Just Love this Dating Show
The Beauty of this Dating Show is in it's Pure Simplicity. It is Raw, Natural and based on the Life of Common, Ordinary People. Unlike other Fake Dating Shows It doesn't Focus only on the Physical Beauty or Glamour aspect of a Person or the Commercial Aspect of the show in different Product Placement. It really includes All Varieties of People with Different Looks, Physique, Ages, Profession and Dating History.While other Dating Shows are busy on Bringing more sexual aspect into the So-called Relationship, this Show put Emphasis on more Practical Aspect of Life like Families, LDR and Marriage.
It's really Wonderful to see how single people get a Genuine chance to be in a Relationship in every season based on different theme. I love the Fact that the Participants here are Real and Serious about this Show. Solo Land is really a Beautiful Concept for Dating. I just Love this Show. Season 6 and Season 9 currently are my Favourite. I hope Something like this also be Produced in my Country. I'm Solo Fighting..
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