Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 6.8/10 de 44 usuários
# de Fãs: 125
Resenhas: 1 usuário
Classificado #36080
Popularidade #99999
Fãs 44

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  • Português (Portugal)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • dansk
  • País: Philippines
  • Tipo: Movie
  • Data de Lançamento: Set 3, 2007
  • Duração: 1 hr. 48 min.
  • Pontuação: 6.8 (scored by 44 usuários)
  • Classificado: #36080
  • Popularidade: #99999
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 18+ Restricted (violence & profanity)

Elenco e Créditos


0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 3, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Another Pinoy movie, this time as the narration and memories of an older man. And also about the "fairy". A low-budget film where I had to look for that "something", but I found it gradually. In any case, he is typically Filipino, often incomprehensible to others or at least happy to give a low rating. But I can take these pictures, even if they are usually of lower technical quality than copies, and I understand why the creators shot it like that and like that, and with my colleague monvim when working on the translation and correction (Czech), I also perceive details that are not visible after one viewing and two nominations at the 2008 film festivals indicate that the picture does not belong in the trash can.

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  • Movie: The Man in the Lighthouse
  • País: Filipinas
  • Data de Lançamento: Set 3, 2007
  • Duração: 1 hr. 48 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 18+ Restrito (violência e palavrões)


  • Pontuação: 6.8 (avaliado por 44 usuários)
  • Classificado: #36080
  • Popularidade: #99999
  • Fãs: 125

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