Acting/Cast: This drama was one of Yang Mi's first dramas, as she acted in this when she was still a 1st year college student. Her age contributed greatly to the first half of the drama and gave us a very innocent and pure Wang Zhao Jun whose inner nature matched her outer beauty. However, for the latter half when Wang Zhao Jun became more independent and an important link between the Xiongnu and the Han, a more experienced actress could have done better. I have no complaints for the other characters, overall a good cast with a good choice for the female lead.
Music: Didn't really stand out, just the usual Chinese historical music.
Rewatch Value: This drama is mostly a one-time watch drama, watch it for the story but I don't think anyone really needs to watch it a second time.
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Yang Mi … a naturally gifted actress
A desert flower, hailed as one of the four beauties of ancient China during the Han Dynasty. Wáng Zhāojūn 王昭君, played beautifully by the Young Yang Mi 杨幂 is a great character for the inner strength of women even in Ancient Times. Symbolic of Cultural Unity of marriage between the Han and the Hun. Wáng was admired for her peacekeeping powers, on how one woman was more effective than an army, married off by force to the evil Xiongnu chief, who threatens invasion unless he is given Wáng. (Aptly comparable to the Iliad - Helen of Troy, where men go to war because of beauty, in a quest for the fairest in the land). The series was truly exquisitely astonishing and wonderful to watch from beginning to end, as the Very Young Yang Mi (also a certified legendary beauty in China), then still in her teens, innately and naturally gifted as a thespian, was truly vibrantly in character and already top notch in her portrayal of Wáng Zhāojūn.Esta resenha foi útil para você?