Octogenários e os anos 90 (2021) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.9/10 de 728 usuários
# de Fãs: 3,809
Resenhas: 8 usuários
Classificado #2748
Popularidade #3959
Fãs 728

Concebido para ser um lar cheio de afeto e amor, o "Lar Raio de Sol" foi fundado há muitos anos por uma doce mulher carinhosamente conhecida como Vovó Lin. Ciente da importância da existência de um lugar onde os idosos muitas vezes esquecidos e negligenciados pudessem viver em paz, Vovó Lin sempre acolheu seus residentes de braços abertos e com um sorriso amigável. Mas, quando é diagnosticada com câncer em estágio avançado, ela não tem escolha a não ser confiar seu amado Lar Raio de Sol à sua neta, Ye Xiao Mei. Assumindo o lugar da avó, Xiao Mei administra o Lar Raio de Sol com o mesmo afeto e amor, cuidando de cada residente como se eles fossem sua própria família. Determinada a dar uma nova vida ao lar, Xiao Mei assume a árdua tarefa de reformá-lo e revitalizá-lo, mas nem todos os moradores ficam animados com as mudanças. Enfrentando este novo desafio com uma determinação juvenil, Xiao Mei sabe que conquistará os residentes com o tempo, mas logo percebe que tem um problema maior em suas mãos. Um problema que atende pelo nome de Guo San Shuang. San Shuang, um vendedor inescrupuloso que espera obter acesso à casa de repouso a fim de ganhar dinheiro fácil vendendo suprimentos médicos aos idosos, hospeda seu avô como residente. Mas Xiao Mei logo percebe seus planos e não pretende permitir que ele explore os outros moradores. Embora os dois briguem com frequência, a energia juvenil dá nova vida ao lar, trazendo com ela a chance de fazer novas amizades, fortalecer laços familiares e até mesmo inspirar um romance inesperado. (Fonte: Viki) Editar Tradução

  • Português (Portugal)
  • 한국어
  • Español
  • Русский
  • País: China
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 43
  • Exibido: Abr 21, 2021 - Mai 16, 2021
  • Exibido em: Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado, Domingo
  • Original Network: Hunan TV Mango TV
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.9 (scored by 728 usuários)
  • Classificado: #2748
  • Popularidade: #3959
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: G - All Ages

Onde assistir Octogenários e os anos 90

Grátis (sub)
China Huace TV
Grátis (sub)

Elenco e Créditos


24 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 15, 2021
43 of 43 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

The Sunset Boulevard

If you have elderly parents, grandparents or great grandparents, you sure can relate with the characters in this drama, each is realistically written with a story to tell. This is a story about a phase that all of us will eventually face one day, that is growing old. It’s frightening for many but inevitable, yet the drama has made it funny, blunting the pain of reality, at the same time, capturing all the details, good and bad, happy and sad, as we may eventually come to terms with when we grow old ourselves.

Sunshine Home is a nursing home taking care of the elderly from all walks of life. Some are ill with dementia and disability, some don’t have children to take care of them, some don’t want to burden their loved ones, but all have a story to tell. This story is told from the perspective of Ye Xiao Mei (Wu Qian aka Janice Wu). How she has come to inherit the senior home from her grandmother is heart-wrenching. As a passionate manhua (comic) artist, Ye Xiao Mei is reluctant to get involved in her grandmother’s mission. However, she eventually comes to understand what that mission signifies and she knows she has the duty to continue her grandmother’s legacy. And life in the senior home has also become the inspiration of her manhua story.

Ye Xiao Mei is intelligent, independent and strong. When others have given up in dealing with certain recalcitrant elderly, Ye Xiao Mei always finds a way, especially with the help of Guo San Shuang (Bai Jing Ting). With her compassion and firmness, she defuses tense situations involving various players. She has no qualm in getting her hands dirty, helping the elderly in their daily needs, dealing with foul temper old men and picky old ladies, and calming anxious ones. Wu Qian (Janice Wu)’s portrayal is amazing. As an actor, she naturally possesses that firm, no-nonsense attitude with a calm hand that fits perfectly into the role of the director of a nursing home. She is so natural and authentic that I have enjoyed every moment of her performance.

Guo San Shuang (Bai Jing Ting) is originally a health supplement salesman who is desperate to meet sales quota, and has scammed the elderly whom he sells products to. His conscience calls, quits his sales job, comes to help Ye Xiao Mei and lives in the Sunshine Home. Guo San Shuang is cartoonish, to say the least. He is compassionate, intelligent with unlimited resources to solve all kinds of difficult problems for Ye Xiao Mei. His sincerity infuses with silliness melts all hearts.

Bai Jing Ting is such a versatile actor. From a wimpy kid (Ping Pong Life) to a police SWAT (You Are My Hero) to a salesman in this drama, he has it all. His acting is immaculate and convincing. Having an adolescent face with youthful energy, Bai Jing Ting’s Guo San Shuang is lovable and funny. He is comical most of the time with funny facial expressions, silly words and deeds, and he is unabashed. He provides the much needed humor that softens the cruel reality of life.

Ye Xiao Mei’s and Guo San Shuang’s romance is slow burning. In actual fact, there is hardly any visible romance at all, though Guo San Shuang is pretty blatant in counting himself as Ye Xiao Mei’s boyfriend and her family his. Though denying their special relationship openly, Ye Xiao Mei’s feeling for Guo San Shuang is undeniable too but she refuses to give him the joy in admitting she is his girlfriend. Therefore, in a way the romance is mutual but implicit, like couples getting to know each other so well that they don’t need to declare their love for each other anymore. They do things together all the time and they share everything. In time, they become part of each other. They know deep in their hearts, they have each other.

Throughout the drama, sharp tongues are thrown everywhere with piercing comments. The dialogues are hilarious, witty and unforgiving, and yet cute and endearing. The dynamics between the old and the young, friends and friends, are incredibly well written and executed. Being young like a grandson to all the residents here, under different circumstances, Guo San Shuang is often being addressed as “sun zi” which has a double meaning; one means grandson and the other is derogatory. It is this type of humor that makes viewers laugh out loud in the midst of chaos.

This drama boasts some very fine veteran actors. Their acting is natural and convincing as if they are the real characters themselves. Overall, the acting by the whole cast is amazing and believable.

Every character has flaws; some more so than others. How the dynamics between the characters play out help make them (the characters) alive, realistic and relatable. Learning and growing are not limited to the youngsters. Even the elderly continues to learn and grow and become better persons.

The sound track “Fearless” (Go Ahead) is played, appropriately depicting the inner voice of Ye Xiao Mei when she faces the biggest challenge of her life – succeeding her grandmother as the Director of Sunshine Home.

My Verdict
This drama boldly tells a story many shun – old age, dying and death. The writing is heart-wrenching and yet very funny. This is a very realistic story that all of us have to face one day and live through. The characters are real, with people from all walks of life, making a living with all kinds of trades – salesmen, debt collectors, scammers, etc. Some are decent people, some are despicable. The elderly is the group that is often forgotten by society. They are gullible and desperate, hence vulnerable, a perfect target for scammers which is highlighted here.

Though old and frail, at Sunshine Home, they are not lonely; they are being loved, cared for and cherished. This is their haven where they seek solace and maintain their dignity.

Life is bitter, and sweet, at the same time. All it takes is the perspective to have more of, or less of, either. Some of the characters here are positive and their lives tend to be sweeter, even when they meet challenges. Some are more negative, and they are bitter, draining themselves and the people around them. As old people were also once young like us, and we will grow old ourselves eventually, we need to be more compassionate towards them and empathize with them, and that's the message of this story.

A well written drama that deserves to be cherished. A great watch!

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11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 14, 2021
43 of 43 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Cute, but slow-paced

Originally, I came to watched this for Janice Wu (Wu Qian) because she's one of my top favs! However, I've come to really like
Bai Jing Ting. This is the first time I've seen his acting and I have to say he portrays his character really well. He's very good with his body language and facial expression--so funny and makes you laugh. Overall, I think the main leads did a great job!

The story:
The story is unique, or at least it is to me. It touches on some nice aspects about life--aging, our elders, and importance of enjoying the time you have. I have a soft spot for old people, so watching this was bittersweet as it made me miss my own grandparents. The show has some cute moments, but the downside is I felt the pace was slow and drawn out. I noticed some people say they got bored and dropped it. This show is more casual, but still refreshing and cute enough to keep me to the end. If you like to see a slower-paced story that involves a lot about all the (main and sides) characters and their development coupled with a slow-gradual romance on top, then this might be the show for you. It's funny, sweet, and maybe even a little sad if you have a soft spot for old people (like me). The romance isn't fierce, but very casual and "realistic" meaning the main characters don't just fall in love right away and have an unspoken relationship that quietly blooms into love. I think it's cute and different from the usual rom-coms. I think this show would've been better if it was more condensed into 24 or so episodes rather than 41.

Edit: Finally finished this series. Definitely need some tissues with some of the episodes. It was very wholesome and sweet. Makes me miss my grandparent. I actually really liked this show and glad I decided to watch it all the way through. It touched on a lot of points about life. If you have time to watch something a bit different than the usual dramas, give this one a try!

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  • Drama: Octogenários e os anos 90
  • País: China
  • Episódios: 43
  • Exibido: Abr 21, 2021 - Mai 16, 2021
  • Exibido On: Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta, Sábado, Domingo
  • Original Network: Hunan TV, Mango TV
  • Duração: 45 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: G - Todas as Idades


  • Pontuação: 7.9 (avaliado por 728 usuários)
  • Classificado: #2748
  • Popularidade: #3959
  • Fãs: 3,809

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