# de Fãs: 5
Resenhas: 1 usuário
- Português (Portugal)
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- Título original: まれ~また会おうスペシャル~
- Também conhecido como: Mare: Let's Meet Again Special , Mare: Mata Aou Supesharu , まれ またあおうスペシャル , 僕と彼女のサマータイムブルース , 一子の恋〜洋一郎25年目の決断〜
- Roteirista: Shinozaki Eriko
Elenco e Créditos
- Watanabe DaichiFutaki TakashiPapel Principal
- Nakamura YurikaIkehata MinamiPapel Principal
- Takahata YutaKado YoichiroPapel Principal
- Sengen YoshikoKuramoto IchikoPapel Principal
- Tsuchiya TaoTsumura MarePapel Secundário
- Yamazaki KentoKontani KeitaPapel Secundário

Skip it.
This is only the second asadora special that I've seen after "Natsuzora"'s special. While that one was at least fun, this was borderline boring and useless. I do appreciate fansubbers subbing these specials since that's actually pretty rare, but I'm starting to think that the specials should mostly be skipped lol.If you're interested in watching this, I'd recommend watching the first episode which is about Takashi and Minami. I thought this episode was mostly cute even if it's strange to choose a character that doesn't talk [much] as the main character. I do think the conclusion of the episode was rushed, but it at least resulted in something that I had hoped would happen since the main series.
The second episode is a waste of time. It's about Yoichiro's attempt to get over again Ichiko [yet again]. In my review for "Mare," I said that I really disliked Ichiko so you can guess how much I liked this episode. It felt like an exercise in futility watching Yoichiro, whom the writers seem to hate. [Just let him be happy.] The plot ended up being so convoluted that I didn't care who Yoichiro ended up with. Anyway, complete waste of time.
The 7 I'm giving this is for Takashi's story only by the way.
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