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- Título original: Senior High Season 2
- Também conhecido como:
- Diretor: Andoy Ranay, Onat Diaz, Jojo Saguin
- Gêneros: Thriller, Mistério, Juventude, Drama
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Elenco e Créditos
- Andrea BrillantesLuna Amor Cruz | Sky Love CruzPapel Principal
- Kyle EcharriObet Santana / "Robert"Papel Principal
- Daniela StrannerZaira Aguerro / "Z"Papel Principal
- Juan Karlos LabajoGino AcostaPapel Principal
- Elijah CanlasArchie AguerroPapel Principal
- Zaijian JaranillaTimothy Castro / "Tim"Papel Principal

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Keep giving it a try..
This review is also a LONG time coming and this, like Senior High 2, is a continuation of my review of Senior High. In that review, I mentioned that both seasons had sort of become one in my mind because I watched them at a stretch, but that I did vaguely remember where they made the cut. Now I can also say why my rating has reduced if both seasons really did feel like one.⚠️ CONTENT WARNINGS ⚠️
The show contains depictions of bullying, violence, SA, murder and much more. I found it pertinent to include this because the depictions are rather explicit, and caution may be exercised before watching.
The reason my rating went down is because like a lot of school based series, Senior High took the decision to have the adults be more involved in the story. Season 1 mostly focused on the students and the school itself, but suddenly you have the adults thrown into the mix in much larger roles, which here meant all the horrible scenes from season 1 were happening double fold.
I always noticed that the viewing experience is brought down significantly once adults are throw into the equation in a thriller set within a school or university, and this was no exception.
All of a sudden, the content was much more explicit, the plot twists that much more improbable and the characters much less likeable. The feeling that they were probably dragging this along far too much started to creep in and by the time the finale rolled around, it was a little dissapointing since a lot of the story had become predictable.
While dragging out the series may have made it a bad, it was still engrossing most of the time. To even out the truly horrible scenes, there were ones that weren't as horrible, and maybe even kind of nice.
It was kind of a step down from season 1 for me, but not by much.
Once again, give it a try and see if you like it. If season 1 was your cup of coffee, this may probably be as well. Maybe it will surprise you just the way Senior High did.
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A lot to unpack‼️
I had a feeling it was William tbh with you. I knew Z had something to do with it, I just wasn't sure what her role was. I figured with the way she reacted to Yosef telling them at the club about Gino's dad and Z's panic attack. It made sense because after finding out that William was also messing with Z, I was like "I KNEW IT". She thought that the secret had gotten out somehow. Am I happy that she isn't Luna's killer? Yeah, I suppose so but that still doesn't excuse her from all the other stuff she did to Luna, Sky, and everyone else. The fact that they show us that William is STILL ALIVE... What kind of open ending is that? Will there be another series? Are we gonna get a series of them as adults and him coming back for revenge?? I have a lot of questions.. I will be highly upset if we don’t get another season! Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the series despite some of its faults. Again I came here for TimPoch but I stayed for SkyObet and everyone else. Tim and Poch's relationship. Tim finally got what he had been looking for which is forgiveness and acceptance from Roxy. Deep down that's what he needed from her the most. He needed her to say that it was ok. He needed her to say that he could live his life just like she was going to live hers. Not to say if they had gotten back together, it wouldn't have mattered that she had that one-night stand with Archie. I think Tim would've accepted the baby too, but that's just what I think... Anywhooo I am happy that they got the closure that was very much needed. Now would I have done it at Prom? NOPE, definitely not but hey I didn't write the script lol. I thought it was kind of weird for them to have a "heart-to-heart" at prom. Felt very off to me. Tim made a mistake, yes he ROYTALY F*** up but that doesn't mean he deserves to be miserable the rest of his life either. He owned up to what he did and was willing to bare the consequences of his actions. So no matter what anyone else says, I am very happy with the outcome of Tim, Poch, and Roxy. Roxy and Archie: I KNEW IT! I knew she was gonna get pregnant lol. I figured as much after that one-night stand. I was just waiting to confirm and sure enough BOOM! She's having morning sickness at the prom! I was gonna be so mad if they were gonna have Roxy not tell Archie that she was pregnant. They didn't do that thou! She told him and of course, Roxy being the person that she is, it wouldn't have been right for her not to tell him. It would've gone against her whole personality! I respected her decision as well to raise the baby alone and I agree. Nobody should ever be together just because you are taking "responsibility" or feel obligated to. I think Roxy does like Archie but not in the way that he likes her. I think she cares about him but as she said, she doesn't love him. Now I give it to Archie for wanting to be there for her and the baby. I mean obviously, that's the right thing to do. So I hope they at least agree to co-parent effectively. Sky and Obet: Bro why did they have to kill him off? Obet died for what? I don't understand it. I mean yes at the time he knew the truth about everything, well.. mostly everything but he knew enough to where it would mean that he had to die to protect those deep dark secrets. I don't think he needed to die thou. I feel like he would've gotten shot but somewhere else.. Nothing fatal, ya know? I was really rooting for Sky and Obet. Their heart-to-heart at the prom was so sweet only for it to end all in one night.. They deserve a better ending. Harry's death? Tbh it felt kind of outta place too but at the same time Tania did say that he was gonna see all his wrongdoings again (krama). In a way this time he was gonna protect his daughter like he should have with Luna. Not that it makes up for him abandoning them, because it doesn't. In the end, he did protect Sky from harm so I can give him props for that. Z finally admitting she needs help was so healing to see. I am glad she confessed and started her journey of healing. WHAT HAPPENED TO DARUIS AND MARIANO? Did they go to jail or nah?? We see Tonio is in jail but what about the rest?? Did he get blamed for everything? Yes, Harry is gone but still.. You mean to tell me that all the evidence that was left at the scene wasn't enough to put those two in jail as well? Make it make sense... I don't get it. Where is Gino and his mom? They weren't at graduation, so I am not understanding.. Very weird ending. Well, really no ending at all lol. I am super happy for Tania and Brandon. She deserves to be happy! There were a few mistakes, it dragged on forever. Very repetitive and the last couple of episodes felt very rushed. It did not make a whole lotta sense in some areas. Aside from that, I came for BL and left with so much more.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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