Valeria Fernández Santan
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Jul 3, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 10

Una historia de amor que te robará el corazón

Amé profundamente este drama
La historia de la protagonista es conmovedora; los sacrificios y la entereza con la que asume la responsabilidad de cuidar a su sobrina y hermano es admirable. La familia que conforman es hermosa, por el apoyo y el amor que irradian siempre.
En este drama todos son importantes, hasta las historias de los personajes secundarios logran atrapar y hacerte comprenderlos.
Cada emoción reflejada es bien ejecutada, puesto que cuando debes estar triste, estás triste; cuando debes reír, ries; cuando debes enamorarte, te enamoras
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Ago 12, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

Fantastic story with questionable subplots

Dnespite the obvious age difference, I though the FL and ML had great chemistry and hilarious moments with one another. Enemies to lovers is an overused trope for a reason, it’s amazing when it works well. Their reasons for interacting early dispite disliking each other fit perfectly with the tone and plot. Speaking of tone and plot…. I feel very conflicted about how some of the subplots were handled. Withiut spoiling much, let’s just say that people do very bad things without much punishment. The way that certain parents treated their kids was a massive contrast to how the main cast acted. I’m not saying that this portrayal is bad, but I felt someone of the darker subject matter clashed with the tone set very early on. This drama is not afraid to go to some interesting places with its story, I just don’t think it all fit together as well as it could have.

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Jun 18, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 6.5
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Pretty decent drama, just by the numbers

I've enjoyed this show. It is well put together and the main leads and side characters are good as well.
You don't see older women with young (ish) couples on TV.
She's like 50 ish and he's like 39 or even younger when this was made.
She's a great actress though. She also has a great action movie as well.
I've had some issues with the show there are only one good mom on this show lol
And that's the lead and she's the aunt lol.
Every parents are horrible because they need only care about themselves even though they know many kids are off themselves because of how hard they have to study. I'm sure it's a Korean culture thing but still horrible.
I never liked any of the parents they are all horrible
There also some serial killer plot and It didn't seem like it was needed and the explanation for why he turned into a psycho didn't make any sense and I didn't care for it.
Also he killed a girl in like episode 2 or 3 and that never got brought up or even reported.
I really couldn't believe they just moved on to the next episode without mentioning it
I don't think the leads had much chemistry though. I really think they needed to spend more time together even though it seemed like they did but still think they needed more time.
But I don't think I'll re watch this or even remember this drama
Didn't come out not really like or hate anyone.

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Mar 15, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
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Atingida pelo amor <3

Eu tô tão triste que tive que me despedir deles. A definição de Crash course in romance pra é: você tá tão feliz que assiste com um sorriso enorme no rosto e nem percebe. É isso pra mim.
Pense no meu conforto, na paz, na alegria. Todos os sentimentos mais genuínos do mundo.
Os assuntos do drama foram tão abordados, o fato do Ji ter ido atrás dele foi por causa da mãe e sua pressão pelo estudo, tudo ali girando em torno da pressão da sociedade e dos pais, o papel dos pais na vida deles e na relação com a educação, o papel dos pais e o que é ser mãe e pai. A amizade em tudo isso, o amor, o carinho, até a preocupação com a alimentação. E que a qualquer momento a gente pode encontrar o amor.
A nam haeng Sun é tão incrível, a do Yeon fez o papel tão bem. Uma mãe, irmã, amiga e namorada, que trabalhou tão duro. Com tanta energia, entusiasmo, otimismo! A relação dela com a hae yi é tão linda, me emocionei tanto, torci tanto por elas. A relação com a yeong Joo, com o Jae woo, a proteção com eles. Me senti parte da família deles, me senti acolhida, me senti confortável, me senti feliz. E o ator que fez o Jae woo fez um trabalho INCRÍVEL de verdade, todos eles estão de parabéns.
O nosso professor de matemática favorito! Choi chi yeol, o meu kyung ho, eu já aprecio tanto o trabalho dele mas me surpreendi com esse papel, com a leveza do personagem dele, com a dedicação e com o amor. Ele com a haeng Sun foi tão lindo de ver, não era só química, era só eles dois um para o outro, eles eram o casal conforto. Eles são tudo. Gostei tanto do drama por isso, eles não tiveram uma coisa pra separar eles, o romance começou devagar e evoluí de ficou forte e com raiz sabe? E aconteceram as coisas mas um foi a força e o conforto do outro e isso me deixou de coração quentinho demais. Fui tão feliz!
Amei a personagem da hae yi, adoro essa atriz, ela foi espetacular e demonstrando todo os sentimentos dela. O amigos dela também, a amizade deles era tão linda!
Meu friends to lovers no fim venceu, tô tão FELIZ. Surtei MUITO. AAAAA
A mãe da su ah, eu amo a atriz e ela fez uma personagem perfeita, odiei ela e fiquei com compaixão no final. Amei as mães, amei todos os personagens!
Foi um drama que senti todas as emoções, boas e ruins mas ele trouxe tantos aspectos pra gente, tanta coisa. Passei meu tempo muito bem enquanto assistia e sei que vai ficar guardado pra sempre no meu coração. Fui muito feliz com as aulas de matemática e a comida de acompanhamentos. Com a redenção dos personagens. Foi tudo perfeito (menos a morte do Ji, ele deveria ter sido preso). Estou feliz, queria dizer muito mais. Ah sim! Eu amei os nomes dos episódios, tão divertido ter matemática como tema e ligando ao assunto do episódio! As músicas também foram ótimas mas foi a primeira vez eu acho que um drama que eu gostei tanto não teve uma música que me prendeu, acho que fiquei tão focada na história que não foquei nas osts. Parabéns a toda a equipe, espero que eles estejam tendo o reconhecimento que merecem! ?

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Mai 4, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Bom esse dorama é daqueles que prometem e cumprem, eu adorei demais a história e o enredo, ele de fato merece o hype todo que teve/está tendo.
Muito fofa a relação de carinho na família da protagonista, a maneira que ela se dedica e faz o possível e impossível por eles, acho que isso que me cativou ainda mais.
É importante demais o tema abordado, a pressão que os jovens sofrem com o vestibular e o que algumas mães são capazes de fazer para obter o resultado querido.
Sem falar no suspense e tensão que ele traz também, o plot twist foi demais.
Sem falar no casal, que foi um dos mais maduros que já vi.

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Mar 14, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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Cliché troupe with murder mystery ROMCOM

Mar. 13, 2023


Another KDRAMA I have finished this year, Crash Course In Romance is such a cute and sweet Kdrama to watch. The plot is very normative but the casts that play their roles are just too good at their delivery. To be honest, the only weak point that this show had or my very huge critique were that:

First of all, the murder mystery troupe just did not give any flavour or a sense of interest for me. I think it was very stale and bleak in terms of the writing process and just the overall progression. I feel like instead of doing this route, they could have focused more on the youngsters. Since they really made the show more interesting than the murder sub plot.

Second, I feel like that the problematic Moms weren't given proper character development. It was too fast and that there wasn’t really any sense of logic behind it. I definitely have huge irk with the last 4 episodes of the series. Like, especially with the biological Mom being added last minute. WTF was that - my literal reaction.

Aside from these two major things. Nothing else really bothered me. The couples were lovely both in the older generation and the younger generation. I really wish the youngsters had more screen time than the annoying murder arc!!

That's all.

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Abr 16, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

it's amazing

wow amazing , b b b b b x !
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Dez 21, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
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You don’t have to be young to have love

Started watching with No expectations and ended up gladly surprised.

Basically…. Hard working FL with a healthy, busy family life…. Meets super star teacher ML…. And go from haters to friends, to admiration to love…. Which is how it normally happens in a mature relationship between adults.

Yes… she looks older than what the story portraits… Yes, her clothes style are not of this century…. who cares? She brings life to a lovable character that got me cheering for her success pretty soon.
Now he… well he does a great job going from arrogant-narcissistic-I am better than bread man to super caring-loving-even passionate man….. totally in love and respect for her…

They have issues… get angry… but they talk about it… like normal people should do.
Now… it is also true that the murder plot takes time away from these 2 in romance … and it was solved in a very simple, quickly way…. That could have gone better.

What gets me thinking is the obsession of parents and the education of their children… the pressure to perform is unbelievable at such young age…these kids wake up, go to school, then academy and then online lessons… seriously?… no time to live,.,, no time to be young… no wonder they get depressed and have serious mental issues. And worse… the power of the mothers to drive the school agenda… is ridiculous… but so true… a reflection on the reality of education… not only in Korea, but other countries… sad but true.

Also… social media pressure is the curse of this generation… how superficial opinions can break a hard working person’s reputation without any repercussions will continue to haunt us down in this life time… another sad but true.

The Uncle is hilarious…. Kudos for such a warm loving performance!

I found the story original, funny and got me reflecting on a lot of stuff….
Would I watch again? Yes
Do I recommend it? Yes

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Mar 5, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
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A wholesome romance set in education with a side of murder mystery

Crash Course in Romance, or its literal title, One-shot Scandal, is a drama I thoroughly enjoyed after a year of not watching kdramas. I really loved the characters and the varied focus it had. I loved seeing the spotlight on the high schoolers as well as their parents, even though in the beginning their parents made me want to tear my hair out by their ridiculousness. Although many people did not like the additional side of a murder mystery, I am always a fan to see it, so I didn't dislike it as much. It was pretty obvious to guess halfway through the series who was the actual killer even though there were red herrings.

I personally loved the actors and their portrayal of their characters. Even though most people were hung up on the casting of Jeon Do Yeon as Nam Haeng Seon, I didn't think it was an extremely big deal since I think she was nailing it regardless of her age. She was fantastic as a mom to Hae Yi, sister to Jae Woo, and friend to Young Joo. She was pretty realistic with her relationship with Chi Yeol, which Jung Kyung Ho nailed by the way as an ego-filled star teacher turn puppy for love. I also loved Shin Jae Ha as Ji Dong Hee. He was a refreshing character, although I have to admit, he was done dirty by the writers at the end. I wish we were able to him face the consequences of his actions. The kids were amazing, and I really loved Hae Yi's whole arc and would wait every week just to see the kids instead of the main romance lol. Although I did hate the moms, I do have to applaud them for doing a great job since we were supposed to.

In terms of romance, it was pretty simple. Starting with a misunderstanding, getting closer, denying the feelings, and obstacles to overcome. The mystery had some plot holes lol. The girl that gets murdered in the first few episodes, we never hear about again, which made me sad even though she was annoying. The kid and teacher who get murdered after get more screen time with the police searching into their deaths. Heck, Hae Yi's abduction wasn't looked into properly, and we never see it resolved on screen. It seems she would have gotten some trauma from that. While I understand that since the main focus is romance and a police procedural, we're not going to see a lot of it, but I wish there was a bit more resolvement of this storyline rather than justing killing off the killer. Up to episode 14, it seems like everything would be wrapped up nicely in a bow, but I was personally thinking how they could cover everything in 2 more episodes, and they didn't because they added extra subplots that weren't necessary. A lot of the side stories with the parents and their parents felt good but lackluster. It seems like the writer wanted a nice bow on everything and redeem everyone, and hey I liked it, but it didn't feel necessary.

Overall I really did like the mother-daughter relationship with Haeng Seon and Hae Yi, especially the flashback scenes, and the high school plot, which overshadowed everything else for me. I would definitely suggest watching this if you are looking for a feel-good family drama, since it felt like it at times, with a splash of mystery and realistic portrayal of the Korean education system.

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Em andamento 16/16
Lily Jhonson
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 4, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Love this so far...

The first thing that reminds me while watching it, was my own school, clg life. I used to hate math in school but there are some really good teachers I found after school.

So, I can relate to the student life that they show in this drama, the strict parents who had high expectations of the kids, and the pressure they feel, Actually, I was avoiding that drama cuz of that BUT it turn out to be the GEM?

The 1st two episodes were a bit slow which normally happened with any other drama. I really love how they projected the eating disorder on the male lead and shows that the man could also suffer from these!

Unlike, "Crazy Love" There main lead actually teaches math... I also like the new love triangle b/w the kids Nam Hey-yi, Soeon-Ji, and Ji Doon-Hee (the athlete)

And Like any other drama they had to make a brilliant Smart Girl, who is a topper, obsessed with her grades make her jealous of the main girl ( Nam Hey-yi)... why? Why do they always make 2nd Females bad/jealous?

Overall, I love this, It is fun to watch it, The main leads became enemies to friends to lovers... I'm excited to watch more!!
Edit: I really love the overall show ending was happy for everyone... which isn't realistic but it is worthy.

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Mar 26, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5

crash course in confusion

so I don't know that I've ever been so conflicted about a drama - the parts that were good- actors, occupations, emotions, feelings, playful love- were SO GOOD.

BUT the parts that were bad- why we gotta go so dark and awful in places to achieve a story line that's been done... less stressfully... made it feel like a grind at times.

I had to force myself to watch at times, had to read the recaps to see if it was worth the push, and did end up finishing it and I'm glad I did... although per usual the fun endings you wanted you didn't get enough time with and the situations you wish would wrap faster took forever.

I do think overall it's a darling show- but missteps along the way!

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Ale Echevarria
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 27, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

It' great show until..

I really like this show. The story, the plot, everything was great until the last three episode or so. The story begin predictable, and the daughter of the protagonist began to be a little bit annoying and rude. Apart from that, the first episode were great. Also, the construction of the couple was fantastic until the end. I love that it shows that it's possible for a mature woman to find a great love, and chase her dreams. It's a great show to watch one, but definitely not a re-watch, at least for me. I al
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One Shot Scandal (2023) poster



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