially comes across as a pretentious hot shot producer. However, as with many male drama leads, he has reasons for the way he is. You do learn through the course of the show that he did have a few dreams of his own. He wanted to be living happily with his girlfriend and also he had (perhaps still has?) dreams of becoming a singer, but unfortunately, for one reason or another, life knocked him down. 

The Story
Soon Shin is down on her luck - failed yet another interview for a job and has no idea what she wants to do. To add to that, her birthday passes and it goes unnoticed. It is one thing after another. Then she gets a glimmer of hope when a man, CLAIMING to be Shin Joon Ho, wants to hire her as an actress. Thinking this may be something she really wants to do, she enlists the aid of her mother when signing the “producer’s” contract. *Warning: mini spoiler* After signing the contract placing herself in an enormous debt due to a scam, her world comes tumbling down. Feeling already lost and useless with only a measly part time job, the unthinkable happens - her father dies. I mean, HOW MUCH CAN ONE GIRL STAND?

Meanwhile, Joon Ho hoping to get revenge on his ex girlfriend Yeon Ah by showing off how successful he is, he tries to sign her to his company. After refusing, Yeon Ah challenges him, to turn the girl who is outside weeping, into a star. That girl is our very own Lee Soon Shin…

My Opinions So Far
This is a really good show. Not a great show, but a good one. I’d be lying if I said this drama started off perfect. Family dramas are notorious for being dramatic, time consuming, and, well, draining. Yet I haven’t given up on this diamond in the rough quite yet. There is so much potential in this drama. Among the actors, the length (a luxury I wish some dramas could afford *cough* City Hunter *cough*), and the plot, there are so many things going for this drama. I have faith in its success.
Honestly, I could go into a lot more detail on the plot, the characters, anything and everything, but seeing as how this is a family drama, my CW may turn into a novel. There are SOOO many characters and the way the plot is weaving them all together is actually very intricate and well thought out so far. I think all the characters have a lot of room for growth and if executed well, it could go over very smoothly. Personally, I would like to see some growth not only from Joon Ho and Soon Shin, but from everyone else as well. Especially, Yoo Shin. The girl makes me want to pull my hair out. In all my years of drama watching, no voice has quite hit me like hers. I’m also oddly intrigued by the baker and not just for the obvious soon-to-be romantic relations with the eldest sister, but by his story in general. 

I would just like to end this on a few personal notes:
** I think the first few episodes are extremely difficult to watch, so if you are already in a bad mood or have had an off week, I don’t recommend cuddling up to this drama. I made that mistake. Just go watch Hana Kimi (Japan) or Playful Kiss (any of them). 
**My advice: don’t go into this drama thinking it’ll be as happy as it looks. Also, get through the first four to six episodes before you cast any official judgments. It’s a long show, so it takes longer to start up. 

So readers, What are YOUR opinions on the characters so far? Anyone you hate? Love? Despise? Please let me know. Maybe you think Yoo Shin is just misunderstood. Tell me why! I’d love to hear. 

-AM, Finaldream21

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