This drama was a breath of fresh air from the ever powerful, smart, nobody could plot against me leads from 98% of Chinese series.It's rare these days to find leads who are naive, silly, immature, petty, sometimes dumb, make mistakes, live as true youthful individuals who discover themselves in a series of life and death situations and fooled by the biggest villains with noble masks.
The friendships and love relationships built in the first 25 episodes had depth and meaning. Their connection was beautifully written. They all were from different parts of the world yet they chose each other and protected one another as much as they possibly could with little that they possessed. They were kids who no one had faith in. Their words to each other were not sweet but their actions were courageous, admirable, genuine, and beyond the word love. The sacrifices to actions can't be described by words, you have to watch the drama yourself to feel and see. Episodes 26 to the end showed that the youngsters who would bicker all day, run around and play, lived care freely and happily had grown up into responsible, calm, and respected adults YET their hearts will forever be pure and connected.
Yuan Qi, Yuan Qi. It can't get any better with Wang An Yu as Yuan Qi. His eyes, demeanor, to aura was gentle, sincere, full of righteousness, warmth, and love. His love for A Yin never wavered, lessened, or changed with time. If anything, it became stronger, endless, and sweeter. This is a story about a boy who fell in love with a girl and did everything he could to protect her, make her happy, and stay by her side, forever. He chose her over the world without a moment of hesitation.
Zhao Lu Si as A Yin was heartbreakingly good. A Yin loved Yuan Qi unconditionally, no matter what, above anyone and anything else in the world. She was witty, humorous, sincere, caring, selfless, cute, persistent, good hearted, and a great friend. The way she followed Yuan Qi around, ugh, so sweet. No one can be A Yin besides Lu Si, no one.
Hong Yi and Yan Shuang, the second couple, are friends you can never find EVER again in any lifetime. They were the backbone of Gu Jin/Yuan Qi and A Yin/Feng Yin.
Anyway, if it's not your cup of tea, try again next year and again next next year. Sometimes, dramas just hit different depending on the time, but don't miss out on this one. It was pretty well written if you don't skip or skim anything. Even the villains were decent. I'll remember this drama for a long time to come.
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Series is much more focus on romance
This series is like 65% romance, so if your someone who likes romance very much this is for you. However if your into romance but at the same time cares about the world-building or plot wise, then you might not like this series much.The plot is good, however the execution is meh.. I feel like they tried to do a "the long ballad" way for this series, wherein they would also focus on the second couple, though this didn't work for me and instead of getting hooked into second cp it just made me annoyed.
The acting was good, as expected of zhao lusi. The guy who played the ml was also good. Lusi's chemistry with the guy is good. The second couple also did some good acting however the chemistry not so much.
I put the rewatch value on 5.5 simply because i feel like this show is something i could only watch the first time and honestly if i want to watch this, i would just simply watch HDL.
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A Must Watch!!!
A masterpiece. It is the best xianxia drama I have watched. Enjoyed the drama very much and highly recommended. It makes me laugh so hard and cry sadly at times. Thank you to WeTv and iQiyi for a memorable and fantastic 2023 year-end and 2024 new year.Lusi and An Yu has great chemistry on and off screen. Hope to see them act together in a modern drama one day.
The love and friendship shared by Feng Yin, Yuan Qi, Hong Yi and Yan Shuang touched my heart deeply.
Lusi is a talented and versatile actress. An Yu surprised me, his acting improved a lot.
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Zhao LuSi, las cosas que hago por amor
No me voy a explayar mucho.La serie no me gustó principalmente porque la trama parecía medio tirada de los pelos, por todos lados. Toca muchas cosas superficialmente, increíblemente cliché. Los personajes fueron bastante planos y sin desarrollo durante toda la serie. La terminé únicamente por fanatismo.
Cumplió con entretenerme y tener buenos efectos especiales en la mayoría de los casos, pero el guión dejó bastante que desear.
Fue mi primera vez viendo actuar a Wang Anyu, no me desagradó y espero verlo en alguna otra serie con mejor trama.
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Imi plac toate personajele, cum sunt scrise si cum actorii le-au dat viata. A YIN easte atat de dragalasa, de pura, inocenta incat este imposibil sa nu o iubesti. O viata scurta, plina de regrete, dureroasa, nemeritata nu a reusit sa schimbe felul bun de-a fi al micii bestii de apa. Acest personaj ii vine ca o manusa lui Zhao LuSi, cumva imprumuta mult din trasaturile reale ale actritei.
Am asteptat cu nerabdare ca phoenixul sa se nasca, sa-si pedepseasca dusmanii, sa-si poata ierta iubitul, sa iubeasca si sa fie nu am fost dezamagita
Pentru mine, The Last Immortal nu este o alta xianxia, este atat de diferita de ce am vazut pana acum.
Este revigorant sa vezi ca un tanar God poate fi atat de credul, lenes si nechibzuit in adolescenta :). Este tulburator sa vezi alegerile pe care le face, prins intre responsabilitate si dragoste.
Pana la urma, The Last Immortal este povestea unei prime iubiri, cu frumusetea, inocenta si neintelegerile ei, o iubire care transcende timpul, care creste, pretuita pana la sacrificiul de sine
The Last Immortal este o poveste despre prietenie, loialitate, sacrificiu, lupta pentru putere, lacomie, despre cat trebuie sa lupti, despre cum binele invinge raul.
Daca va plac povestile frumoase, care pretuiesc adevaratele valori, aceasta drama este pentru dumneavoastra! As adauga doar ca aceasta drama are cele mai multe si mai frumoase costume pe care le-am vazut vreodata intr-o drama chinezeasca!
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ni mauvais, ni bon...
Critique en mode supra fainéante....1 : L'Histoire ne casse pas 3 pattes à un canard.... l'intrigue n'est pas mauvais mais loin d'être exceptionnelle.
2 : La romance.... Elle est sympathique et aurait pu juste être une romance sympa jusqu'au bout, mais le scénariste a eu la malencontreuse idée de nous ressortir le bon vieux "je t'aime donc je me sacrifie pour toi, mais comme tu ne le sais pas, tu vas me haïr à mort, mais ce n'est pas grave, par ce qu'au final je t'aime quand même donc je me décide à te courir de nouveau après en te suppliant de bien vouloir me pardonner (tout en te cachant quand même tous mes sacrifices) "...bref, la dernière partie vous donne la migraine....
3 : les méchants.....heu.....rien à dire si ce n'est stupide/méchant/et pas très profond....le trio gagnant quoi.
4 : des rôles secondaires adorables et une romance secondaire qui vole un peu la vedette à nos ce n'est encore une fois une dernière partie qui donne la migraine " je t'aimais à en mourir, prête à ne jamais t'avoir, vu que tu aimes ma best pote depuis le début, mais au final je ne veux plus t'aimer donc tant qu'à faire autant être la plus vache possible".... Et pourtant, je les soutenais depuis le début...
5 : Si vous m'avez déjà lu, vous savez peut-être que Lu Si est une des mes actrices préférées.... mais pas ici, pas dans ce drama. Et, Wang An Yu n'est pas mauvais, mais il n'a définitivement pas la carrure pour porter sur ses épaules le rôle du fils d'un dieu puissant....on n'y croit pas une seule seconde et l'alchimie entre nos deux tourtereaux loin d'être d'une passion folle et intense ( en même temps je sors traumatisée par "Kunning palace" et "lost ou forever"...), ne réussi pas à nous faire sourire ou à nous émouvoir...
Bref, un drama qui fait passer le temps, rien de plus.
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The last immortal
Drama Xianxia pertama Zhao lusi, jujur jadi berharap banget di drama ini.Untuk akting cast The Last Immortal overall good Zhao Lusi yang bisa kasih lihat ke penonton perbedaan dari perannya sebagai Ayin dan Fengyin mulai dari mimik wajah, suara dan sikap. Selanjutnya untuk Wang Anyu yang berperan sebagai Gujin cocok banget sih dari sikapnya yang childish, masa bodo dan ga ada tujuan sebagai dewa oke banget nyebelinnya dapet di awal2 episode sampai dia jadi Yuan Qi kita bisa ngerasain dia yang semakin dewasa dan punya tujuan hidup yang lebih besar yaitu mau nyelamatin org2 sekitar dia dan Ayin. Untuk Li Yun Rui peran tengil dari Ajiu pun dapet banget sama juga dengan Jia Nai akting dia pas adegan Ayin yang mau dipunish Yuan Qi berkesan banget ngedukung scene jadi semakin sedih.
Tapi jujur aja kalau acting cast2nya udah oke tapi hal2 lainnya gak mendukung jadi sayang banget ga sih?
1. Cerita
Semenjak drama china sekarang max hanya 40 eps jadi bakal banyak scene2 yang akan dipotong. Tapi jujur banyak banget scene2 yang ga penting dpet durasi yang lama like WHY? Bahkan scene2 dari character yang ga penting2 banget. Di beberapa eps terakhir keliatan banget rush nya padahal dari segi cerita unik dan okee banget.
2. CGI dan editing
Berhubung ini drama Xianxia CGI tentunya jadi main focus juga disini. Sedih sih keliatan banget produksinya buru2 banget keliatan ga profesional CGI dan juga pemilihan scene yg mau ditampilin aneh. Kalau diliat dari BTS drama banyak scene2 yang harusnya bisa terlihat bagus tapi di drama jadi biasa banget :(.
3. Wide angle shot
Aneh banget karena keliatan beberapa kali tim produksi suka ambil shot dari angle jauh contoh wktu perang antara klan merak dan elang, di shot angle jauh jadi keliatan banget sedikit org nya padahal lagi perang 2 klan.
Untuk OST bagus ga ada masalah enak enak semua. Ending dramanya pun masih oke dan Happy ending :).
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very lightly entertaining
I've followed Zhao LuSi for some time and she is on a lightning streak in her career. I never considered her particularly strong as a dramatic actress, but what she is good at are light comic roles, and the early part of this show suits her very well. Wang An Yu stands up well alongside ZLS's star power.Like other epics, this story spans vast stages of time but this show deals with much narrower issues. It begins with the imminent awakening a Fire Phoenix god, whose birth event is disrupted by GuJin, a true god who has yet to arise to his own destiny in the divine realm. He comes across a lowly spirit beast & together they start a journey to revitalize the Fire Phoenix.
I've read that The Last Immortal is a sequel to Ancient Love Poetry, a show I enjoyed very much, but there's not a lot of reference to it. TLI takes a long time to even start approaching the intensity of ALP. The tone changes from light comedy to serious half way through & here's where the leads' lack of depth in their performances become apparent. The story & action also drags noticeably before picking up once more as we enter the second act. However, rather than develop the characters' relationships more deeply, the show deals with all the villians rather early or too quickly, as with the long suppressed demon god. Too much time is spent with everyone firing their energy beams at each other while crying in angst in between. The ending felt somewhat unsatisfactory.
I don't have a lot to say about this show. It's lightly entertaining but the storyline doesn't hold any surprises, the CGI is bad, the costuming so-so, and no deep philosophical questions. It's good that ZLS could have a career in singing (she sings the opening theme song) if her acting doesn't carry her much farther, but this show won't stop her current streak.
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A nicely written story that stood out from the highly convoluted Xianxia dramas in the C-Dramaland.
I have been reading a lot of reviews stating that you will enjoy this drama if you enjoyed 'Ancient Love Poetry' and I cannot disagree to that. However, I wanna say that this surely has better story flow and certainly lesser complicated, dramatic and problematic love affairs. All things being said, I want to emphatically say that this drama has its own strengths and weaknesses so it should never be compared to any existing dramas out there.Although this drama started on a relatively slow phasing, I'd say that they did a good job in gradually making the future events to be more engrossing and attracting. Honestly, up until now I still feel like this drama lacks some interesting events... It do have some, however, in my opinion those moments aren't remarkable and satisfying enough for me to binge watch it all the time; which is both its advantage and disadvantage... Disadvantage simply because we got so used to Xianxia dramas offering more convoluted story lines that can bring our emotions up and crazy, and since this drama doesn't offer those, it makes it look plain and ordinary in comparison to them. But that is also why I mentioned it is its advantage as well. Because by making the story less complicated, it also makes the viewers easily grasp and comprehend what's going on in the story. Making it an easy to watch and a viewer friendly show.
Next thing I wanna talk about is the nice and comfortable chemistry between the main leads. I love their silly and bickering moments the most and I can honestly watch them going at it non-stop. They give me this refreshing vibe that makes me wanna commend both of them for having such great compatibility. Like, Dang! I know Zhao Lusi will nail it but Wang Anyu just destroyed me on how well he executed his character in this drama. His portrayal is insane! More than convincing. I don't know how to put it into words but I wanna say that he is not acting his character because he 'became' his character. He drawned me to him everytime he's on screen; not only because of his visuals but because of how excellent he is in commanding his facial expression, body language and overall demeanor. Not to mention how his expressive eyes can make you feel different emotions and feelings. What an expressionist!
In regards to Powerscaling, CGI, Costume and Design. I would say that it has its good and not so good but not entirely bad moments. I believe they have established and followed through a good hierarchy when it comes to powerscaling but there are some moments when the show demonstrated some inconsistencies. First is when Hua Yan (Peacock King) mentioned that even Feng Yuan (Heavenly Empress who is a demigod ready to ascend to godhood) is no match with his current power but then get injured and captured by a heavily injured Gu Jin/Yuan Qi who is a God himself! Not to mention how he's getting handled by Hong Yi and Yan Shuang (Which if I'm not mistaken are a Senior and Junior Immortals). Additionally, how is Hua Shu (During her Evil god moments) overpowering Yuan Qi a God of Chaos, Feng Yi a demigod and all the other senior/junior immortals? Haha! I also just want add up how some of the power/magic effects looks way too powerless and unsatisfying in contrast to how it should be. They could've added more power and bigger effects to make it look extra convincing, unfortunately they did not. Like... editing team, Hello? What's Up!? and Oh! Before I even forget, Zhao Lusi suffered 2x from that ugly and horrid 'blood spitting' scenes. Grr!
Lastly, I just wanna mention how satisfied at the same time disappointed I am with Lan Feng & Hua Shu's love story. I know that his death helped Hua Shu's character to remain the villain that she is, but I feel bad that Lan Feng was killed on their most special day and was never resurrected. I mean, he's one of the characters I like and truly look up to, as it's fascinating that he remained pure and untainted until the very end. + I love how his unconditional love and affection has become a tool to make Hua Shu realize things and could have turned her into a new leaf 'sooner' only if he didn't get murdered. Anyways, I also like the redemption moment of Hua Shu. Who would have thought that a character as ambitious and scheming as her can turn into such a loving and devoted person. It only shows that anyone can change as long as they're redirected by a commited person who genuinely cares.
P.S. I hereby proclaim that Gu Jin/Yuan Qi is by far the best Xianxia Male lead character for me. This character is as smooth as butter and will always make sure that A Yin/Feng Yin is always safe and sound.
Story - 9.0, This drama has a good phasing/sequencing and although it started 'slow' I appreciate that it didn't hinder them to mess the story up. Alhough it's undeniable that this story lacks some remarkable moments, I'd say that the smooth narrative helped this show and turned it into an easy to watch drama. + I love how they handled their main Villains (Hua Shu and even Ming Qi (Evil God himself). How I wish they incorporated more satisfying moments into this.
Acting/Cast - 9.5, I don't have any issues with the actors and although I personally like Li Yun Rui, I still wanna say that he needs some more acting lessons. He's really good at playing the playful and silly sides of his character unfortunately something is really off whenever he's trying to act out scenes that requires other emotions. Another person I want to talk about is He Kai Lang, he did fine playing the weak and modest Xiu Yan however his portrayals of Ao Ge isn't convincing enough for me. + On the other note I just wanna say that Wang An Yu's charming point is prominent when he's acting all innocent and free of worries. His clear sparkling eyes along with his bright smile was so enthralling it made me believe him immediately. It also made him very easy and comforting to watch. His smile is like a beam of light that gives me unconditional happiness and positivity. Lol
Music - 9.5, The music used are really good and it blended really well with scenes they are played in. It also never overlapped with any of the sequences and even accentuates the emotions and vibe for each one of them. Maybe the reason why I'm not giving it a perfect score is because it didn't contain a song that truly stands out. A song that will make me LSS.
Rewatch Value - 9.5, It was easy to watch thanks to the light and comfortable vibe established by the Actors and actresses with their roles. I never find this boring... I even binge-watched it and could have finished it 4-5 days early only if it wasn't for my work schedule. I also just can't consider this show to be 'extremely' re-watchable because I feel like I must pick up a new one from my unending list of unwatched dramas instead of re-watching it.
Overall - 9.0, I never disliked this drama and although I was influenced by all the reviews I read that compared this with other Xianxia shows, it didn't become a hindrance for me to appreciate it and see the better side of it that are even better compared to the other Xianxia's I have watched so far. The only thing I found missing here is the binge-worthy satisfying scenes that can make me watch parts of it over and over again. This drama is a whole ride of smooth and nicely put up sequences.
IF you find my review helpful please let me know.
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OMG Zhao Lu Si, why????
I watched it because of Zhao Lu Si, as I found her performance in Who Rules the World amazing. This is going from hero to zero. I know she’s meant to have the child like voice, but it was an overkill to a point of me wanting to throw the TV out of the window. Her performance was lukewarm and she did not bring any sparks to the relationship. I am really disappointed. Watching her other works I would have almost believed she is only a character actor who always plays silly girls, but in Who rules the world she disproves that theory.It didn’t help that the story was also boring and ML, who I believe has talent, didn’t bring out his best - probably because of the weak story and serious lack of chemistry with FL .
Worst thing of all is the OST, annoying tune on repeat, nearly drove me crazy when combined with her whiny voice overkill….
I am not sure who failed here - was it the script, the director or the actors being too tired and just going through the motions???
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It was not so bad but Average
I have watched the last 10 episodes of Ancient Love Poetry, so I know about the story from those few episodes & also read spoilers. After watching it, I hated that in The Last Immortal they changed some characters' names. I mean, in many dramas, 2 or more actors play the same character. What's the point of changing their names. Moreover, it's from the same production house why they did it.Zhao Lu Si didn't disappoint me at all. I liked her portrayal of A Yin & Feng Yin. A Yin a low water beast immortal & Feng Yin a phoenix queen.
Wang An Yu did his part well, whether playing a naughty, lazy person who loves to drink Gu Jin or Yuan Qi a true god who has the responsibility of three realms.
Loved the scene of the water beast & Gu Jin's relation is so cute & the way the water beast makes noises is so cute.
Liked A Yin & Gu Jin practice session.
It's cute to see A Ýin getting jealous every time Gu Jin mentions Hua Shu.
Loved Xiu Yan & Ao Ge love for each other & the willingness to sacrifice for each other.
Loved it when Feng Yin & Gu Jin were being lovey-dovey in front of a heartbroken A Jiu.
I cried when Daze Mountain sacrificed themselves.
I hated Hua Shu, she was a selfish and jealous kind of person, but I hated Hong Chou more because she was always interfering in Yuan Qi's life. She thought of herself as his mother just because she brought him up.
I hated that they didn't mentioned about Tian Qi who brought Yuan Qi up. He did so much for Yuan Qi & yet they didn't mentioned about him.
I don't know why people hate ML so much, he clearly did so much for FL, so sacrifices he did. I get it he didn't communicate with her properly, but he loved her enough to sacrifice everything.
In Xianxia reincarnation, misunderstanding & sacrifices are bound to happen. I want a Xianxia drama with zero misunderstandings. Only The Starry Love has zero misunderstanding.
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