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Jul 4, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

It was okay

It was promising but overall lacked an emotional impact. It just didn’t have that UMPH to it. It’s not terrible though. I wouldn’t really rewatch it but it wasn’t a complete waste of time. The manga is more intense and definitely not for the weak. The flashback scenes were good and the acting wasn’t terrible but it still was just pretty lack luster.
There are better dramas out there but if you want to pass time then I’d watch it but tbh you’re not missing out on much. I was a little disappointed but they can’t all be 10/10s.
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Ago 5, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.5


Sin duda una serie demasiado linda, que me hacia suspirar a cada segundo y tuvo un poco de todo, despertó muchas emociones la verdad, pase de estar super contenta a molesta y enojada con la vida por las cosas que tuvieron que pasar los protas.

La verdad la serie me sorprendió bastante, no esperaba muchas de las cosas que pasaron, la decidí ver porque a una amiga le encanto y de paso estaba aburrida en el trabajo, pero la verdad me gusto mucho, si hay cosas que pueden mejorar de la serie y que se pudieron contar mejor, pero la verdad me gusto el resultado total, no creo que hayan dejado cabo suelto en la serie, resolvieron los problemas que plantearon, quizás una cosita me hubiera encantado ver y era quizás a la Ren hablando con su "familia" pero de ahí en mas todo estuvo bien.

LA recomiendo? si, es linda, te transmite mucho y te deja deseando que los portas siempre sean felices, porque lo merecen. Espero y la vean, no se van arrepentir, quizás lo único que lamentara es que necesitan mas capítulos de ellos siendo felices XD. Y les dejo un pequeño y gracioso spoiler del cap final por si ya la leyeron o quieren saber porque me reí tanto en ese momento.

Spoiler: hay una escena que ame, y es en el capitulo final cuando se besan en la calle, nos muestran dos punto de vista, uno es el de ellos en su burbuja que están inmersos el uno del otro, y el otro es de las personas que están en la calle viendo a dos chicos tirados en el suelo balándose, me pareció realmente gracioso y ademas lógico, ya que aunque no nos importe lo que pase, el mundo sigue corriendo y creo que fue muy divertido ver esa escena así.

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Ago 29, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Beautiful, but not perfect.

Many of scenes are carefully put together with a painters eye to color and light. The nature of the daylight, the surroundings, clothing, etc. were clearly thought out. The placement of both characters and props within the frame was sensitive and thoughtful.

However, action scenes (especially running) were clumsy.

The story had a lot of potential, but didn't quite deliver, especially in the last episode. Kazuma's mother is a difficult role, and needed more work. Difficult to tell if this was the choice of actor, the acting or the directing. It might be easy to overlook since she occupies so little screen time, but since this drama focuses on the power of traumatic childhood experiences over adult lives, Kazuma's mother needed more attention. The ending falls flat in part because the last scenes with Kazuma's mother doesn't really work. Her facial expressions watching Ren in the hospital room communicate almost nothing. The scene with the three of them is disjointed. Those scenes need to work, that is to provide the audience with a new understanding , a new perspective on the past. Because children do pick up distorted messages during those childhood events, and part of finding peace is correcting those distortions. I think any rating between 6 and 8 is reasonable. I chose 8 because I loved the meticulous visuals.

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Jan 4, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.5
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The story have a solid foundation, with compelling characters and an intriguing premise. However,

it seems as though the screenwriter failed to fully realize the potential of the story's trajectory. The plot points and character development are not fully explored, leaving the audience wanting more depth and complexity. With a more thorough execution of the story's arc, the narrative could have been more engaging and impactful.

The production value of the scenes left much to be desired. The settings often felt lackluster and uninspired, with a noticeable repetition of the same stage to represent various locations within the story. Additionally, the use of random locations to convey specific settings did not effectively immerse the audience in the narrative. Furthermore, the excessive reliance on flashbacks did not contribute meaningfully to the audience's understanding of the characters' stories, and instead, felt disjointed and distracting. As a result, the overall visual and storytelling impact of the production was diminished, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from the characters and their experiences.

very problematic underage scenes. honestly i couldn't bare my self to watch the episodes where the 2 main character that were still underage did such thing. and it really bothers me that they really use a real life 15 years old kid to play that.

i give my apreciation for Yuki as this is his 1st drama debut. he potraying the character nicely. a bit stiff here and there but none of them are giving "bad acting" vibe.

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Abr 25, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 2.0


Essa é uma história curta e cheia de camadas mas essas camadas foram mal apresentadas e desenvolvidas.
A pegada da série é mais intimista e eu gosto muito disso, mas o roteiro era levemente confuso e inconsistente.
O trauma do Ren é algo que poderia ser melhor retratado, em muitos momentos foi vazio e a gente não entendia de verdade o que ele estava sentindo e sim o que falavam sobre ele. Já Kazuma é um personagem sem nada de especial, mas até que funcionou apesar de algumas cenas em que a atuação era bem mediana. O companheirismo é o tópico mais forte da história.
Não é ruim, mas também não é maravilhoso. Eu diria que é superficial mas consegue ser um bom passatempo para quem quer uma trama mais profunda.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 28, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

love? nahh... rather it's obsession

where do i begin?? ohh boi... this is one of the dramas that i would love but also hate it..

The reason? well because it is too serious and dark.. whan it's romance I'm more into fluff(it shouldn't be cringe tho) and the dramas which are too serious and dark... make me horrified and traumatised(this could be a lil exaggerated)...
These types of dramas make me think a lil tooo deep about life and that's what I'm scared of the most because when I think deep.. it's too negatively deep

And this drama did that exactly... the two bois ohh Lord.. they just simply loved each other but one was going/about to go? down the wrong lane(sleeping with guysdespite being underage) because he couldn't be intimate with his crush (who is also his best friend) as he wasn't sure if he felt the same way too...

So he decided to satisfy(?) himself using others(?) sounds stupid buymt you'll understand once you're in that situation yourself... that's when the crush(kazuma) stepped in and asked ren to have sex with him instead.. and they did it.. at that very night kazuma became sick and was hospifalized
And Lord the hell ren had to go through criticisms from everyone., facing everything all one, thinking he is the cause of kazumas sickness and possibly death, living all alone in France with no one.. (idk if he would have survived if not for that yagami guy who was also Japanese)
And then they reunite... tackle their past together and live happily ever after..
And also I would like to mention that the scene where the couple talked with the mom was very emotional and i cried after watching that (although j would have liked it more if the mom directly said that she wants kazuma to be with her)

My take on this drama: a drama I would usually avoid but liked it anyways... I hated the acting it didn't feel natural.. I also did not think that it was strong love(as the mother mentions is 8th ep I guess).. rather it was obsession... why I think it's obsession.. well because nothing of the characters I believe never had any exposure to other people.. they were stuck on the past and were not ready to accept anyone else.. (tbh I can't explain clearly why I think it's obsession and not love.. but i feel that it's not love)

would I recommend it??? hell yeahhhh

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 4, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Эта любовь с первых моментов

Очень люблю такого сюжета дорамы, когда надо подумать, посмотреть, почувствовать. Когда поднимается очень много сложных тем, а тем более если вспомнить о культуре страны. Эта дорама уходит в любимые без каких-либо НО... Я не очень люблю когда показывают любовь подростков 12+ , но здесь это было не обходимо и сделано очень хорошо, чтобы зрителю было понятно откуда та или иная травма у взрослого персонажа. Моя благодарность режиссеру и сценаристу, которые дали сюжет в котором хочется быть не зрителем, а героем. Я мангу не читала, да и думаю, что не буду, тк видела комментарии, что сделано все идеально точно, за что опять спасибо всем работающим над этим проектом. Актерская игра. То о чем будет говорить мать одного из героев, лишний раз и говорит об актерской игре. Сыграно безупречно естественно, красиво, эмоционально для Японии. Это я о гг. А мальчики актеры 14-и лет. Ну если один Сена Такена, уже активный и известный в мире развлечений, то второй Мицунобу Дзё дебютант. Сцены были тревожными, но ребята идеально справились. А насколько красивы и аккуратны эти нежные сексуальные сцены, честно, тайцам стоит на это посмотреть, на красоту и передачу чувств, а не "завалил и победил, как обычный альфач". Концовка. Храни мои нервы, я не ожидала такой мудрой мысли и наблюдательности от матери. Мудро, очень тонко и мудро. Я бы хотела как можно больше таких работ с такой эмоциональной глубиной, персонажи, которые есть вокруг нас, так как они естественны. Лучшее на данный момент от Японии и буду пересматривать еще не раз.

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Nov 11, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Interesting plot that could've been more in so many ways

The plot was actually good, you have the two Ml with a tragic backstory but messed up on the aftermath of reconnection cause of too much back and fourth-ing and some things doesn't make sense.

Mls chemistry was quite awkward but there are moments that are sweet. Both of them actually look good together but in a way seems forced cause of the way they act towards each other was in a way to not be seen as a couple which is like.. what's the point of the acting in a BL as a couple pair lol.

What I don't like about the series is too much recollection/flashbacks, the whole episode 6 was seriously just Kazuma reminiscing his memories with Ren. Also some scenarios where the emotion and facial expression doesn't fit and in a way did not deliver to the viewers like when ren was hyperventilating and kazuma on the coffee scene with yagami; additionally, I also find it odd that yagami was so close-minded with kazuma and talks to him with attitude, it wasn't explained well if he actually likes ren but it doesn't give him any reason to treat kazuma whom he only met once but maybe it's because of ren's experience but kazuma wasn't to blame but his lines says other wise. he's literally blaming a person for being hospitalized which is weird..
Including also the fact that when they were kids and almost a teenager, I know hormones are crazy but I don't see how they showed a consensual adult & kid going to a love hotel is right... the adult is clearly a pedophile. should've changed their age to be appropriate when it comes to consent. The antagonist co-worker guy, I forgot his name, there was not that much background of him other than being a rap... cant say it.

What I like, the kid actors, It really does feel like they were kids excluding them doing it at the age that is inappropriate.. I like their story, it was more in-depth and interesting than their story now being adults. The chemistry was nice as well, I felt the ride or die vibes, like they only matter to each other and the attraction.

See what I mean? It could've been more if they switched and added things to the story to make it understandable and not rush it! Both of the Ml are talented but maybe should've made them get closer to get rid of the awkwardness.

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Set 18, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.0

needed a little more time

the story was interesting, and I’m frankly still surprised such young children were allowed to act in this. still, they conveyed the story and emotions very well. i found ren’s younger version to be done incredibly well.

as far as the series goes, I think it deserved more time/episodes. it was pretty complex, so it did suffer a little in terms of storytelling. there were too many wrinkles for the audience to truly feel like we got to know these characters or their stories completely. we learned quite a bit about ren, but the same can’t be said about kazuma. I would’ve liked a lot more story wise, but I do think this was very well done overall.

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Fev 17, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

La mejor forma de retratar los traumas

AME esta serie como ninguna otra. La forma en como las luces juegan un papel super esencial en la historia y las escena, es maravilloso como la escenografia te lleva a sentir la historia de forma muy intima y parte de ella.
La forma tan verdadera como retrataron las consecuencias de las relaciones sexuales a TAN temprana edad fue maravillosa y que cualquier persona que paso o presenció algo asi, se puede identificar facilmente. Por ejemplo el flashback donde despues de terminar todo Kazuma comienza a llorar, es algo que ocurre mucho en esa situaciones, donde la persona siente que perdió algo muy importante o siente que la otra persona perdió algo muy importante, que fue lo que sintió Kazuma en el final. Tambien como adicionaron las consecuencias en los ataques de ansiedad que sentia Ren al tener relaciones con otras personas.
Al final me entregaron una obra perfecta de traumas y superaciones personales maravillosa.
Si pudiera criticar algo seria el papel de la mamá de Kazuma ya que según ella misma "no estaba molesta por ellos dos ser hombres sino por, lo que hicieron cuando eran niños" fueron sus palabras al final cuando acepto la relacion de los dos, pero, por que trato tan mal a Ren cuando el estaba con la camisa de su hijo? Para protegerlo? Puede ser, pero se sintio un poco extraño que despues de esa pequeña discusion ella magicamente aceptara todo.

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Nov 19, 2023
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Most of the time it had me guessing at what was happening as not everything was too clear to me.
The ending was so rushed and wished it had taken the time to really develop what was happening and what the future held for us in mater life
The running sway scenes were too much with little explanation as to why he felt he had to do that

It delved into real-life issues that society in the workplace and the abuse of power
There were some sweet moments that I really loved watching as they were intimate but not kissing all the time, especially the head rub
The flashbacks of their life as helped me understand the character's intentions and the person they turned out to be in life

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Em andamento 2/8
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 24, 2023
2 of 8 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

I have high expectations

As the manga reader I'd say so far, so good. This is a story about a queer boy and his relationship with his friend that changed one day which led to some circumstances that forced them to separate. When they meet each other after ten years, things take turns and they both must find answers to all their questions while their relationship gets deeper than just friends. I was very much captivated by the manga and can't wait to see how they work it out. The actors, both young and adult are doing great job. Let's hope for the best.
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