1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 29, 2023
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
The Long Ballad is essentially a story about Dilraba's character, Li Chang Ge, who is ousted by her own country and her plot for revenge to avenge the death of her family at her own home, and she then met a handsome "prince" from the grasslands and fell in love. That is in short what the story is about, at least according to me.

However, after watching episodes after episodes, I kinda like and enjoyed watching the second female and male lead story better than the main couple. Their character development, I thought is much better and you will see them grow and change as the story progresses. The other supporting characters, for me is also more interesting.

Overall, this is quite a good watch. The pacing is good, some episodes end with a cliffhanger to keep you interested. The politics part of the story doesn't interest me as much but I guess it's essential to the whole story. There are some cute moments, especially with Zhao Lu Si's and Liu Yu Ning's character.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 17, 2023
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Un gros coup de cœur (et c'est rare)

Dès la fin du premier épisode, j'étais déjà décidée à adorer ce drama. La suite a confirmé mes impressions et ne m'a jamais déçue. Bien sûr cette histoire n'est pas exempte de bémols (plutôt que de parler de défauts, le mot "bémols" me parait plus approprié, c'est dire le niveau de bienveillance que j'ai à l'égard de cette série), mais ce sont des points négligeables et relativement oubliables quand on considère le drama dans son ensemble, du moins à mon sens.

Je suis davantage expérimentée en dramas thaïs et en BL, de sorte qu'en ce qui concerne les dramas chinois, je ne saurais pas dire si The Long Ballad présente une réelle nouveauté par rapport aux précédentes productions de ce type, les habitués sauraient mieux se positionner sur la question. En tout cas à mes yeux, je pense qu'il m'a offert tout ce que j'attendais depuis mon tout premier historique chinois du genre, intitulé "General and I". Celui-ci était déjà pas mal, mais souffrait de longueurs parfois insupportables (par exemple toute la partie où les deux héros sont séparés, qui dure pendant vachement d'épisodes, ce qui est d'autant plus frustrant qu'ils se croisent à plusieurs reprises sans se capter, pour le coup ils ont bien joué avec nos nerfs...). Entre temps j'ai eu l'occasion de voir d'autres historiques chinois avec intrigues et complots en tout genre, surtout dans un environnement plus domestique (maisonnées, guerres entre concubines...) parfois des scènes de batailles et dans certains cas une dimension aventure plus marquée (Maiden Holmes, Under the Power...) mais aucun ne m'a apporté cette sorte de souffle épique que je souhaitais (re)trouver. Et non seulement il le fait en mieux, mais en plus il présente d'autres qualités qui, mises bout à bout, forment un drama passionnant et très sympathique à regarder.

Pour commencer, les personnages sont loin d'être unidimensionnels (sauf peut-être Ashile Sun qui a un peu du mal à s'écarter de son rôle de héros "bien sous tout rapport" et stéréotypé, mais j'ai l'impression que c'est la manière dont il a été pensé et écrit donc on va pas non plus en faire un fromage...) et surtout très attachants, même les antagonistes. L'intrigue est riche, variée et offre de nombreuses occasions aux protagonistes de se remettre en question, de réfléchir à leurs actes et à leurs valeurs, de se déconditionner si on peut le dire ainsi, et d'évoluer dans le bon sens, à commencer par l'héroïne Changge. C'est plutôt rare et ça donne une autre dimension à cette histoire qui pourrait donc s'apparenter à un récit initiatique, à la manière d'un road trip (et c'est vrai que du pays, on en voit). En cela, le drama nous apporte quelques leçons sympathiques : les apparences sont parfois trompeuses, les vengeances personnelles ont peu de poids face à l'intérêt supérieur de la nation et au bien-être de la population, etc... Les antagonistes eux-mêmes sont bien écrits et attachants, tout simplement parce que leurs motivations sont logiques, et compréhensibles au point qu'on se dit qu'à leur place, si on avait vécu la même chose, on aurait peut-être fait les mêmes choix ou évolué de la même façon. Ici pas de grands méchants caricaturaux, rien n'est vraiment tout blanc ou tout noir, ce qui donne un côté réaliste à cette aventure (car oui, on peut qualifier cette série de vraie aventure). Et dans l'ensemble, il faut noter que les acteurs sont généralement talentueux et naturels, avec parfois des petits tics qui rajoutent encore de l'épaisseur à leur personnage (le gros chef du clan de l'Ours a une façon de tordre sa bouche qui lui est propre, j'ai apprécié ce petit plus).

Les rebondissements sont nombreux et bien amenés. En toile de fond l'histoire a également le mérite d'être étoffée sur plusieurs aspects, avec des moments héroïques, d'autres plus tristes, une galerie importante de personnages aux personnalités différentes qui viennent enrichir le récit, et surtout des caractères féminins bien construits (fortes et déterminées à leurs manières, possédant chacune leurs propres particularités et évolutions), des passages plus intimes et plus personnels de type conflit intérieur, des batailles plutôt bien fichues et réalistes (pas de scène irréelle où un perso reprend son élan en posant le pied sur la fragile feuille d'un arbre). Les combats sont parfois montrés sous forme de BD mais ça ne gêne en rien l'histoire et reste léger, en plus ça nous rappelle que le scénario est adapté d'un manwha donc on peut le considérer davantage comme un hommage au support d'origine que comme un souci de budget. La musique est chouette, et dès le premier épisode j'ai accroché aux sons un peu particuliers qu'on entend dans les moments plus tendus, donnant une ambiance spéciale à l'histoire, ce qui a sans nul doute contribué au fait que je l'ai aimée dès le début. Alors que d'habitude les BO des dramas asiatiques me soûlent, là j'ai tout de suite tilté en mode "ah tiens, ce truc promet d'être nouveau...". Pour continuer sur les atouts, cette série bénéficie de costumes et de décors somptueux, une très belle image et des acteurs principaux aussi charismatiques que jolis à regarder. Sans oublier les deux romances principales très agréables. Si j'ai apprécié l'histoire d'amour entre la princesse en fuite Changge et le général ennemi Ashile Sun (le thème 'ennemies to lovers' pique toujours mon intérêt), ma préférée reste sans conteste la romance qui se développe entre Hao Du le garde froid et zélé, et la timide princesse Leyan. Ces deux-là m'ont faite vibrer et j'avoue sans honte que j'ai un gros faible pour les glaçons qui se dégèlent au contact de la personne aimée. Non seulement l'acteur interprétant Hao Du s'en sort très bien au point que son visage change complètement au cours de son évolution, mais en plus je l'ai trouvé très émouvant durant cette transformation. Bref, c'était mon personnage favori.

Puisqu'on parle des romances c'est là qu'on va évoquer les (rares) bémols : tout d'abord, les commentaires qui ont pointé du doigt l'absence d'alchimie entre Changge et Ashile Sun n'ont pas tort. D'habitude j'y prête peu attention parce cette alchimie est censée couler de source, mais là j'avoue avoir eu du mal à ressentir une réelle connexion entre nos deux protagonistes au début. Il est vrai que pendant la première moitié du drama, leur relation est surtout basée sur un intérêt et un respect mutuels teintés d'une forte dose de méfiance, du fait de leur appartenance à des camps opposés, ainsi que leurs positions hiérarchiques et sociales respectives. Cette distance initiale est nécessaire parce que c'est une question de survie, d'autant que le contexte politique les oblige à faire passer d'autres intérêts avant les sentiments qu'ils commencent à développer l'un pour l'autre. Heureusement vers la fin cette connexion est plus marquée et cela est moins dérangeant, mais cela m'a fait réfléchir à la raison pour laquelle j'ai souvent une préférence marquée pour les romances secondaires. En effet, les couples principaux ont souvent une dimension "héros de papier glacé" ou jolie coquille sans réelle substance, stéréotypée et éloignée de personnages réels (à mon avis c'est sûrement voulu parce qu'on ne peut pas faire n'importe quoi avec des persos qui sont censés nous servir de modèles, j'imagine), tandis que les couples secondaires ont régulièrement une dimension plus humaine et plus intéressante selon moi, ainsi j'ai souvent envie de faire avance rapide rien que pour voir progresser leur histoire. Et ces romances secondaires possèdent un je-ne-sais-quoi que je trouve plus passionnant ou piquant au niveau de leur déroulement, difficile d'identifier cette impression de manière plus précise mais ça m'arrive très souvent. Ensuite, je regrette qu'avec ce potentiel dans les mains, on n'aie pas eu droit à de réelles scènes de baisers. J'ai cru comprendre qu'une bonne partie des acteurs étaient des Idols, peut-être qu'il y a un lien avec ça que je maîtrise mal parce que je ne suis pas spécialiste du genre, mais dans tous les cas le manque se ressent à ce niveau. La série est sortie en 2021, dans la même période on a commencé à bénéficier de plusieurs dramas taggés "steamy kiss" pour notre plus grand bonheur (à commencer par General's Lady où j'ai arrêté de compter les bisous), donc maintenant faut progresser avec son temps et arrêter de nous montrer des couples qui se serrent juste dans les bras, ça fait longtemps que ça ne me suffit plus (et vu qu'ils se serrent dans les bras avec les joues qui se touchent je doute fort que l'absence de baisers soit imputable aux seules restrictions Covid, sinon ils auraient banni davantage de contacts). En gros sur les 49 épisodes, on a droit à une seule scène où des personnages s'embrassent pour de vrai, et encore ça reste timide et il s'agit d'un couple très secondaire. Vous l'aurez compris, sur ce point ça manque de passion et je reste (un peu) sur ma faim. Autre aspect un peu dommage : j'aime beaucoup les histoires qui présentent des personnages féminins déguisées en homme, mais il arrive souvent qu'on n'y croie pas. Et cette histoire présente le même défaut, non seulement on voit clairement ses formes féminines et à plusieurs reprises d'autres personnages ont l'occasion de constater qu'il y a du monde là-dessous (si on attache quelqu'un à un poteau avec une corde, on se rend bien compte qu'il y a un obstacle inattendu au niveau du torse...), en plus l'héroïne a clairement une voix de fille, le comble étant de lui rajouter du rouge à lèvres. En parlant de ça, de mémoire je crois que le seul drama où un cross-dressing est vraiment crédible était The King's Affection. Enfin, j'ai trouvé que l'intrigue commençait un peu à tirer en longueur sur la fin, les événements du début et du milieu m'ont semblé plus dynamiques et s'enchaînaient de façon plus rapide (tiens quand j'y pense, je me demande encore à quel moment le nouveau prince héritier a été intronisé Empereur car ce n'est pas montré, donc c'est bien la preuve qu'ils savent éluder quand ils veulent). Néanmoins je serai beaucoup plus indulgente parce que ça reste quand même bien amené, on s'y ennuie rarement et ça ne concerne que quelques épisodes intéressants malgré tout. Franchement, on a déjà vu des dramas avec des scènes plus longues et barbantes que celui-là. Donc The Long Ballad reste très, très supportable en comparaison, et considérant sa durée le rythme est très bien géré, nous poussant à enchaîner les épisodes jusqu'à une heure tardive même si on se paie une tronche de zombie le lendemain au boulot. Je parle d'expérience.

En résumé, malgré les quelques points de progression que je viens d'évoquer et sa longueur qui nécessite d'avoir du temps devant soi, cette série est un coup de cœur que je revisionnerai à coup sûr. Ca m'arrive rarement quand je regarde un drama chinois (je les trouve globalement sympas mais pas au point de me retaper tous les épisodes), alors c'était une excellente surprise.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 30, 2023
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Incessant war holds little to no benefits for the common man

Li Changge, a princess well-versed in martial arts, escapes out of the palace with a vow to return for revenge. She encounters a hundred different difficulties that test her abilities, her relationships, her trust and most of all, her purpose.

Star-crossed lovers, intelligent, power couple at that with a proper thread of good, interesting plots that wrapped well on the whole and plenty of visually appealing landscapes, awesome cast and acting, and many side couples as a cherry on top - this is a brilliant production. Almost miraculous that something like this was delivered. I didn't find it perfect however. They gave everything they could possibly though - so I guess I'm being a little greedy lmaoo.

Leads - I really appreciate them as characters. I can't say all their actions were without fault, but definitely all their motives, reasoning, and purpose were commendable which made it worth watching. Their romance was okish, not bad but um.. like I said greedy me. But their action was so so good. Both actors have really delivered their very dynamic roles so nicely from start to finish.

After everything, what captured the romance department was a princess and bodyguard couple haha. To be fair, Hao Du & Leyan were excellent so they deserve the credit.

Plot - Each arc was different - in the sense some were better than others. My favourite would be the events in Louyang (I liked it a lot :)), followed by Shuzhou maybe.


While main thread held, there just seemed to be some things that I couldn't not be a little disappointed by or things that were unconvincing. In some instances, FL's abilities working so well, allowing her to move around anywhere & everywhere, escape anything, pretty much a Houdini, only she didn't even have to implement any great tricks to do it every time. Especially when she was a prisoner in Ashile. I wasn't convinced by the ML much in that one either. Not to mention, their romance which was unclear in some places and the way it sometimes influenced the leads but sometimes didn't. Yicheng giving Mimi chances over and over again after getting betrayed every time, seemed to be a classic villain weakness given to smooth things over for later. Like I'm glad about in the good vs evil perspective, but in a critical writing and story wise, not so convincing. And I guess, small things like that here and there.

Overall - 8.5/10

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 25, 2023
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Too long, but still good overall

Damn. I finished this. The middle and the last couple episodes were… long, and I admit that I skipped a ton to get ahead. I think 35 episodes would have sufficed to tell the story; I don’t know why it was nearly 50😭.

HaoYan is indeed an incredible couple. Hao Du is like a pillar, a rock, that’s always been there to protect her. I think it’s because he was also so consistently there that she kind of didn’t think more of it. The competition changed everything though 😏. Even when their feelings weren’t as strong, his highest priority was ensuring her safety, something Wei Shu Yu simply didn’t do. He was so useless in general: losing Le Yan, losing the Crown Prince, losing Chang Ge, not speaking up when he should (Le Yan confessing her love and letting her think he accepts her feelings only to sister-zone her???) etc. Hao Du had to clean up WSY mess, AND he would die for Le Yan, and gladly so (as we see when he joins the competition for her marriage, he does so because he didn’t want her to marry someone she didn’t love – even if it meant she would reject him). Both Le Yan and Hao Du grew over the course of the show, they matured and learned to communicate their feelings and how to trust one another.

I also enjoyed Chang Ge’s and Ashile Sun’s relationship. They were each other’s safe place, and a very smart, calculated couple. It was nice to see them have some sweet moments towards the end of the show.

What I didn’t like:

- The camera work and editing felt very sloppy and unflattering sometimes. Very disappointed in that department. How do you make Dilireba, Wu Lei, Liu Yu Ning or Zhao Lu Si look kinda bad? And why would you waste pretty scenes with a weird light??? Shining brighter than the sun damn.

- The show was too long, and I really didn’t care about the Ashile tribe. I liked A’Sun, but the whole tribe and its inner politics?😬 After a while, I got tired of it, and I also felt like those parts of the middle dragged the most.

Overall, a really nice show that shines due to its stellar acting, great costumes and sets, and amazing music that underlines every situation perfectly. It should have been a little shorter though, and the camera work/editing could have been better….!

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 28, 2021
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

To see and review without moderation!

A truly excellent historical drama, breathtaking, in which we stay hooked without getting bored for a second.

The story is well put together, embodied by great actors (Leo Wu ❤❤❤ et Dilraba Dilmurat). There are multiple twists and turns, but they are well put together and believable. The relationship that is built between the 2 heroes is strong and moving, we are wholeheartedly with them.

The secondary characters are not forgotten (again, the actors are great) and the secondary romances are too cute. Even Mimi's death is sad but consistent in context.

I love the concept of drawn passages (Manga side).

In short, to see and review without moderation!

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Vanessa Flos
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 7, 2022
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5

Revenge will not bring you peace, but friends and love can do it

The long ballad is one of the first Chinese dramas I've ever seen, and after watching it, I was sad that it was over.

+ The atmosphere that carried the story forced me to look further and further, and I don't remember an episode in which event wouldn't take place.
+ Plot almost didn't stand at all and it was very easy to find out where something was going on.
+ Most of the war scenes, as well as several others, were carried in a cartoon version, which only made the whole drama special.
+ There was not a single character that would obstract me at the end.
+ The chemistry between Li Chang Ge and Ashile Sun was evident.
+ Until the last moment, I wasn't know the end.
- At the beginning, Li Chang Ge was little bit annoying, but as I said before, I noticed a big change of herself in the end.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 14, 2022
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

This is perfection.

I finished this show within 3 days, then rewatched again right after. I love absolutely everything about this show to bits (oh well except Mimi!). It is a masterpiece. I have been looking with no success for something equally good or better. Nothing has come close..yet.

First of all, can we all just acknowledge that this show’s cast are not only beautiful but portrayed brilliantly in each of their own roles. I became aware of Dilreba in You Are My Glory, but her performance in The Long Ballad made me her fan. Great performance!

And then there’s Wu Lei, look he didn’t made much of an impression when I first saw him in Fight Break Sphere, and in fact I haven’t finished that show (I have to confess, I watched it because of Xiao Zhan and Gu Jia Cheng), but I kinda got bored. Then I tried TLB out of curiosity, and the the next thing I know I now worship Wu Lei. I never knew him as a child actor so that didn’t influence my bias. Contrary to whatever else were saying, I cannot imagine any other actor playing Ashile Sun. He is and will always be Ashile Sun. Period. Fantastic performance, I can watch him over and over again. The way he conveys his emotions with his eyes. If looks could kill. Oh my goodness. He perfected “the looook”. I also adore his Eagle Division brothers.

The story is phenomenal. Right from the first 15 minutes of the first episode, I felt the spark of excitement and I was hooked. It was truly riveting and every scene with Ashile Sun and Li Changge is impactful. That Cuju game was everything.
TLB had all the elements that I love in this genre, hidden identity, strong FL and ML, intrigue, hidden plots, revenge, war, politics, enemies to lovers. Amazing, it is just amazing. I cannot stress how beautiful the cinematography is as well. Episode 15 with Li Changge’s surrender to Ashile Sun, that scene is epic and beautiful. The soundtrack is also great.

A lot of the gripe that I have seen is the lack of romance. I personally think it just had the right amount of romance. Everytime Ashile Sun shows his love thru actions and words, it gives me the feels. I also wasn’t bothered by that blurred out kiss. And the ending, while everyone were wishing to have more lovey dovey at the end, I think its just fitting.

This must be the longest review I have written to date. Look, do yourself a favor and watch TLB. This one show with some serious epic chops. I haven’t seen anything yet that is just as good!

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Em andamento 18/49
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 10, 2021
18 of 49 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Amazing Cast

I internally debated whether to watch this drama while it’s airing or watch it when it’s completed because I absolutely didn’t want to invest many hours into a 50 episodes drama and then be disappointed by the ending. However, there was just something about the cinematography that presses me to give it a shot and 18 episodes later, I am refreshing sites every hour just to get a glimpse of news, bts or spoilers on new episodes. I am neither a fan of the lead CP, but I am definitely a fan of their acting in this drama. Leo Wu is an amazing young experienced actor and I am so happy to see that he has grown up so well. The story line remains to be seen since we are only 1/3 into the journey, but it has been an amazing roller coaster ride so far. This is the only drama that has motivated me to leave a review, and that speaks volume of how much I am enjoying it.

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Abandonados 30/49
14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 15, 2021
30 of 49 episódios vistos
Abandonados 5
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

Okay to watch if you want to pass the time

Overall the drama was mediocre. A typical strong female revenge drama but failed to give much depth. The show lacks balance between the protagonists and the antagonists. The screen time was dominated with the main leads that it left no room for it's villains and secondary characters. This leaves me feeling disconnected with the drama. Without the focus on other characters the story tends to become irrational and ridiculous. I cannot for the life of me believe that during that era a Prime Minister would let a 15 year old girl command soldiers. Nor can I believe a King would only deploy one guard to find a Crown Princess. If you are willing to throw out your common sense and just want to indulge in looking at pretty people falling in love then this drama is for you. What this drama end up being was two beautiful main leads and their love story because that is the only thing that seems to be shot well in this drama but it's not enough to make me want to continue. The revenge aspect got lost by the middle of the drama and soon you're left with wondering what is the point in all this? Too many simple questions left unanswered throughout the entire drama. It's one of those dramas where you can just watch clips and be fine with it because the story as a whole was disappointing.

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Em andamento 18/49
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 2, 2021
18 of 49 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10


This is an amazing drama!!!!!
It is well portrayed and the storyline is well written. The characters are acted out so well and the cast is chosen perfectly and they have done justice to the characters. It is one of the few dramas that actually make you feels so engrossed into the story that you want to keep watching it to find out what happens next and I have got to hand it out to the scriptwriters and the manhua's author as they have written a great piece of work.
I loved every plot and line the actors spoke and how interesting it felt at every moment and scene. Though I've only watched a few episodes of what they have released but I can tell it will and is gonna be one of my favorite dramas out there. This may also be because I really like the male lead and his works but regardless it was worth the while and time.
The music and ost's were again chosen perfectly the were an amazing fit to the plot, they were made and directed very nicely. Tencent video is actually a very good online video streaming platform where almost all dramas are binge worthy(not too twisted).
I totally recommend watching this and if you want similar works just check out the recommendations I made on the recommendations page.
Hope ya'll definitely check this out!!!

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Em andamento 18/49
Miss Yanyan
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 9, 2021
18 of 49 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

A must-watch drama! One of the best series this year

I really love the story. Raba is an amazing actress and she is perfect as Chang Ge. Raba is gorgeous and has a strong character here. I can't imagine anyone who can play Chang ge perfectly. I've read the manga. I'm thankful that the director gave more depth to the characters in the story. Leo looks like a matured man and I love his role very much. He is really cool as Ashina Sun. Raba and Leo are the perfect couple! I can hardly wait for the next episode. Hope the writer and producer will give a happy ending ( though I don't wish this to end soon haha).
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Abandonados 33/49
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 5, 2022
33 of 49 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

The Long Snore 无聊

This was one long boring Historical CDrama. GF and I kept trying to slog through it, finally throwing the towel in the thirtyish episode. Initially it was sort of decent, the FL is a strong character who is tough and has exceptional martial arts skills. She is hell bent on revenge for what was done to her and her family.

The memorable part of the FL's initial interaction with the ML is the competion with the ML in the Cuju match scene. I really enjoyed the Cuju match which is an ancient sports game going back to the Han Dynasty popular in the military and royalty. I felt it was executed beautifully although I cannot attest to the historical accuracy of the game play.

However, the story line and plotting became a big drag of revenge and messy plotting of political intrigue. Too many filler side stories and dragging things out un-necessarily. No chemistry between the leads, it felt like they would be better as siblings than lovers. The SML character who falls in love with the FL is annoying, not talking about the actor himself but the role. I don't know if the SML role was used as a contrast to the ML as a way to prop up the ML to the viewers; he was weak willed and undecisive. The princess SFL was also weak and fragile. It got annoying when she kept crying all the time, she does mature more later on as she goes through some hardships. The guard dude SML with the princess SFL chemistry was better and the love story between them was more engaging than the leads. You end up rooting more for them than anyone else.

Since its a big budget show, I need not say more on the production quality of the series. The acting was okay, the ML is on the stiff and wooden end of things. The FL and princess SFL did a pretty good job in their roles despite a messy drawn out storyline.

If one has insomnia and wants something to help them fall asleep, this might be the show for it.

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The Long Ballad (2021) poster



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