- Português (Portugal)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
Elenco e Créditos
- Minamisawa Nao Papel Principal
- Kim Sung JeSeong JePapel Principal
- Jung Yoon Hak Papel Principal
- Song Ji Hyuk Papel Principal
- Kim Kwang Soo Papel Principal
- Park Geon Il Papel Secundário

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Kimi ni Love Song wo is a beautiful lovestory with a message behind its first most noticed storyline. While it is a story about love, It also tells the story of the friendship of the band, Helping eachother out when its needed through difficult times. I will be writing a spoilerless review.Sungje is a singer for the band Supernova, However he has always had his flaws in his Japanese pronounciations. After unwillingly failing his song records many times, the song producers decides to put his songs on hold for now asking him to improve his Japanese. He takes a walk along the harbor and comes to meet a girl, This girl doesn't seem to see who he is however. Singing on a song by the korean band Supernova, He is unable to get the sentences to come out right causing the girl Saori to complete his song lyrics with perfect Japanese. Sungje quickly falls for the girl helping him out, And so he asks her a request of her learning him the right way to speak Japanese. She accepts on the condition that he will learn her korean aswell. His feelings develop for Saori while hiding behind somebody elses name, Determined to confess about his real identity. From here on starts a story of heartbreak, Friendship and romance for Sungje, However his happiness won't be one gained without struggling for it.
I found this movie to be really incredible. It had me laughing, crying and making me unable to refrain from smiling at some points. The movies soundtrack was amazing, Into the soundtrack there were original music from Supernova themselves fitting into the story without a doubt. Music was put into the right situations, No music I feel didn't belong in the movie. Great!.
Kimi ni Love Song wo is a story for all out there who are able to take watching romantic tearjerkers. While the storyline is unpredictive it only keeps the watch more amazing. Sung Je's first movie role, Couldn't have been performed any more perfectly.
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The story itself is about a singer called Seong Je who is in a singing group called Choshinsung (or Supernova in real life, take your pick). After having his songs put on hold due to his Japanese pronunciation not being very good, he meets Saori. Saori is blind and does not recognise her idol, instead offering to help him with his Japanese pronunciation. In a matter of days the two fall in love blah blah blah. And then, additionally, behind the frontal love story there is an idea of friendship in the band and sticking together when times get tough. This part didn't touch me in quite the same way the initial love story did, but it was still quite cute to see the guys have each other's backs - despite them all moaning at Seong Je when he told Saori his name was Jae, I mean give the lad a break.
However, I think what really made this film what it is, is the ending. Now I think I might accidentally ruin the ending here so skip to the next paragraph if you don't wanna know, but I can't explain my love for this film without mentioning the ending. Most storys where the life of the lead character is in danger always end in happy endings, and strangely this always leaves me with a sense of disappointment. This film doesn't do that. This film makes sure you fall in love with the lead characters, it makes you root for their happiness and their love and then it tears out your heart and leaves you in a puddle of sadness whilst you cry your poor souls out. Yeah. That's a pretty accurate description. But that is what makes this movie so good, is that instead of making everyone happy, it throws real life straight back in you face. More movies and dramas should follow the lead of this one. The only other story which made me this sad yet happy which I can think of right now, is the Chinese TV series, Scarlet Heart - but I was crying through 90% of that anyway.
Any way, this is a simple movie, yet it can move your heart. I didn't expect much from this movie as I'm not a massive fan of Japanese produced films and stuff, however it is now one of my favourite things to watch despite the fact my heart breaks a tiny bit whenever I watch it. Definitely would recommend, whatever your taste in shows/films is :)
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