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Serie semplice ma coinvolgente...Farà da apripista per drama futuri?
Serie decisamente piacevole. Vorrei dire "sorprendentemente" piacevole, ma la verità è che per qualche strano motivo - oltre alle valutazioni positive - mi aspettavo l'avrei apprezzata. E così è stato. Per assurdo, non è una serie priva di difetti. Ne ha, e molti. Ma è uno di quei rari casi in cui una serie mi prende così tanto da perdonarle praticamente tutto.Le pecche le ho notate, tutte quante. Dal solito problema - tipico della maggior parte delle BL - di una breve durata (la metà rispetto alla media dei 16 episodi delle serie con coppia principale etero, e per di più il singolo episodio che dura un terzo rispetto all'altro...fatti due conti, il tempo è davvero ridotto), a una storia che - diciamocelo - proprio così articolata non è: non c'è stato un grande sforzo nella trama, peraltro infarcita da molti dei soliti cliché. Anche sull'attenzione per i dettagli qualche scivolone c'è stato e, per quanto graziosi, i piccoli Jun e Jun dei flashback si confondono abbastanza - difficile capire chi è uno e chi rappresenta l'altro - oltre ad alcuni passaggi successivi non poi così chiari o logici: Jun-direttore sembra aver seguito da lontano la vita di Jun-stagista, in un'attesa eterna senza aver pianificato alcuna mossa, tant'è che l'incontro è puramente casuale, in pieno stile "coincidenza delle coincidenze!". Anche banalmente il nome del prodotto ideato, June Jun, che si rifà in maniera più che palese al loro nome - come del resto il nome della serie stessa - non viene nemmeno fatto oggetto di alcuna ovvia riflessione da parte di nessuno. Tutte queste critiche però impallidiscono di fronte alla capacità di trasmettere e coinvolgere di questi giovani e promettenti attori. Attori che, per l'appunto, hanno esordito come protagonisti proprio in questa serie. Ottima la chimica tra i due, il loro modo di interagire è al contempo divertente, tenero, affascinante e intrigante. Valore aggiunto credo sia stato l'aver finalmente rotto il ghiaccio, per una serie coreana, rispetto ad alcuni tabù che tendono a soffocare anche le coppie più affiatate. Ben lungi dall'essere una NC18, poiché senza scene particolarmente esplicite o volgari - e va bene così - riesce comunque a mettere quel pizzico in più che fa la differenza in alcune scene (le considerazioni di Jun-stagista quando si ritrova seduto in braccio a Jun-Direttore, piuttosto che il bacio che si scambiano seduti accanto alla finta fidanzata di Jun-direttore, e l'apertura del regalo della suddetta ragazza nella scena finale). Nel 2023 intravediamo forse una serie che farà da trampolino di lancio, unendo i pregi delle serie coreane ma superando i limiti del ridicolo in cui a volte sconfina l'eccessivo pudore. Spero di rivedere questi attori cimentarsi con altri drama, spero di vedere di nuovo un copione che osa qualcosa di più e, se come mi auguro sarà la prima a mostrare un nuovo taglio nei Kdrama, non mi spiacerebbe in futuro poter contare su episodi di maggiore durata e trame più sostanziose. Ma, per il momento, va bene così. E' un punto di partenza. Bella, migliorabile, ma avviata verso la direzione giusta.
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Jun's harem
It's funny that Lee Jun of all people has multiple guys gaga for him, including his main love interest/estranged childhood friend who is maxed out character powers personified: handsome, tall, generational wealth, business savvy, young and accomplished, great kisser, etc, that only has eyes for him. Lee Jun himself doesn't have anything outstanding in his personality outside of the first episode where he boldly asks a stranger for a lift to work, the reveal he tried being an idol, and the childhood flashback . The show forgets to actually to establish a interesting personality for him and he was mostly just the object of the three guy's affections. The drama spent a bit too much time on the three guys pining for Lee Jun and not enough Lee Jun actually dating Choi Jun, but when they finally at last do, I like that Lee Jun goes from 0 to 1000000 with his extremely attractive boyfriend, as he should.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Re-watch worthy? Yes (good and cozy vibes)
The series really captured a cozy and calming feeling that I enjoyed. It didn't feel out of place and is definitely on the list of rom-coms that are worth to watch just for the atmosphere it creates.It did have some up and down moments in it, but overall I think it is one of those series that you can sit down and watch in one sitting without worrying your brain too much with the overcomplicated plot.
The overall writing could have definitely been a bit better, because I feel like some episodes were packed with plot that didn't really seem needed or made the whole episode almost like a filler for the story of the company. Although a little bit of story is good about the situation and the surroundings that mostly surround our characters, but in this case it seemed like it was just shoved to the viewer at the most unneeded times (note that the episodes were around 20 minutes long, so these episodes with 'filler' back stories was a little bit a waste of the episodes time).
Overall, I think if I did choose to watch it again, I would pick out only the episodes that are worth watching and by doing that I would practically miss out on nothing at all.
The visuals of the series was wonderful and the chemistry between the characters was definitely there.
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Come on, Jun & Jun is a BL story from South Korea that will just make you so happy because everything about it is just light and pure love. I would usually slam them from having such storylines but the execution is what they always have a good route with. The story of Jun & Jun are two childhood friends reuniting in their adult years. Choi Jun is now the general manager of a company owned by their family and Lee Jun is a failed K-Pop Idol who is now an intern in the company where Choi Jun is the general manager. They met again but things felt different and it was later revealed that they somehow liked each other and my main concern in this show is that the love story felt a bit slow. Yes, I do think that focusing on the individual lives of these characters is a good thing but what it lacked are moments to really solidify that chemistry. It is there but we could have used more moments of them together. This is considering that there are two hot men pining for Lee Jun as well. Luckily, those two hot men ended up together in a way that did not shock me but it felt like a weird cop out from the writers. I feel like the chemistry there is a bit random considering that they are supposed to be in love with this guy and they ended up together instead. So, yes, there are some parts of the story that are not well thought of based on my opinion but I have to say that the ending gave us everything that they lacked like we got an insane amount of kissing scenes from Choi Jun and Lee Jun. By the way, they are portrayed by Ki Hyun Woo and Yang Jun Mo, respectively. I like their chemistry and I really do hope that they had more scenes together. I would also like a shirtless scene from Ki Hyun-woo. That would be highly appreciated. Before I sound bad, I really did like this show mainly because of the attractive cast. I like a confident top and that is what Choi Jun is giving. I very much like that and the chemistry when they are together just works well. I just wish that they had more good scenes together. The show would benefit from that. I am sure of that. This could easily be longer considering that they focused too much on the product that they are developing that did not even feel relevant to the story. Anyways, I still enjoyed watching this show and I think that is what matters most to me. Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Tinha potencial, mas...
Sendo bem sincera, essa série não faz sentido. O plot foge à lógica, não faz sentido O Jun chefe simplesmente amar e esperar o outro desde que eram literalmente crianças. Pra fazer algum sentido, seria mais promissor que eles se separassem geograficamente pelo menos na adolescência, ficaria mais coerente Ou se eles se reencontrassem e se apaixonassem gradualmente na atualidade. sei lá...Muitas histórias paralelas sem nexo e sem explicação, como a noiva, um enfoque desnecessário e chato nos estagiários, que não acrescentavam em nada, pareciam encher linguiça. Fora alguns erros técnicos bem evidentes, principalmente de continuidade, incluindo umas passagens de tempo que surgiam do nada e sem explicação aparente. Poderiam ter investido no triângulo amoroso, já que o Jun estagiário tinha química com os dois pretendentes, dar um pouco mais de importância a alguns personagens que davam certo sentido ao enredo, mas isso não foi feito e as personagens eram apenas jogadas lá, pra que nós adivinhássemos sua utilidade.Apesar das falhas técnicas e do roteiro fraco, tinha uma boa ost, boa fotografia e potencial para ser bem melhor do que foi.
No mais, não tiveram grandes dramas, vilões maquiavélicos e etc, mas não me pegou.
Sinceramente, eu não veria de novo, mas não deixo de indicar, quem sabe os outros tem outra opinião...
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В любимые и пересмотрю еще много раз
Без лишних разговоров - в любимые. На пересмотр. Можно говорить много и долго, но все увидят свое и решит по своему. Для меня это было превосходно. Очередная история от Кореи и идеальной работой всех на изначально кажущемся шаблонном материале. Кастинг снова был идеальный. Я не очень люблю присутствие детей-актеров в дорамах такого жанра, но и здесь Корея делает умных ход, снять все детские серии до начала съемок взрослых актеров. Дети были прелестны. Игра нашей четверки. Особенно главных героев (актеров Ян Джу Мо и Ки Хён У) была просто шедевр. Химия, взгляды, эмоции. Поцелуи и концовка... Восхитительно. А как мило Хён У плакал после съёмок . Это его вторая актерская роль, да еще и главная - он справился. Вторые герои актеров Пак Хён Сопа и Чо Чан Хёна, тоже были хороши. я не буду делать подробный разбор, я просто в восторге.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Se dal punto di vista della trama, della logicità e dello sviluppo dei personaggi non si può dire ci sia stato nulla di epocale, anzi, si sia trattato più che altro di una lunga sfilza di cliché ambientati in ufficio, la carineria dei protagonisti e la freschezza della loro interpretazione ha fatto sì che questo drama potesse consegnarci qualche ora di divertimento.
Entrambi gli attori principali sono più o meno completamente alle prime armi, ciò nonostante, hanno saputo interpretare al meglio questa commediola romantica breve, ma che non manca di nulla. Esiste uno svolgimento, per quanto forse non completamente plausibile, esistono i doverosi elementi di disturbo alla coppia principale, esistono degli obiettivi da raggiungere, che vengono raggiunti, e c'è pure il lieto fine d'obbligo.
Ok, nulla di nuovo sotto il sole e la luna, ma raccontato veramente con tanto gusto e tanto garbo. Forse non ci saranno dialoghi impegnati sul fronte della sociologia e della uguaglianza dei diritti, come accade molto spesso nei BL tailandesi ma, se il compito di questo lavoro era intrattenerci, il suo scopo è stato abbondantemente raggiunto. Promosso.
E, detto fra noi, mi piacerebbe tanto vedere mr "Vengo dall'America e sono tanto figo" in altre produzioni. Penso che ne verrebbe la pena.
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100 cliches forced into one show
I wanted to like this drama so bad because ep 1 was such a strong start. However, this is the polar opposite to Light on Me where the drama gets better with each episode - this one gets progressively worse as time goes. I have to give it to the actors, this would have been way more unwatchable if the actors were slightly less competent. Choi Jun's flirting skills saved the drama, but even then this drama is what I would expect a story written by a teenage girl with a fetish for gay man would look like. The regular misgendering of Lee Jun, the forced love quadruple thing (I will never be convinced that Simon ever liked Jun), fake fiancee that added literally nothing to the plot, they irk me to no end. I can't see myself ever rewatching this.edit on 16/09/24: so I rewatched this because of a clip I saw on tiktok. I have gotta say, all my points from above still stands except for the part about the rewatch value. Because this relied so much on vibes and chemistry, it gets better on your second and third watch because you already know the plot is not going to give you much. However, the chemistry and vibes really shone when rewatching. I found myself highly enjoying every interaction 2Jun have with each other. So if you watched this once and did not like it, I reckon you should give it a second try because my second experience was much more enjoyable than my first one.
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Trop de hype pour rien
Honnêtement, très déçue de ce drama. J'ai vu pas mal de shorts youtube sur drama, ce qui m'a donné envie de le regarder, mais une fois que j'ai commencé, j'ai été très déçue.Premièrement le jeu des acteurs n'est pas terrible et la story line est assez médiocre. Le premier épisode n'était pas mauvais mais le reste était beaucoup plus compliqué à regarder. Il était facile de voir que le manager était intéressé par son ancien ami, mais sans doute à cause du manque d'alchimie entre les deux acteurs (ou alors à cause du mauvais jeu d'acteur), on avait du mal à voir que l'autre personnage principal était également intéressé par son manager. Il n'y avait aucune tension apparente entre les deux personnages, même lors de la fameuse scène où il est assis sur lui (vous comprendrez laquelle).
L'intrigue qui règne auteur du statut de célibat ou non du manager est bizarre et honnêtement, elle se ressentait comme forcée, comme s'ils étaient en manque d'inspiration et devaient juste trouver quelque chose pour rallonger l'histoire et mettre une intrigue.
Tout était tellement fade que j'ai fini par arrêter de regarder le drama au moment où le manager avoue ses sentiments. Les scènes de confessions sont mes préférées mais celle-ci était tellement vide d'émotions qu'elle n'a fait que confirmer ce que je savais déjà depuis le début. Je me suis épargnée la fin évidente que tout le monde connaît déjà où ils finissent par se mettre ensemble car il n'y a aucune occasion de s'attacher aux personnages principaux durant tout le drama.
J'aime les romances de bureau et les schémas friends to lovers, mais là, tout était très maladroit. Très déçue.
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They COOKED then they ATE
This is the KBL series that made me scream from the top of my throat because of fluttery! I think where it stands out the most is how the actors act the scenes genuinely though sometimes there are a bit awkwardness??? (not entirely sure) but the main actors really carried the show and put the awkwardness away that may have been felt by a viewer. It stands out too because it is such a rom-com classic, I swear the scenes are so cute that It'll make you smile even if you're about to be hit by a truck Lmao, just kidding. But no cap, they did really well on acting the funny parts of the series. sure we have different types of preferences, and my preference is this series. I think this series may contend to my no.1 KBL series. IT'S VERY GREAT, THEY DID A GREAT JOB AT DOING THISSSSZZZZ. THANK YOU FOR THEIR HARDWORK. And yes, would DEFINITELY recommend this BL!!!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
cute comfort show
After watching this show for like fifth time I am here giving my opinion and recommendation.Are you looking for a complex plot with drama? Then you're not on the right address, but if you're looking for nice comfy show with pleasing visuals, cute story packed into easily binge-watchable length, you've hit the jackpot.
The story is pretty simple, happening in an office setting. In my opinion it's also pretty funny, two main leads can really act with their expressions well and it's truly a joy to watch it.
There aren't many annoying characters (Chim On, I'm literally looking only at you). People treat each other well (mostly) and it's light and fun. The biggest "plot twists" are happening in the area of jealousy of Choi Jun.
To sum it up, it's an ideal show to watch after a stressful day at uni/in work.
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Apaixonante ❤️
Apaixonante!!!!! uma série perfeita, uma história de amor de infância que se concretizou, houveram alguns mal entendidos, algumas atitudes ruins, e lágrimas, mas o melhor de tudo não houve vilania nem tirania, é uma série incrível, meus agradecimentos a todos os atores pois foram maravilhosos e nos presentearam com cenas de tirar o fôlego, com olhares e gestos de dar taquicardia, essa série vai para o hall das séries inesquecíveis, estou me sentindo muito feliz por ter assistido e já pedindo uma segunda temporada, um capítulo especial, qualquer coisa pra ficar com eles mais um pouquinho.Esta resenha foi útil para você?