This drama revolves around Endo Keita, a man in his 30s who is transferred from head office to Narita Airport. Most of the staff are women, one of them being Morio Haruko who is completely hostile towards him and Baba Hanae seems to be the only one of the entire female staff who shows him any kindness.
Imaizumi Toshio is Endo's wacky manager who seems completely useless from the start, but he ends up helping Endo slowly learn to be passionate about his job, which is through helping all the customers resolve their troubles prior to their departure!
something completely original from most other dramas that probably isnt everyones cup of tea, but i would defiantly recommend it to anyone who is in the mood for a lighthearted drama about a bunch of people working at an airport with a tone of comady and a little bit of romance thrown in!
oh, and for all you other Yamamoto Yusuke fans out there, this role as the bubbly Edamoto Hisao will not disappoint you!
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