Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go (2023) poster
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Avaliações: 7.8/10 de 4,045 usuários
# de Fãs: 6,711
Resenhas: 16 usuários
Classificado #3723
Popularidade #2579
Fãs 4,045

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  • Português (Portugal)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • עברית / עִבְרִית
  • País: Thailand
  • Tipo: Special
  • Episódios: 2
  • Exibido: Abr 19, 2023 - Abr 20, 2023
  • Exibido em: Quarta, Quinta
  • Original Network: GMM 25
  • Duração: 58 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.8 (scored by 4,045 usuários)
  • Classificado: #3723
  • Popularidade: #2579
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

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RoseQ Flower Award1
15 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 20, 2023
2 of 2 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0

What is a boyfriend?

Palm became such a flirt! I think that is such a great character development, especially as he really struggled with where he fits in Nueng’s life for the bigger part of the main series. And Nueng being whiny and sassy? Yes, please! I think it shows that he feels better now, he is not so worried and high strung as he was in the main series. The amount of absolutely iconic and hilarious lines we got in this two episode special is crazy! My favorites are probably "What is a boyfriend?" and "In many dramas, the lord makes the servant his wife." Palm being someone who watches dramas is not something I expected.

The historical part of the series is done well too. I like the fact that the two switched roles from how they were in the main series. Palm as a lord and Nueng as his servant is a combination I didn’t know I needed. I think Palm was enjoying that dynamic a bit too much. The death glares Nueng gave him were absolutely hilarious. I really enjoyed their bickering, even if it was mostly just the two of them being cute and taking petty jabs at each other.

I am really hoping this could be GMMTV opening the doors for a possible historical BL in the future. I am no expert, but I was still able to notice certain historical inaccuracies (mostly in what Nueng does that would absolutely not be permitted for a slave to do), so if they ever do decide to make a full historical series, I hope they at least try to not be so obvious with them.

Also, the side couple! I didn’t think we will get any new pairings, so getting a BL pairing in a historical setting was a nice surprise. And Palm and Nueng as the matchmakers were adorable! They showed so much joy and happiness for the other couple.

I really like the fact that the cinematography seems to match pretty well with the original series. I like how muted the colors are (or maybe it's more sepia toned) and that they kept the same overall vibe, especially during the present time. It really makes it seem like a continuation of the main series and not like a completely different, new series. I also like that they kept the bracelet as an important part of the storyline.

Pond and Phuwin pulled off their historical roles well. Their chemistry is amazing, not that I expected anything less.

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11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 20, 2023
2 of 2 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Sweet Silly Fantasy Special Episodes with Plotholes

I have to say that the transition from a bodyguard/boss story into a fantasy-themed one with reverse reincarnation is shocking! Maybe because they only have 2 episodes or about 100 minutes to make up the rule of the fantasy, give explanations on how it could happens, and not to mention the actual story in the past itself, the overall plot seems to be full of holes and there are some questions as well. But considering this is a special and the fact that I have bias for BL series, I'll just try to enjoy the overall theme and story without thinking much about the plot holes.

I could enjoy the historical theme more, if they explain or give rough descriptions on what time period they were reverse reincarnated to. Love the role reversal where Palm becomes the lord while Nueng is the servant and how the power dynamic is shifted according to their new roles. Love the moments where they talk about their plans for the future and when they have differing opinions, they can talk it out (although I think you would need to talk more than that especially discussing important matters like that). Also loves it that both Palm and Nueng shows they have each their own good and bad quality but they still stick to each other despite of that. Last but not least, loves that Palm seems to make decision at the end because it's what he wants as well and not because it's what he thought would be the best for them

Side couples come as a surprise to me! Even though they only have a few minutes of screentime, apparently I was too invested in their story. I unexpectedly shed some tears when in the current era, Phum (Petch) and Kan (Kla) are boyfriends too. It feels like they got what they deserves, even when they couldn't be together in the past era.

P.S. love the eye refreshments scene *wink

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Love Upon a Time


  • Special: Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
  • País: Tailândia
  • Episódios: 2
  • Exibido: Abr 19, 2023 - Abr 20, 2023
  • Exibido On: Quarta, Quinta
  • Original Network: GMM 25
  • Duração: 58 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - 13 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.8 (avaliado por 4,045 usuários)
  • Classificado: #3723
  • Popularidade: #2579
  • Fãs: 6,711

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