De muitas formas, Liang Wei Wei era como qualquer outra garota de sua idade. Ela ia para a escola, saía com os amigos e adorava tietar seu ídolo favorito, Jing Qing. Mas havia um aspecto da vida de Wei Wei que estava longe de ser normal. Dotada de uma força quase sobre-humana, Wei Wei era um atleta de atletismo incrível com um histórico impressionante. Mesmo assim, sua força excepcional não foi o que mudou a vida de Wei Wei para sempre; mas algo completamente diferente. Misteriosamente transportada para um drama histórico estrelado por seu ídolo número um, Jing Qing, Wei Wei não demora muito para perceber que não é a estrela do show. Selecionada como a imperatriz desgraçada que está destinada a morrer no terceiro episódio, Wei Wei se recusa a aceitar o destino trágico de seu personagem. Bem familiarizada com a mecânica do enredo de um idol drama, Wei Wei decide usar seu conhecimento para mudar seu destino. Determinada a se tornar a heroína do drama e ganhar o coração do imperador Jing Qing, Wei Wei vai à luta. Mas desviar-se do roteiro é mais difícil do que ela imaginava inicialmente. Wei Wei conseguirá mudar seu destino e conquistar o coração do homem que ama ou será forçada a aceitar o trágico destino de sua personagem? (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução
- Português (Portugal)
- 한국어
- 中文(简体)
- 日本語
- Título original: 进击的皇后
- Também conhecido como: Jin Ji De Huang Hou , The Queen of Attack Season 1
- Diretor: Wu Cheng Feng
- Gêneros: Histórico, Comédia, Romance, Fantasia
Onde assistir A Rainha do Ataque
Elenco e Créditos
- Wang Lu QingLiang Wei WeiPapel Principal
- Ryan ChengJing QingPapel Principal
- Jackson ShangPrince NanPapel Secundário
- Ma Xiao QinConsort ZhenPapel Secundário
- Hu Yuan SongGeneral LiangPapel Secundário
- Gao Yi[Emperor's mother]Papel Secundário

A Short Drama Full of Surprises and Fun
Although I was unsure of what to expect from this drama when I first started watching it, it really surprised me for such a short drama. There were no drags in the story and the actors did a good job with their roles. Also, the main leads had good chemistry.In this drama, the pace was fast, the humor was light, and the story wasn't boring. In three episodes, this drama managed to include interesting character development, beautiful costumes, and sweet moments between the main leads. If you are looking for a short and funny drama, I recommend this drama.

The drama contains 18 episodes, 9 minutes each. So if everything is summed up it makes 3 whole episodes.
Most of the short Chinese historical dramas doesn't have a solid political background and plot twists. It mostly centers around the chemistry of the main leads. So like any other short drama I also didn't expect much. But surprisingly this 3 episode drama covered both political solid story as well as showed chemistry between the main leads which I hardly found in any 24 or 36 episode dramas.
Short dramas generally doesn't have that much eye-catching costumes. This drama also didn't have varity in costume but the designs of the few costumes that were seen were very good especially of the Emperor and the empress's.
Of course, due to the short period of time the story was not executed perfectly. Since the time was numbered the story had to go fast and it didn't get enough time to develop the characters. But if it was given a few more episodes to execute properly I am sure it would have make a wonderful story and may have become one of my favorite historical drama.
By the way, this drama is available in YouTube.