1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 2, 2024
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Debo empezar la reseña con una confesión: nunca imaginé que iba a ver un drama de Ju Jing Yi de principio a fin. La verdad es que tenía razón en evitarlos, peeeero este rol no era demasiado exigente lo que la lleva a tener menos chances de fallar. La verdad es que fue un aditivo a pesar de ser la protagonista principal ya que la trama era interesante y se vio atravesada por ella sin pena ni gloria. Literal. Su rango actoral es ínfimo, poco variado, no se llega a meter en personaje, las expresiones no concuerda con todo lo que está pasando y se encuentra limitada a verse bien en cámara y nada más.

Spoilers a partir de acá.

Hay varias cosas que me parecen desaciertos totales a la hora de contar la historia.

Primero: si me vas a dar realismo mágico, dame realismo mágico. Tenemos en 32 capítulos solo dos episodios de realismo mágico: cuando Shangguan Zhi hace el ritual para cambiarse al cuerpo de Yang CaiWei y Sheng Ci que se "comunica" con los animales. Ambos casos están escuetamente desarrollados (nunca vemos el ritual o a Sheng Ci comunicandose) así que te lo cuentan los personajes mientras hablan del caso lo cual le deja un gusto medio a nada a los hechos. "Bueno, agregamos esto de que la protagonista cambia de cuerpo para hacerlo más interesante y estamos". Son maneras de contar las cosas que vacían de sentido a la trama. Al final siento que fue una excusa para cambiar a la protagonista principal y ya. Sobretodo porque cuando se devela que en el cuerpo de Shangguan Zhi está Yang CaiWei, todos se quedan como "ah bueno, piola". Hola???? Ninguna repercusión¿¿¿¿¿??? Cuando se lo dicen al hermano de SGZ el tipo se enoja pero al capítulo siguiente lo tenés colaborando con el protagonista principal. FLACO MATARON A TU HERMANA. Y cuando se revela en el juicio, todos los que están presentes también lo aceptan y ya. O sea les chupa un huevo que les mientan en la cara o no tienen miedo de que una loca de mierda venga y les robe la identidad. Es todo muy wtf. A la única que le importo era a la sirvienta de SGZ que se dió cuenta al toque y celebró que su Ama ya no la trataba mal. El premio a la vara baja.

Segundo: que pérdida enorme para la profundidad de la trama no haber contado más sobre Bai XiaoSheng (PJ-Femenino) ni la relación de Pan Yue(PJ-Principal) con su madre. Le ponés al personaje femenino secundario una historia de superación tremenda y nunca la contás en detalle, no me decís como es que su pasado afecta a su presente, ni como en consecuencia se relaciona con su entorno. La mina vivió una infancia rodeada de recaudadores de deuda porque su madre era adicta al juego, después me decís que la madre la vendió a un chabón con guita, tenés el tupé de comentarme al pasar que la mina se escapó para juntar plata y pagar por su libertad Y NADA DE TODO ESTO LA AFECTA??? Tenemos pequeñas ventanas a su trauma nada más, como que la chabona estafa gente para acumular guita y se siente tocada cuando el segundo protagonista dice que confía en ella, pero ya. Después nos muestran a quien la compró cuando era chica solo para ser rescatada por el segundo protagonista y así darle a ella otro motivo para enamorarse y listo. Ahí queda durante toda la serie. Encima Wu Jia Yi actuó re bien. Haganme el favor de darle más diálogo y aprovechen que tienenuna buena actriz con un personaje super complejo. Pero no.

Y pasó lo mismo con lo de Pan Yue y el suicidio de su madre respecto a que él era en realidad un hijo ilegítimo del matrimonio porque la esposa había engañado al padre. Tenemos una sola escena donde al tipo le da un ataque de /algo/ por recordar una escena de su pasado pero esto solo sirve para que la protagonista ponga ojitos tristes y diga "uh bueno al final no superó esto que sucedió, quizá no deba desconfiar de él" Y YA ESTÁ. LISTO. FLACO SE SUICIDA TU VIEJA POR RUMORES Y SIENDO DETECTIVE NO SE TE OCURRE, NO SÉ, DESMENTIRLO? No, lo primero que haces en un lugar de poder es ir a buscar a la pibita con la que el emperador te matcheó cuando tenías 13 años así te casas. Al final al pibe lo único que le importaba era ponerla.

Tercero: Innecesaria la muerte de Zhuo Lan Jiang. Super innecesario. Retomo un poco del segundo punto respecto a este personaje. Nos lo presentan primero como un don nadie que es salvado por la protagonista femenina y después como un Joven Señorito de una organización criminal. Hay un salto enorme entre esas dos personalidades, sean amables y desarrollen un poquito más. Se la pasa en contra de una organización (Water-no-recuerdo-qué) pero medio a la mitad de la serie esa organización desaparece/se fusiona con otra, es medio confuso. Se entera de traiciones, ve morir al padre, se escapa a la capital a vengarse se garcha a Bai XiaoSheng y se muere. Siento que quisieron hacer un personaje medio misterioso o frío, pero chanchero y se les mezclaron los tantos. Terminaron con un personaje super dulce que no termina de mostrarse herido ni decidido. Como todos los demás sigue la corriente de la trama y ya. Tenían mucho más para explorar ahí.

La cinematoagrafía está interesante, buen ritmo visual, decisiones que enaltecen a la trama. A veces siento que fallaba el manejo de luz pero en líneas generales 10/10.

Siento que todo eso que eligieron no contar terminó en diluir una trama que de por sí era super interesante, con personajes que podrían haberse complejizado y desaprovechando a los 3/4 de actores que estaban a la altura de los papeles que interpretaban. Me gustó, es entretenida. Seguiré de cerca los pasos de Wu Jia Yi.

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Abandonados 11/32
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 23, 2024
11 of 32 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

The biggest drawback is having two different actresses play the same character.

The premise of the drama is truly compelling. The initial actress portraying YCW did justice to the character, depicting her as a person who has faced numerous hardships without parental support. The scar on her face made her standout in contrast to JJY.

Regarding JJY's portrayal of YCW, there's a notable absence of similarity in mannerisms compared to the initial actress. It's challenging to perceive them as the same character. Her acting style is similar in "Legend of Yunxi" and "In Class of Her Own".
and her makeup (it is same in every drama and every character she plays)..
i liked her acting more when she played evil SZ , it is really refreshing...

I think both actresses need to have a proper discussion on how the character YCW should be played. Their differing styles create a disjointed viewing experience, especially when the drama frequently presents flashback scenes featuring the YCW played by the initial actress. This inconsistency makes it increasingly difficult to stay engaged with the drama.

Regarding the love story...

We've been shown that the ML loves YCW deeply and is genuinely devoted to her. However, there's no solid foundation or explanation for his love. The only justification provided by the drama is that they met in childhood and he developed feelings for her, which isn't very convincing.

Given that the ML and YCW only met during childhood and were separated for a long period, there hasn't been enough time for their feelings to naturally develop. His desire to marry her seems to stem from a sense of pity for not being there for her during difficult times, or perhaps because of a marriage contract. Additionally, YCW doesn't seem to reciprocate his feelings.

The chemistry between the leads is lacking.

I would have preferred the story if the ML started to like SZ/YCW as a completely new person, rather than because she resembles his deceased wife and shares similar personality with YCW.

Apart from the face swapping and love story, the drama has several strong points:

1. The mystery element is very well executed.
2. The storyline is well-paced.
3. The costumes are excellent, and watching LXY is a treat for the eyes.

ok, I am dropping this drama.
However, I would recommend it to people who aren't bothered by face swapping or body swapping plots.

Story: 10/10 (The mystery and investigation are really interesting).

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Em andamento 7/32
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 17, 2024
7 of 32 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Mysterie and love

It's a very intriguing story. FL and ML solve mysterious deaths. The change of the FL is also very interesting. Some may not like it, because the actress who played the FL in the first episodes is also very likeable. Both actresses made a very good impression on me.
I have watched the drama to episode 7. I can't wait till the next episode is aired.

The story between the FL and the ML got me. The FL leads' tragical life.Her families' unsolved deaths which were tarned and presented as her father's betrayal to the state.

All seem to slowly unwind like a big knot giving small hints episode through episode. - We still have to watch many more episodes.-

The ML truly faithful love for the " believed dead" FL is shown very clearly. Although he at first seems to show no emotions, he cares a lot and hides every feeling very well behind a carefully put on passionless mask.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 23, 2024
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Mysterious Lotus Case Book but Romance Version

I watched this because both main leads are popular and it looked interesting when people were telling me about it. It was good, but not the best and was boring at times. If you like something like Mysterious Lotus Case Book but with romance, this is the show for you! There are spoilers in this review so if you don't want to look at the spoiler, I suggest you do not read this.

The story was okay but there were lots of mini-cases that ended within 1 episode, which you can imagine how many there are when there are 32 episodes. I get that it was for the build-up to find who the real villain is but it would've been much better if they had dived deeper into the episodes because the cases were kind of generic. Also, after a few episodes, you'll realize that you will know what will happen in every case because it's always the same outcome, death. They should have made it a little different because seeing everyone dying for every single case made it look repetitive.

This is also a drama with the typical "know-it-all" female lead who apparently can solve everything while the male lead just stands there staring at her. Also, I understand that Shangguan Zhi (SSZ) switched body with Yang Cai Wei (YCW) but YCW in SSZ's body seems like a whole new character. In the beginning, you can see that YCW was a little timid with others as well as a little mysterious, which was what drove me to watch this drama but when YCW was in SSZ's body, she became so jolly like where even did this character come from?

The romance between SSZ and PY as well as Bai Xiao Sheng (BXS) and Zhuo Lan Jiang (ZLJ) felt kind of rushed. Especially for BXS and ZLJ, I don't think that the romance was there even though there were romance scenes, which was kind of disappointing. It felt like ZLJ went for a second option because YCW was with PY instead of him getting to know and liking BXS but it's probably because there are only 32 episodes so there wasn't enough time to build it up. SSZ and PY's romance was okay, but the connection wasn't that good either like it's good but not the best.

Therefore, I think that the cases were a little boring, the build-up wasn't that good either as it was predictable but all-in-all it was an okay drama, not even on the same level as Mysterious Lotus Case Book but this is good for something with romance and cases. I wish they would have gone in an alternative route than doing all these mini cases with all of them dying because it does get a little boring.

The acting was okay, Xue Yi's and Jing Yi's acting was a little awkward at times but it was fine. I feel like for both, there has to be more depth, especially the female lead to bring out YCW's character. It doesn't seem like YCW in SSZ's body, it felt like someone else in SSZ's body, which doesn't align. Unfortunately, halfway through the show, I don't know what happened with the makeup but you can see the wig hairline, which wasn't the actor's fault but it was kind of funny to see that.

The music was good, there weren't any memorable songs but I might have to relisten all of those OSTs to give better feedback on them.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 21, 2024
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

In Blossom

The final episode should be allocated to the FL's original face. The FL should be allowed to have her own identity i.e. own face back. The FL and the ML must look for someone to reverse the original face back to the FL. If not, can the ML accept the face of a woman he never had the feeling for and sleeping next to a woman's face he had no feeling? Can the ML face a woman's face he does not love daily? So the ending of this drama is reasonable.
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Abandonados 5/32
20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 23, 2024
5 of 32 episódios vistos
Abandonados 1
No geral 4.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

My true overall rating is 2 stars for the only 2 episodes worth watching

Cdramaland has been pretty lacking lately, but this drama was my tipping point. It just slapped me in the face with how cdramaland consistently sacrifices actors who can actually act for actors who suck at acting but have money and/or connections. In Kdramaland and elsewhere, actors are expected to be able to actually act - at a minimum. Shocker, I know.

The first two episodes gave me hope like there was never before. A director who knows what they're doing, a promising and interesting storyline, and two leads (ZHHZ and LXY) who have the best genuine chemistry that I've seen in a long time from dramaland. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. This is chemistry that no amount of money or back door connections can buy. Also, both ZHHZ and LXY are legit great actors.

Then, comes JJY. With her makeup that doesn't change across any drama or character or situation that she plays. With her acting that doesn't change across any drama or character that she plays. With those two wispy hairs on either side of her face that are completely inappropriate for the period and antithetical to the character she's playing but that doesn't change across any drama or character that she plays. I mean, talk about vanity and playing (at least at the beginning of this drama) a villainess who is obsessed with her looks. On the nose much?

Yet what took the cake for me and made it unbearable to watch any further is JJY's uncanny valley face. Felt like I was watching a period drama then, every so often, a Chinese makeup influencer with a permanent face filter would pop up, seemingly time-traveled from the modern age to talk with these ancient people.

If there are any astute producers out there, I'd be booking ZHHZ and LXY right now for a future drama. I mourn the drama that this could've been. And I mourn the state of cdramaland.

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Abandonados 5/32
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 15, 2024
5 of 32 episódios vistos
Abandonados 1
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

The plot is good, but it's a bit tough to watch....

It's really just a matter of personal preference, but I think they stretched the appearance of the original character, Yang Cai Wei, too much. Even with Ju Jing Yi portraying her, I find it hard to continue watching because I'm so used to the original character's face. It would have been better if the writers didn't focus so much on the original's appearance, as it makes it challenging for me to stay engaged. I'm not trying to criticize the plot, but personally, I found it difficult to watch. In the end, I decided to drop the show.
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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 6, 2024
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Not the best drama but still worth to watch

The story is very interesting in the beginning and it'll make you want to keep watch this. I've enjoyed all the part when Pan Yue is a judge and Yang Caiwei/Shangguan Zhi is a forensics. But when it comes to capital city it makes me boring honestly. PY love for YCW is a long lasting love no matter how YCW looks.
JJY character's here is the same with her previously drama, I hope she'll get drama with different characters soon. LXY characters here is good but not that good for me bcs I already fall in love with his characters in TBOY and ALP.
The costume is not that beautiful but it still good. Honestly I don't like JJY hairstyle in this drama bcs it looks too thick and make her body looks very thin.
Like the others, the weird part in this drama is the face swap. I've watched another drama with the same plot but I can still tolerance it but this one I think they should looking another actress with the same body like JJY? If we talk about face swap, it's little strange bcs their body shape is different too.
YCW characters portrayed by the original actress have a big different with JJY. I know YCW with SZ face is trying to looks like SZ so no one will be suspicious. But SZ original characters is possessive, stubborn, mean and obsessed with PY (oh and also don't forget her smirk) and there's no similarity with YCW by JJY. But it also doesn't look like YCW original characters bcs YCW is rarely smile and talk, while YCW by JJY is smiling all time and good at talking.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 8, 2024
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
really over makeup ,jujingyi said she willing to makeup ugly for this drama, but.. just once and look very fake .. the rest just pale , for other cast very regular wounds!

not very bad but still not that best ,lacking of profesional ,very mind

1. what happen with yang cai wei and shangguan zhi?the witch trick? not seeing
2.there's no point for them to killing Cai Wei, basically even though she's dead, there still have people looking for yang family cases, and even more provoked, Likewise with Zhuo Lan Jiang, in vain
3.It only explains how to kill Cai Wei, but not how to making her fall down ,not the guess ,the real one
4. To be honest, Mastermind doesn't look as powerful as Silver Rain Sect
5.How did Panyue know that the door lock in gambling place is fishtail shaped? thats a secret
6. the last one, panyue's father was shocked, i was shocked too..., was that done on purpose? for what??
This drama can be said to be completely finished, but deliberately made it unfinished by stating that there is still have Mastermind No. 1

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Abandonados 24/32
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 7, 2024
24 of 32 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 7.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.5

Interesting but ...

I started it as a filler drama as I was waiting for another drama. I was in for a surprise as it was good quality drama which kept me hooked to the point it stopped being filler and I started anticipating its episodes.

I liked the quality storytelling, and the twists and turns. The action scenes were good But....

Sadly, these types of dramas have the main mystery to be solved by solving sub-quests, I mean, sub mysteries were simply not my thing. The bit-by-bit unravelling to the main mystery was not as rewarding as the wait nor was I interested in some student's death or side character's conflict with parent. All I wanted I was the mystery to be solved unfortunately I lost my patience.

I regret dropping it but never mind.

PS. How quick would be to accept the fact that the person you love is now in the guise of the person you hate.

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