Short, quirky dramas about single, middle-aged women running a business are like a cup of warm tea on a cold day. In both cases, they star Kobayashi Satomi and are directed by Matsumoto Kana. Quaint scenery, the presence of nature, and of course the excellent Motai Masako in a supporting role. One can't go wrong watching one when they've enjoyed the other.
A couple of the most relaxing works from Japan. Both feature the talents of Kobayashi Satomi and Motai Masako. In both, Kobayashi stars as a middle-aged woman running a quirky small business. Both are written and directed by a woman. Though the creative forces behind them are different, the two women share similarities in directing style and aesthetic. Both also feature abundant nature and local folklore, lending a magical vibe to the stories. Whether or not there's any actual magical involved is up to the viewer to decide.