Yuan Zhong is a fox high priest. He is an immortal who possesses the divine hand. With it, he defeated the ghost clan and brought an era of prosperity. Jin Tan Yin is an artisan goddess who makes magical artifacts. She descended to earth to kill Yuan Zhong and get back the divine hand of the god Tang Hua. Yuan Zhong is harassed by his own fox clan and Jin Tan Yin decides to help and protect him. The two of them will have to face personal enemies, and a secret will be discovered. Yuan Zhong rescues Jin Tan Yin from a trap. Reunited again, the pair of lovers join forces to defeat their enemies and restore order in the world.

Source: (Baidu /TvMao)
Recomendado por eliteles1
Feng Lai Qi () poster



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  • Classificado: #45277
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  • Fãs: 1,421

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