- Português (Portugal)
- Polski
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Título original: シャーク
- Também conhecido como:
- Roteirista: Kuwamura Sayaka
- Diretor: Nishimura Ryo, Kubota Takashi, Goto Kotaro, Nakakuki Tsuyoshi
- Gêneros: Musical, Drama
Elenco e Créditos
- Yamashita RioKomatsu IchikaPapel Principal
- Hirano Sho Papel Principal
- Okada KokiYoshimura TakahiroPapel Secundário
- Fujii RyuseiKitagawa KazukiPapel Secundário
- Mano ErinaOkawa MikuPapel Secundário
- Kamiyama TomohiroAdachi TeppeiPapel Secundário

SHARK was a disappointment for me, from the way the story was explained I thought it would be quite interesting but I was wrong sadly.
What I liked about this drama was Mizuki, I hated yet loved him because of his attitude, he became the only interesting part of the drama and the only reason I managed to finish it. I also really liked the music, the songs were catchy, I found myself knowing parts of "Keep walking" by the end of it because they sang it so much.
Every episode they thought they we're progressing but no, something else went wrong >_< well I guess that's why they're called dramas, but it was a little annoying how they had these new problems arise every episode out of nowhere.
I don't really know how I feel about the drama, it was hit and miss, (mostly miss) I think if they had developed they story more and made it more interesting then it would have had a lot more potential.
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Story: It is a story, that isn´t actually so unique, quite similar is the kdrama "Shut up flowerboy band". There are a few people who watched this, who think that it isn´t very similar to Shut Up Flowerboy Band, but it really is similar: both show a band, that want to achieve their dream and the dream of the late vocalist: to debut and show they world their Music, while trying to do that they face difficulties and need to challenge themselves.
Acting/Cast: All the actors portrayed the characters very well, but somehow I don´t like Ichika Komatsu xD
Music: The Music is awesome!! It is definetely the thing that I liked the most right after all the morals. I´m disappointed that you barely can find the song on YouTube!! >< :(
This is a Drama that I really like but there is one thing that I didn´t really like. It´s true, while you are trying to achieve a dream there are many difficulties, but still, I really wonder about the logic that in every episode there was a new problem, that came out of the blue! I mean, there are things that really happen suddenly but there are some that don´t and I think this drama is a bit exaggerating in that point. Oh and, I think this whole Drama is a bit rushed, a problem arises then they solve it and then the episode ends and it repeats itself.
But I still think that it definetely is worth at least a try!!
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