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Don't waste your time
First of all, what was the point of these 3 Extras? There is confusion at the very beginning when it seems they are replaying the beginning of the first episode, and suddenly this extra episode totally negated the entire ending of the original drama. I am left so confused that I'm disgusted. Why are they suddenly married for 5 years, especially when the first extra says that it's 3 years later? It seems as though the ending of the first drama which had me crying was for go onto the extra episodes for the continuation of this love story and wham you are hit in the face with confusion and to be honest just stupidity. If they were doing extras, why did they end it at 3 for no reason that left the viewer with just more puzzlement?Again I tell you, don't waste your time.
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Stay away from this sh*t
When I discover the existance of this sequel i didn't want to believe it. Already Ms cupid in love is really stupid and useless, in your opinion, how are these three episodes? Even worse, hurray!!!While I was watching it I felt embarrassed for the actors as well for the crew.First of all there are plot holes as big as a house: In episode 24 we stopped with the protagonist (Xiao Ya) after losing her momery during the marriage , she meets Chu ye three years later. In the episode 25 ( ep 1 of the epilogue) we are informed that magically another two years passed or five ( of which we will never know what happened), Xiao Ya has recover the memory ( How?,When? The series never explain), Chu Ye is became a mortal thanks to a request he made to the emperor of heaven (ah because it possible?), Li fu ( but wasn't he a deity? Why doesn't he go back to heaven? But does he also become mortal like Chu ye? We will never know, it's not like that important) and A jing are married (when did this happen? Dunno). But after all , how are the episodes? Terribles, useless, the characters became even stupids. The sound effects are worthy of benny hills show are really annoying. The gags are funny as a kick in the balls . Above all , what the f**k happends to Chu ye's hair? Poor Cao Yuchen, with that giant tuft seems to came out from a 90's anime ( lets pray for him). The two positive thing in this garbage, the joke about viagra and Chu ye erectile impotence and Cao Yuchen's stunned faces.
Why the producers wanted to finance this garbage??? This is a waste of money and time. Rather than waste money producing this abomination they could, I dont' know, rent two cars, a square and do like bumper cars.
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